Tool for clamping machined parts on milling machines
- Added: 27.04.2015
- Size: 35 KB
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Devices for milling machines according to the type of table feed are divided into devices for machines with rectilinear, circular and complex copy feed. According to the degree of alignment of auxiliary time with the main one, these devices are divided into two groups: 1) devices in which, when processing parts, auxiliary time is combined with the main one; 2) devices in which this time does not coincide during processing of parts.
Devices for milling machines are universal, universal-prefabricated, universal-adjustment, group and special. According to ENIMS, the main time spent processing parts on milling machines in various types of production is 50-80% of piece time. Large reserves for increased productivity in machining of parts on milling machines are revealed when replacing old structures of devices with a manual clamp with new devices with a mechanized drive for clamping and expanding the machined parts.
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