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Gas station fire alarm project

Project's Content

icon 000-01-ПС_ПЗ.doc
icon 000-1-ПС 01.dwg
icon 000-1-ПС 02.dwg
icon 000-1-ПС 03.dwg
icon 000-1-ПС 04.dwg
icon Спецификация.xls

Additional information

3 Automatic fire alarm and fire alarm

3.1 General part

This set is developed on the basis of the design assignment * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Working drawings of the PS grade set are developed in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

NPB 882001 * "Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Codes and Regulations ";

NPB 10403 "Design of fire warning systems for people in buildings and structures";

NPB 11003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm";

GOST R 21.17032000 "Rules for performance of wired communication equipment working documentation";

RD 2595390 "Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, security, fire alarm systems. Schematic Symbol Symbols ";

PUE2001g. "Electrical Installation Rules."

The need to install an automatic fire alarm and the selection of fire detectors depending on the purpose are determined in accordance with NPB 882001 *.

3.2 Purpose and principle of automatic fire alarm

The automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect fires, notify people about a fire and call fire safety personnel on duty.

3.3 Main technical solutions adopted in the project

In order to ensure timely detection of fire in the Control Room building, the installation of the "S20004" type control and security fire control device (PPKOP) is provided.

The instrument "S20004" is installed on the wall, at the elevation of not less than 0.8 m and not more than 1.5 m from the floor level according to NPB 882001.

As fire detectors, fire smoke detectors of type IP2donbass 5 are adopted at the exit of the room, a manual fire detector of type IPR3SU is installed.

3.4 Fire alarm loops

Selection of wires and cables for fire alarm loops and connecting lines is made in accordance with the requirements of PUE, NPB 882001 *, requirements of technical documentation for fire alarm system devices and equipment.

Fire alarm loops are made by independent communication wires and installation cable with copper cores with diameter of at least 0.5 mm.

Automatic integrity control of wires and cables along the entire length is provided.

3.5 Fire Warning System

Fire alarm device generates commands for "Fire" signal output from at least two automatic fire detectors.

When a fire is detected, the receiver-control security firefighter generates a fire signal and activates the fire alarm system.

Fire warning system corresponds to the second type of EMSS systems as per NPB 104-03

The method of notification is voice.

Alert control modes - automatic.

Fault monitoring mode - automatic.

The fire warning distribution network is made by a wire with copper cores with a diameter of at least 0.75 laid in PVC boxes along the walls and ceiling.

3.6 Power supply

According to the degree of reliability of power supply, electric receivers of automatic fire extinguishing plants and fire alarm systems belong to the first category in accordance with the Rules for the device of electrical installations. Power supply of electric receivers is carried out in accordance with PUE taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 14.3, 14.4.

The BIRP12/4 unit is used as an additional standby power supply source of PPKOP. Its operation ensures the device operation in standby mode for 24 hours and in "Alarm" mode for at least 3 hours.

3.7 Protective grounding and grounding. Safety requirements

Elements of electrical equipment of automatic fire extinguishing plants and fire alarm systems meet the requirements of GOST for the method of protecting a person from electric shock.

Protective grounding (grounding) of the electrical equipment of the fire alarm system is performed in accordance with the requirements of PUE7 edition and technical documentation of the manufacturer.

Drawings content

icon 000-1-ПС 01.dwg

000-1-ПС 01.dwg

icon 000-1-ПС 02.dwg

000-1-ПС 02.dwg

icon 000-1-ПС 03.dwg

000-1-ПС 03.dwg

icon 000-1-ПС 04.dwg

000-1-ПС 04.dwg

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