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Clutch disassembly (assembly) bench

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Thesis project. 9 drawings, note

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1. Analysis of the business activities of Elite LLC

1.1. General farm information, natural conditions

1.2. Size of production and structure of land use

1.3. Production Efficiency Analysis

1.4. Equipment of the farm with fixed assets

1.5. Machine and Tractor Fleet Analysis

2. Status of the question

2.1. Maintenance and Repair Planning and Warning System

2.2. Technical Service Development Concept

2.3. Development of technical service at the farm level

2.4. Development of technical service at the district level

2.5. Proprietary maintenance of machinery

2.6. Prospects for the development of the repair and maintenance base

3. Process Part

3.1. Calculation of the annual workshop program

3.2. Production Cycle Schedule

3.3. Define Workshop Mode and Time Pool

3.4. Calculation of workshops and departments. Composition of offices and support areas

3.5. Technical process of tractor repair

3.6. Calculation and selection of equipment

3.7. We define the production areas of the repair enterprise

3.8. Calculation of auxiliary areas

3.9. Calculation of lighting of production areas

3.10. Ventilation calculation

3.11 Calculation of workshop heating

4. Design Development

4.1. Analysis of proposed bench for disassembly (assembly) of clutch couplings

4.1.1. Bench Arrangement

4.1.2. Principle of bench operation

4.3. Cost-effectiveness from bench application

4.4. Design assessment for compliance with safety requirements

5. Project Feasibility Study

5.1. Technical and economic indicators


6.1. Occupational Safety Objectives

6.2. Occupational Safety Analysis at Elita LLC

6.3. Safety precautions during repair works

6.4. Fire safety


8. Literature


The development of agricultural production, the increase in transport volumes, the need to carry out work in a certain time frame put high requirements on technical readiness for road transport.

The ever-increasing need for repair of cars, tractors, combines and their units, changes in their structures and design of technological equipment, as well as the constant improvement of machine repair technology, require continuous improvement of the repair base in agriculture, construction of new and reconstruction of existing repair enterprises. The design system of repair enterprises is designed to exclude the possibility of using non-efficient construction technologies, cost-effective enterprises and ensure strict justification of organizational, technical and technological parameters of repair enterprises.

Improving the quality of repair work can be achieved by increasing the volume of work, using modern equipment, modern technology, highly qualified workers, as well as by modernizing obsolete repair and technological equipment, improving labor organization, better layout of sites and organization of jobs, strict adherence to progressive repair technologies.

1.1. General information about the economy, natural conditions.

Land use of the economy is located in the southwestern part of the Idrinsky district. The central farm estate is the village of May Morning, remote from the district center at a distance of 12 kilometers, from the nearest railway station Kuragino 153 kilometers.

The farm is connected to the district center by a paved road. The nearest repair and technical enterprise is located in the village of Idrinsky. Inside the farm there is a network of country roads.

Elite LLC specializes in the production of meat and milk. In agriculture, the economy is engaged in the cultivation of grain crops, corn on silage, perennial and annual grasses.

External and domestic communication - telephone.

According to natural conditions, land use refers to a cool agroclimatic area with excessive humidification. The average annual temperature is -10 C, the annual rainfall is 461 mm. The warmest month of the year is July (the average temperature is + 18, the coldest is January (the average temperature is - 210 C). frost-free period of 100 days. The onset of the first freeze is noted in the first decade of September, the last - at the end of the third decade of May.

The average height of the snow cover is 27cm. snow falls in mid-April.

The prevailing wind direction is southeast.

The terrain of land use is characterized by great diversity, despite the complexity of the terrain of land use, flat erosion is slightly developed. Soil flushing is observed on steep hillsides.

On the arable land site, the relief everywhere allows all mechanized work provided for by the technology of cultivating crops in this zone.

On the territory of the farm there is a significant network of rivers and streams. The most significant source is the Syda River flowing along the northern border of land use. Its width ranges from 10 to 50 meters, the depth is up to 2-3 meters.

