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Course on Architecture


Coursework on Architecture Theme: panel two-story 4-apartment residential building in Kemerovo

Project's Content

icon архитектурамоя.doc
icon Кровля.bak
icon Кровля.dwg
icon Перекрытия.bak
icon Перекрытия.dwg
icon План.bak
icon План.dwg
icon Разрез.bak
icon Разрез.dwg
icon Рамка.dwg
icon Стропилы.bak
icon Стропилы.dwg
icon Фасад.bak
icon Фасад.dwg
icon Фундаменты.bak
icon Фундаменты.dwg

Additional information


In the current market relations, capital construction is moving to low-rise. Within the framework of this trend, as well as taking into account the use of modern materials: structural, finishing, roofing, a two-story panel four apartment building has been accepted for development.


A two-story panel four apartment building was adopted for development.

Height of the entire building + 8.842 m

Floor height + 3,000m

The first floor is composed of two apartments. Their technical indicators:

Apartment No. 1:

Total area 68.3 m

Area of ​ ​ residential rooms 46.1 m

Corridor area 8.7 m

Balcony area 5.04m

Sanitary units are separate: the bath and washbasin are in one room, and the toilet in the other room.

The roof structure is made using wooden layered rafters. Roofing material - galvanized roofing steel. Overall dimension 1420х710х4. Slope of 20˚. Drainage from the roof - organized due to water intake funnels and drainage pipes.

Apartments are of the same type, standard.


3.1 Foundations

Tape prefabricated concrete foundation consists of two elements: a pillow made of reinforced concrete blocks of rectangular or trapezoidal shape, laid on carefully sealed sand preparation 150 mm thick, and a vertical wall of blocks in the form of concrete rectangular parallelepipeds. The depth of foundation laying depends on the depth of ground freezing.

The specification of the foundation elements is given in Annex 2 below.

Windows and doors

The design of the windows must meet the thermal requirements - this is important not only for the preservation of heat, but also for eliminating the possibility of freezing and blowing of glass. In addition, the design of the windows should provide sound insulation from external noise. Standard dimensions of wooden windows and balcony doors of residential and public buildings are given in GOST 11214-86

The dimensions of the doors are set depending on the purpose of the building, the height of the premises, as well as taking into account the capacity of the doors for the passage of people, the carrying of furniture and equipment. Dimensions of external doors are set by GOST 2469881, internal - 662988.

The specification of the window and door opening filling elements is given in Annex 1.

Floor slabs

As slabs we use multistage reinforced concrete panels, which are laid on cement sand mortar. Minimum depth of floor slabs support is 90mm. Moreover, it should be taken into account that the ventilation ducts should remain free. They are brought to the roof and taken to the pipe. Not covered areas are ground with cement sand mortar.

The slab features are listed in Appendix 2.


The roof is equally inclined four-pitched from wooden elements.

- mauerlat - wooden bar 120 × 120 or 180 × 180

- rafter leg - 50 × 50. 80 × 80.

- mare - 50 × 80 (provides overhang of the roof relative to the outer wall by 500 mm)

- skate bar - 60 × 60. 80 × 80

- bed - 120 × 80 (laid in the middle under the rack)

- rack - bar 60 × 60. 80 × 80

- braces - 60 × 60. 80 × 80 (located to the post at an angle 45˚).





Document No.



Depending on the material, the roof slope is selected. For a galvanized steel roof, the slope will be an angle of the order of 20˚. The smaller the outer porosity of the material, the smaller the slope of the roof.

The pitch of the rafters: 600,800,1000,1200. The rafters should be laid out so that the ventilation ducts remain free. Near the ventilation ducts, install spacers located from the veins. channels at a distance of 300350 mm.

Items marked in the architectural part:

1- rafters leg 80 × 120 × 5700 ;

2- rafters leg 80 × 120 × 4200;

3- rafters leg 80 × 120 × 2100;

4- rafters leg 80 × 120 × 4100;

5- rafters leg 80 × 120 × 3400;

6- mauerlat 80 × 120 × 14400;

7- mauerlat 80 × 120 × 11400;

8- mare 80 × 120;

9- skate bar 60 × 80 × 9000

10 unsigned elements.

3.6 Roof

The roof has a slope of 20˚, since the material of the roof is galvanized roofing steel. The drainage is organized due to water intake funnels and drainage pipes.

3.7 Pipe space

Ventilation shafts are brought to the roof and taken into pipes measuring 510 × 640 and 640 × 1070 from well-burnt ceramic bricks measuring 120 × 250 × 65

3.8 Stairs

The stairs in the project are made of five elements: four staircase marches in size: the length of the march is 2700, the width of the march is 1050,1200,1500 and the inter-storey platform in size: the width of the platform is 1200, 1400, 1600. Site operating height is 200, 220 mm. The space between stairways shall be at least 200 mm. Height of riser 150, tread length 300 mm.





Document No.



3.9 Balconies, loggia.

The balcony in modern buildings is arranged with a length of up to 1 m.

In the project under development there are two balconies on the floor.

3.10 Exterior and interior decoration of the building.

The interior surfaces of the walls are in most cases finished by painting or pasting them with wallpaper. To prepare brick walls for decoration, they are lined with sheets of gypsum or wood-fiber dry plaster.

A list of the decoration of the premises is provided in annex 4.

The outer surface of the walls will be plastered and painted with universal emulsion bases in light yellow. The basement is facturized with cement sand mortar for natural stone (cobblestone).

The panels are facturized at the factory, then the finishing base is applied and painted twice in light yellow.


Water supply - domestic, from the external network, design head at the base of 35.0 m.

Sewerage - household in the city network, internal water drain with release to the pavement.

Heating - central water with steel convectors of the Accord type, coolant temperature 105... 70˚S.

Ventilation is natural.

Hot water supply - from the external network, design head at the base of risers 39.0 m.

Gas supply - from the external network to the cookers.

Power supply - from the external network, voltage 380/220 W.

Lighting - filament lamps.

Communication device - telephony, radio broadcasting, collective television antennas.

Drawings content

icon Кровля.dwg


icon Перекрытия.dwg


icon План.dwg


icon Разрез.dwg


icon Рамка.dwg

icon Стропилы.dwg


icon Фасад.dwg


icon Фундаменты.dwg


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