Commercial Complex Internal Power Supply Project

- Added: 28.03.2014
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Working project. Drawings, Note
The project addresses the issues of internal power supply and lighting of premises, the building of the temporary trade pavilion at the address: St. Petersburg, Severny Prospekt, 16, building 4. The project is based on: architectural and construction drawings; assignments of the related departments of O.V. and V.K.; Consumers are classified in the III category of reliability of power supply, since the pavilion building is a temporary structure. Supply voltage 380/220V, transformer neutral - dead-grounded. Power is supplied to the building via one overhead line (see separate external power supply design).
Project's Content
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Additional information
Electricity metering
Commercial accounting of power consumption by building consumers is carried out at the point of balance demarcation with a power supply organization - a meter installed in the GRL (one three-phase electronic meter CE 2727, 220/380V, 510A, with its current transformers, in one-tariff mode). Other counters are technical
3. Diagram and Power Electrical Equipment
For power supply of the building consumers, GRF is designed.
SGN is installed in electrical panel room on metal welded frame made of channel N10.
External supply cables come to the crossbeam installed on the building wall, and through the cable shaft they are lowered into the shield room, and then to the input panels of the GRF.
In the panel room on the outer wall there is a box with the Main grounding bus "(GWB).
Each of the subscribers located in the building is provided with an independent BRU, which is fed from the building's GRF. In total, the building has four VRU.
Electrical receivers are powered from 380/220V network with TNCS grounding system. Power lines of three-phase consumers are made with cables with five cores, single-phase consumers - with cables with three cores.
Power networks are performed:
1) open in corrugated pipes and in trays behind suspended ceiling;
2) hidden in corrugated pipes behind giprock walls; in suspended ceilings in corrugated pipes
cable with copper cores with minimum section of 2.5mm2. All cable branches are made in terminal boxes.
Passages through walls are made in pipes.
Sockets are installed hidden at a height of 0.3 m from the floor; in trading rooms - depending on equipment location (for elevations see plans). Cable drops from suspended ceiling to sockets are hidden, in corrugated pipes, and in trading rooms - in boxes by columns.
All 220B sockets have a ground contact and a protective device that automatically closes the sockets of the socket when the plug is removed.
4. Electric lighting
The lighting of the premises is selected in accordance with the instructions of SP 311102003, SNiP 230595 and the Customer's wishes.
Rated illumination, types, number and place of lighting fixtures installation are shown on the electrical illumination plan.
Lighting networks are laid hidden in corrugated pipes (which do not propagate combustion) behind suspended ceilings by a cable with copper cores with a minimum section of 1, 5mm2. All cable branches are made in terminal boxes.
Passages through walls are made in pipes.
Switches are installed concealed at the height of 1.0m from the floor. The cable drops from the suspended ceiling to the switches are hidden, in corrugated pipes behind the lining of the walls from giprock.
Lighting is controlled by switches located at the entrances to the illuminated rooms.
In the room of the water metering unit, the design provides for working and emergency lighting performed by lighting fixtures with filament lamps, as well as the YATP0.25 box with step-down transformers for portable emergency lighting.
External lighting is designed by GO17 floodlights with DNaT lamps. For installation of lighting fixtures, refer to the plan of external lighting. Control of switching on and off of outdoor lighting is designed using manual control from the security room. To do this, a control cable for control of the RBW panel is laid from the electrical panel room. Outdoor lighting network is protected by RCD.
On the floor corridors and in the trading rooms, working and evacuation lighting is designed, made with lamps with fluorescent lamps.
Light fixtures installed above the entrances to the building are powered from a separate group. Lighting fixtures above the entrances to the building are controlled automatically from the photodetector with the onset of the dark period of day or manually from the shield. Lamps are served from ladders.
5. Specifying safety measures
The trade pavilion belongs to the category of electrical installations with a voltage of up to 1000 V.
Protection of electric receivers from short circuits and leaks to the ground, protection against electric shock is organized in accordance with the requirements of the PUE as for an electrical network with a dead-grounded neutral of the TNC S type.
At the input to the building, a potential equalization system is made. To do this, a hinged cabinet with GZSH copper tires is installed in the panel room on the outer wall. The GWN conductivity calculation is given below.
The PEN conductor of the supply cable is connected to the PE busbars of the GRF. Sheena PE GRSHCH unites to GZS the zero protective conductor from PV 3 wire - (1х50).
The following conductive parts are connected to the GWN:
• metal pipes of utilities included in the building (hot and cold water supply, sewage and heating). Connection is performed by PV3 wire; 1х16. If water meters, gate valves or flange joints are installed on metal pipes, bypass bridges made of strip steel with a section of 5x20 mm shall be installed in these places. The bridge is welded directly to the pipe or to the clamps mounted on the pipe;
• lightning protection system. Connection is performed to the ground connector of the lightning protection system by copper wires of FP 3; (1х50). Reinforced concrete structures of the building foundation, a steel strip laid in a trench along the perimeter of the building and vertical grounding wires are used as the ground conductor of the lightning protection system..