In the southern part of land use, the Karasuk River flows, which is a left tributary of the Sydy River and the Telek River, which in turn is a tributary of the Karasuk River. The Telek and Karasuk rivers are small, their width varies from 1 to 3 meters, the depth is from 0.4 to 1 meter.

Botanicogeographically, the territory of the farm is located in the forest-steppe zone.

Land cover is diverse. Chernozem is predominant leached. The mechanical composition is dominated by soils with a heavy coal composition.

Status of the question

2.1. Maintenance and repair planning and warning system.

Experience and practice shows that the efficient management of repair and maintenance of machinery in agriculture is due to the rational organization of repair production. At the same time, the most important controlled parameters of rationality are the level of functioning of the planned preventive repair and maintenance system, the structure of types of repair and technical impacts, organizational conditions determined by the place and degree of centralization of repair operations. [1]

The planned preventive repair system adopted in our country represents a set of organizational and technical measures to maintain equipment in constant readiness for work at the minimum possible production costs. [3]

The planned system is called because all types of maintenance are carried out after a strict set operating time of the machine or after it has completed a certain operating time, according to a previously drawn up schedule.

The warning system is considered because it provides for a strictly regulated periodicity and mandatory composition of technological operations, which provide for the occurrence of technical malfunctions, increased or emergency wear and tear of machine parts.

The generalization of the experience of ensuring high efficiency and efficiency of the use of machines and equipment shows that similar systems and standards are developed and applied in almost all sectors of the national economy, fully justify themselves and bring great economic effect.

The study of the organization of the planned preventive repair system in agriculture confirms that its essence is to maintain the operability of machines and mechanisms during their service life with a certain set of preventive sequential maintenance and repair operations. It should be noted that it is important to carry out the full scope of operations of all types of technical services in the prevention of emergency wear and failure of machines causing an increase in overhead costs. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in the volume of current and overhaul repairs, as well as the elimination of failures during operation and, ultimately, a reduction in the cost of maintaining the equipment, the overhead costs in the form of lost profits.

However, despite the fact that the need for such an approach has not been proven for many years, the issue of improving the level of functioning of the planned preventive system for the repair and maintenance of machines in agriculture is very slow.

In a significant part of collective farms, state farms, agrochemical service associations, the timing of number plans for technical services is violated, the list of operations is not carried out in full. Therefore, the effectiveness of preventive work is sharply reduced. Technical readiness of machines is ensured mainly due to repair only after emergency breakdowns.

Naturally, the cost of repairing equipment as a result of emergency breakdowns is much higher than standard.

Studies have found that as a result of the incomplete volume of maintenance operations, violation of their deadlines, the proportionality of the specific gravity of types of repair and technical impacts is distorted. If the labor costs for operations of all types of technical services are 52% of standard, then their current and overhaul are 2.6 and 1.7 times higher, respectively.

The low level of operation of the planned preventive repair and maintenance system, together with the increase in technical equipment, structural complexity and disproportionate increase in the cost and productivity of the new machines supplied to it, is the main reason for the increase in repair and maintenance volumes.

In accordance with the planning and warning system, the entire scope of work for maintaining agricultural machinery in working condition can be divided into two main groups. The main goal of the first group of works is the complete restoration of the technical life of the machines, their units, units. It will include overhaul of complete equipment and their components: complete disassembly of machines, restoration or replacement of worn-out parts, running-in, adjustment, testing according to technology and technological conditions close to industrial production. Tractors, cars, mills should be sent for overhaul if most units and units need to be restored.

The main task of the second work group is to preserve the resource and partially reimburse it.

These works include the operational running-in of new and repaired machines, during their use, scheduled maintenance, ongoing repairs during their non-use. At the same time, operational run-in is carried out in order to draw in friction surfaces, joints of units and bring them to the state providing further natural wear. Scheduled maintenance is carried out as a set of mandatory operations for systematic inspection at certain intervals of operating time of the machine technical condition.

