Installation and connection of standby power supply sources, diesel power plants for the complex of buildings of MBUZ "GBSMP of Rostov-on-Don"

- Added: 19.08.2019
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Project under "Power supply system. Backup power supply from DGU "for installation and connection of standby power supply sources, diesel power plants for the complex of buildings of MBUZ" GBSMP of Rostov-on-Don "at 344068, Rostov-on-Don st. Bodraya, 88/35, is performed in accordance with the norms, rules and standards valid on the territory of the Russian Federation Federation. This part of the project solves the issues of backup power supply from diesel generator plants (DGU) of the MBUZ complex of buildings "GBSMP of Rostov-on-Don." The project was executed on the basis of the architectural and construction assignment, the technical assignment of the Customer. The technical solutions made in the project conform to requirements of the environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire protection and other standards operating in the territory of the Russian Federation and provide operation of an object, safe for life of people, at observance of the actions provided by the project. All construction materials produced at the deposits (crushed stone, sand, etc.) used in earthworks must undergo radiation control and meet the requirements of radiation control of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The results of radiation monitoring shall be transferred to the Customer and the representative of the Author's Supervision prior to the commencement of work. All electrical equipment used in the design shall have a certificate of quality, conformity and fire safety. When developing the project, the following regulatory documents were used: - "Rules for the installation of electrical installations" - PUE, 7th edition; - a set of standards GOST R 50571; GOST R 50571.1-2009 (IEC 60364-1-2005) Low-voltage electrical installations; - GOST 53315-2009 "Cable products. Fire safety requirements "change 1. - SP 256.1325800.2016 Code of Rules "Electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Design and Installation Rules "(Updated revision of SP 31-110-2003. Code of Rules "Electrical Installation of Residential and Public Buildings Design and Installation Rules") In accordance with Table 6.1 of SP 256.1325800.2016 Code of Rules "Electrical Installation of Residential and Public Buildings. Design and Installation Rules "(Updated revision of SP 31-110-2003. The set of rules "Electrical installations of residential and public buildings of design and installation rules") of the building of medical and preventive institutions belong to the second category consumers in terms of reliability of power supply, electric receivers of operating and maternity units, departments of anesthesiology, intensive care and intensive care, laparoscopy, bronchoscopy and angiography, fire safety devices and security alarms, evacuation lighting and hospital elevators - belong to the consumers of the first category electricity supply category.
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