• steel structures of cable cable routes. Connection is performed by IR wire 3; 1х16.
Ventilation metal ducts shall be connected by PV3 wire; 1x4 to PE bus of ventilation control cabinets
All contact connections in the main potential equalization system shall comply with the requirements of GOST 10434 for contact connections of class 2.
Sockets power supply groups are provided with RCD with leak current setpoint 30mA.
All metal parts of the equipment, normally not energized, must be connected to the GZSH.
Zero working and zero protective conductors of group lines are not combined. Zero working and zero protective conductor shall not be connected in electrical panels for common contact clamp.
All cable branches are made in terminal boxes.
When selecting switching equipment, the PUE requirements for permissible long-term currents for cables and wires, as well as the technical characteristics of the protected equipment, are taken into account. The cable section selection is based on the conditions of provision of permissible voltage loss, maximum permissible heating and selective operation of protective equipment.
Check of automatic operation at single-phase short-circuit current.
Protection of the most remote electric receiver (lamp) is provided by automatic circuit breaker S251B16A with thermal and electromagnetic disconnectors (I.p. = 16A).
For a machine with a time-current characteristic of type "B," the response time of the electromagnetic disconnector, at a current multiplicity K.Z. of 5 and more, is less than 0.1 s, which meets the requirements of PUE para. 1.7.79 (the maximum permissible time of protective automatic shutdown for the TN system at a nominal phase voltage of 220V is 0.4c). In this case, the multiplicity to the single-phase short-circuit current is 254/16 = 15.9; therefore, with a single-phase short circuit, the actuation time of the protective machine will be less than the permissible PUE 0.4 s.
Grounding and lightning protection
External ground system of the TNC supply network. TNCS distribution network internal grounding system. All distribution and group boards are equipped with 2 grounding buses: N - working and PE - protective.
In accordance with the "Instruction on lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications..." (CO 15334.21.1222003) a designed project is subject to protection against direct strokes of lightnings and a drift of high potential through land and underground metal services:
• arrangement of current leads from lightning intake net at least 20 m along the perimeter of the building and no closer than 3 m from the entrances
• by laying the bypass duct from horizontal electrodes in the ground at a depth of 0.8 m around the building at a distance of 1.0 m from the wall
• arrangement of vertical electrodes with length of 5 m each of angular galvanized steel 50x50x5 mm at points of current leads connection to the external grounding circuit
• reliable connection "on welding" of all elements of the device for protection against direct lightning strikes.
As a natural lightning-receiving grid, the project took metal floor beams.
Protection level - W, reliability of protection against direct lightning strikes (PIP) is accepted 0.9.
To protect against high-potential drift through external ground and underground metal communications, they must be connected at the entrance to the building to the ground protection device against direct lightning strikes.
The resistance of the grounding device shall not exceed 4 ohms.
11. Organization of operation
Organization of operation of electrical equipment, which is on the balance sheet and in operation of the Consumer, shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the "Rules for operation of electrical installations of Consumers."
The limit of operational responsibility and balance between the consumer and the power supply organization for the condition and maintenance of the electrical installation is established in accordance with the demarcation act.
Operation of the Consumer's electrical installation shall be carried out by trained electrical personnel. To do this, in the Customer's staffing table, it is necessary to have two maintenance electricians with a tolerance of at least 3 PTB groups trained in the Kubanenergo system.
All electrical equipment used shall have a degree of protection corresponding to the category of the room according to the degree of danger of electric shock.
Operation of electrical installations and compliance with safety procedures is carried out in accordance with the current "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers" and "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety regulations)," instructions for electrical equipment and in accordance with local instructions.
Prior to operation, the rooms shall be equipped with standard fire protection and electric shock protection kits.
Protective equipment shall be inspected and stamped with the dates of the next inspection. In prominent places, instructions and posters for providing first aid to victims of electric current should be posted.
The maintenance personnel shall be obliged to:
- monitor the technical condition and integrity of cable facilities, shields, lamps, sockets, explain to users the need for careful handling of equipment;
- monitor the level of network loading, prevent connection of unauthorized loads, as well as portable electrical appliances (drills, etc.) and blocks (socket extensions) without inventory numbers;
- carry out timely prevention of electrical equipment, as well as measurements and tests in volumes and within the time frame stipulated by PET norms P M - 016 - 2001.
Maintenance of lamps is provided from stairs and ladders.
Permanent duty in the electrical panel is not required.
Upon completion of works it is necessary to draw up concealed works inspection certificates in accordance with VSN 12390.

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