As a result of these checks, as well as elimination of deviations, a state is ensured in which technical, economic and operational indicators are maintained within the specified limits.

Due to the wide introduction of technical diagnostic tools and methods in the performance of each maintenance operation, it is mandatory to check the technical condition of the serviced unit or unit, and the maintenance itself (adjustment, lubrication, etc.) is carried out according to demand. Scheduled maintenance, depending on the scope of work and the periodicity of their performance, includes daily maintenance, periodic technical inspections, the main purpose of which is to monitor compliance with technical operation rules, check the actual technical condition of the machines, the possibility of their further operation or the establishment of the need for repair.

Thus, the operation of the planned preventive repair and maintenance system of its application provides savings in material and labor resources for maintaining high technical readiness and restoring lost operability.

2.2. Concept of technical service development.

The greatest effect of the use of machinery and equipment, especially complex and expensive, with which agriculture is intensively saturated, can be obtained if the technical service is properly organized in the country.

Technical service - the process of providing the main production with machines, equipment and devices, effective use and maintaining them in good condition in the position of the entire period of operation.

Technical service includes: consumer demand study, advertising, timely and reliable information about machines, equipment and devices; pre-sales preparation, delivery, assembly and installation of equipment; guarantee of quality of new and repaired equipment, guarantee and responsibility of partners for performance of work and services, etc. [2]

The form of organization of technical service depends on the peculiarities of the machine (its complexity, seriality, transportability, etc.) regional features, the state of the repair and maintenance base and other factors.

Of the variety of existing and emerging technical service structures, forms and methods, the most viable are those that provide for the priority of the owner of the equipment and the mutual benefit of the parties.

At the same time, repair and maintenance enterprises act as intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers of equipment, working with them on the basis of long-term agreements on mutually beneficial conditions .

The concept of development of technical service in modern conditions provides for:

Mandatory participation of the manufacturer of machines, equipment, devices in the performance of a set of technical service works to fully and timely satisfy the requests of the equipment consumer.

A reliable economic mechanism with a self-accounting basis, a wide variety of functions, forms of ownership and organization of labor with the mutual interest of the parties.

Optimization of the location of the network of enterprises and technical service industries in the regions of the country, their approach to the consumer.

Creation of opportunities for various consumers of machinery in agriculture to freely choose the performers of repair and maintenance work through the development of the service market.

Provision of services to extend the service life of machines, purchase from the consumer of equipment that was in operation, its restoration and sale at preferential prices with a guarantee.

Fundamental improvement in the supply of spare parts, equipment and materials.

Development of technical service at the farm level.

Technical service at the farm level is mainly the organization of efficient use, storage, maintenance and repair of machines. In the coming years, the bulk of the maintenance and repair of equipment will continue to be carried out on the spot by repair teams with the participation of a machine operator or operator.

There are reserves for improving the efficiency of farm service in the field of improving the organization of labor and the economic mechanism, organizing machine-tractor cooperatives by farmers, creating specialized repair cooperatives, and developing rental forms of production organization.

The primary task is the organization of repair shops (sections) at each enterprise and the additional equipment of the units and units operating with the creation of the necessary exchange fund, the creation of special ones. enterprises for the repair of mass equipment, organization of production of spare parts for imported equipment.

Compensation for repairmen should depend on the results of the main production, and not on the number and volume of repairs.

2.4. Development of technical service at the district level.

The rational use of the potential of technical service at the district level for the benefit of enterprises can and should give a tangible positive result.

Special equipment and highly qualified personnel allow district complexes to carry out such work with high professionalism that many farms are not able to do. Moreover, by its position, the district complex will be able to play a key role in the entire system of technical service in agriculture, solving the widest range of issues.

District technical service units in agriculture will perform intermediary functions between consumers and manufacturers of equipment, functioning at the existing repair and technical and supply enterprises, their workshops or stations.

In each particular region, the circle is formed locally in accordance with the demand for services from enterprises. The technician must be able to select some form of service.

Drawings content

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