Canteen Ventilation Project

- Added: 30.08.2014
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Additional information
Section Contents:
General Part and Source Data
Heating and ventilation
3 –
Automation of engineering systems
6 –
General Part and Source Data
This project for the reconstruction of the dining room ventilation system of Ramensky GOK was developed on the basis of the design task and in accordance with the following regulatory documents:
SNiP 230199 * "Construction climatology";
SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of buildings";
SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures";
SNiP 23032003 "Noise Protection";
SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";
SNiP 41032003 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines";
SNIP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";
MGSN 4.1498 "Catering Enterprises"
Climatological data
Construction site: Russian Federation, Moscow region, Ramensky district
Design temperatures:
For the calculation of enclosing structures: t = 28 ° С
For heating system design: t = 28 ° С
For ventilation system design:
warm season: t = + 26.3 ° C, I = 54 kJ/kg
Cold season: t = 28 ° С
Heating period:
Duration: 214 days
average heating temperature: t = 3.1 ° С
Humidity zone - "normal"
Wind speed in the cold season - 3.8 m/s
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
2.1. Heating
The calculated indoor air temperatures in the cold period of the year are as follows:
+ 25S - shower;
+ 18 ° С - s/knot, wardrobe, cold, vegetable, meat and fish workshop, hot workshop (outside working hours + 5 ° С), washing;
+ 12S - dry food pantry
Existing heating system: vertical, single-tube, with lower wiring of supply and return lines above the floor floor, dead end.
The heat supply source of the building is an external heat network with 95S70S parameters, connected through a heating system through a heat station.Heating system coolant: water with parameters 95700С. Circulation - pump room. Cast iron section radiators MS140108500, 500 mm high, are used as heating devices. and smooth tube registers.
Air removal of the heating system is carried out through Mayevsky type cranes installed in the upper radiator plugs of each device.
Main heating pipelines are laid openly, in heat insulation.
Pipelines and lines of the heating system are made of steel GWP and electric welded pipes according to GOST 326275 * and GOST 1070491.
Heating and heat supply system makeup - centralized.
Heat insulation material for main pipelines of heating and heat supply systems with temperature up to 95 ° С - "Thermaflex."
2.2. Ventilation
Mechanical plenum ventilation is provided in all rooms.
The following air exchange is accepted in the rooms:
Dry products storeroom - 1-time air exchange (by drawing);
Dining halls - for assimilation of heat supplies, but not less than 3 times the air exchange of the hall;
Vegetable, meat, cold shop - 3 kr. inflow, 4 kr. exhaust;
Washing - 4 kr. inflow, 6ti kr. extract
S/knot - 50 m ³/hour from the toilet;
Hot shop - as per process assignment;
Shower - 75 m ³/hour from the grid
For detailed information on indoor air exchange, see the annex to the Explanatory Note and the detailed drawings (Sheet OB2).
As plenum and exhaust units, Dospel installations in the suspended version are used, it is possible to use installations of other manufacturers. The outside air in the cold season is cleaned in the filter, heated in the heater and supplied to the serviced rooms.
Air ducts in serviced rooms are laid closed in suspended ceiling and open. Steel adjustable diffusers and grids are used as ventilation grids.
Air ducts for ventilated rooms are made of rolled sheet galvanized according to GOST 1990474 * on folds. Connections on flanges with rubber gaskets, flexible air ducts are adopted in separate sections. Accepted metal ducts - class "P."
Heat insulation material for air ducts of plenum systems - "URSA" and mineral wool mats with cover layer. Other thermal insulation systems may be used. All thermal insulation systems shall comply with fire safety standards.
Noise and vibration protection measures:
Plate and tubular channel silencers of domestic production are installed on plenum and exhaust systems.
Ventilation units are provided with good acoustic characteristics and are installed on vibration isolating bases.
Design air speeds in air ducts are accepted within 3-6 m/s, in grids and diffusers - 1.5 m/s. Due to this, the sound pressure level is not more than 30 dB.
Fire prevention measures for systems design and equipment placement:
When crossing fire barriers with a rated fire resistance rating, fire-retardant valves with automatic, remote and manual control are installed on the air ducts in accordance with the fire resistance of the crossed fence.
fire resistance of transit air ducts and shafts is accepted depending on the place of their laying in accordance with the SniP requirement;
when crossing fire barriers with a rated fire resistance limit, it is provided to install fire-retarding valves OX160RV (Arctic) with electromechanical and manual control on the air ducts in accordance with the fire resistance of the crossed fence.
