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Clamping device for milling grooves on the shaft

  • Added: 29.12.2021
  • Size: 907 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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This project presents a clamping device for milling grooves on the shaft.

The part is placed in a clamping device, then a pneumatic actuator is used, it clamps the part securely in the centers.

Project's Content

icon Приложение.docx
icon Chertezh_detali.cdw
icon Приспособление1.cdw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon записка фрезерование.docx

Additional information



1 Part machining process route

2 Calculation of cutting modes, forces and cutting power

3 Justification for selection of accessory elements and devices

4 Design diagram and power calculation of the accessory

5 Calculation and selection of mechanized drive parameters

6 Strength calculations of accessory parts

7 Selection of design parameter of accessory accuracy

8 Setting tolerances on the links  of the dimension chain


9 Description of the device design and principle of its operation

List of literature used

Appendix A


Machine tools are called additional devices for metal cutting machines, which allow most economically in given production conditions to provide the requirements for the accuracy of the dimensions, shape and mutual position of the workpieces laid down in the design of the part.

Machine tools include devices for mounting and securing workpieces on machines, devices for mounting and securing a cutting tool on machines.

In modern manufacturing, the role of such devices is so large that in many cases the devices "merge" with the machine so that it is difficult to find a border between the machine and the device. However, there are many typical devices in the form of separate independent units, which are manufactured in specialized plants.

Correct installation of machined parts in the device is achieved using special installation elements. However, the position of the part determined by the setting elements can be disturbed during processing under the influence of cutting forces. To prevent this from happening, the part is fastened in the device using special clamping devices.

In addition to these elements, the devices use: dividers designed to change the position of the workpiece in the device without violating its position of the workpiece in the device without violating its position relative to the tool; parts and control mechanisms intended for

Select calculation parameter

Design parameters of fixture accuracy are:

1. Tolerance of plane D parallelism relative to plane B.

In the part drawing, there is no requirement for the forehead perpendicular to the end plane.

Slot has size 20H15, tolerance on it is T = 840 mcm.

Perpendicular tolerance of slot T = 0.24 mm.e for actuation of devices.

Drawings content

icon Chertezh_detali.cdw


icon Приспособление1.cdw


icon Спецификация.spw


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