• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 2

Design and calculation of internal water supply, hot water supply and internal sewage system of the building


The course project consists of a graphic part and a calculation and explanatory note.

  1. Table of contents (with pages).
  2. Design task.
  3. Characteristics of the water supply system.

4. Calculation of the internal water supply network.

  1. Characteristics of hot water supply system.
  2. Determination of heat flow rate for hot water preparation.
  3. Calculation and selection of water heater grade.
  4. Hydraulic calculation of internal hot water supply network.
  5. Characteristics of the internal and yard sewage network.
  6. Hydraulic calculation of sewage network.
  7. List of literature used.

Project's Content

icon водоснаб.dwg
icon водоснаб-Модель.pdf
icon Vodosnabzhenie_i_vodootvedenie_s_osnovami_gidravliki.pdf

Additional information

Drawings content

icon водоснаб.dwg


icon Vodosnabzhenie_i_vodootvedenie_s_osnovami_gidravliki.pdf

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