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CB Heating and ventilation of filling stations

  • Added: 20.08.2021
  • Size: 582 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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General Instructions

1. The project was developed on the basis of the terms of reference and architectural and construction drawings

2. Detailed drawings are made in accordance with the following regulations

documents: SNiP 2.08.02-89 *, SNiP 41-01-2003, SNiP 31-05-2003, GOST 21.602-2003


1. The project provides for supply and exhaust ventilation, in the trading room, server and personnel premises-air conditioning.

2. Air exchange in auxiliary and domestic premises is determined by standard ratios

3. Air ducts to diffusers are made of flexible and galvanized air ducts and are laid behind set ceilings.


1. Design external temperatures are accepted for the heating system in the cold period of the year - tnar. of air -40 ° С

2. Due to the inability to connect the facility to the heating network, heating building

designed with the help of electric convectors and IR heaters.

3. Heat consumption for heating is accepted with a coefficient of 1.07 for additional heat losses by radiator sections of external enclosures, as well as taking into account heating of external air supplied through windows.

4. The design provides for automatic maintenance of the assigned air temperature in the room. For this purpose heating devices are equipped with mechanical temperature controllers.

5. Install heating and ventilation systems as per SNiP 3.05.01-85.

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