In case of fire, mechanical plenum and exhaust ventilation systems are automatically disconnected.
Measures for energy saving and efficiency of CW systems:
heat removal of heating devices is regulated by thermostats (in the future);
the operation of the plenum units is automated, the temperature of the plenum air is controlled by sensors ;
air conditioning systems monitor parameters of heat carriers (cold carriers) and maintain design parameters of air and heat carriers in automatic mode;
ventilation units are controlled by frequency regulators .
Automation of engineering systems
The section provides for automation of engineering systems that ensure the operation of the building:
ventilation and air conditioning;
All specified systems have:
automatic control of process parameters;
control of process parameters;
blocked start-up/shutdown of electric drives included in the process diagram carried out by local automation systems, which are later combined into a single dispatch and control system;
testing of electric drives operation with electrical section control equipment (for three-phase electric drives).
Automation and dispatching of these systems are carried out on equipment and automation equipment of domestic and import production, which has a certificate of use in the Russian Federation. Circuit solutions can be performed on relay equipment and using controllers.
Basic PC equipment or dispatcher boards are installed in the central control room. Automation panels (including controllers) are installed on the periphery, in the immediate vicinity of the corresponding engineering systems.
In the case of engineering systems with complete control and automation devices, the outputs from the local controllers shall have an interface allowing its integration into the building dispatching system (determined at the detailed design stage).
The amount of information transmitted to the central dispatcher console is specified at the detailed design stage and may include a complete translation of the status and operation signals of the systems to be automated.
Automation systems are equipped with the following instruments:
ambient temperature sensors;
pressure sensors of the corresponding measuring range;
differential pressure switch;
duct relay.
Local automation boards are installed in process rooms, where process systems to be automated are located, namely:
technical rooms and console rooms
Cables are laid in the space of the sheet ceiling, on steel structures and on walls (with clamps attached) and in vertical shafts of inter-storey utilities. It is possible to combine routing of dispatching cables with control cables (EL set) and communication cables (CC set). In justified cases, cables shall be laid in protective pipes.
Automation cables from sensors, actuators, local control posts and junction boxes to local panels are laid by process equipment (with clamps and clamps attached), by walls (with brackets attached during single laying) and by metal structures (during group laying), including in the space of the basement ceiling.
Plenum ventilation and air conditioning systems are provided in the rooms of the GOK canteen.
Including systems:
conditioning (local);
Fire-retardant valves shall be installed at crossing of fire barriers by vents and vents. Valves are controlled automatically in the fire response mode by the signal from the fire alarm system, and remote and manual control is also provided.
Ventilation and air conditioning systems with central air wiring are controlled from the central control room of engineering systems .
The automation system provides:
interlocked start-up of electric drives of ventilation system, outdoor air damper, air release and recirculation;
coordinated control of air release dampers;
heating of outdoor air dampers (when dampers with seal from frost-resistant rubber are used, heating is not performed);
control of temperature in supply air;
system operation in "zimaleto," "dispatcher - from automation board," "dispatcher - in place," "day night," etc.;
group start of the system from the local automation board or from the dispatcher console;
disconnection of ventilation systems in case of fire.
In case of fire, the signal for shutdown of ventilation systems is transmitted from the fire alarm system. Disconnection of ventilation systems is carried out according to the zones defined in sections AR and CW by the presence of fire-retarding walls and barriers, preventing the possibility of fire propagation from places of fire. Signals are transmitted using fire alarm control modules.
Fire retardant valve control panels are installed in control rooms.
Automation of exhaust fans interlocked with supply systems is carried out by contacts of intermediate relays of blocked supply systems.
Automatic actuation and disconnection of the electric drive of the fire-retarding valve - from the signal from the fire panel post.
The dispatcher panel receives information (light alarm) about the state of fire-retarding valves ("open. - close ") (see section PS).
In normal condition, fire retardant valves are open.
In addition, the dispatcher has the ability to manually disconnect all ventilation systems at the same time and close fire-retarding valves on ducts and shafts. In this situation, the control level from the dispatcher takes precedence over the actions from the local automation boards and local control panels in the serviced rooms.
The local automation board displays the following information:
system operation (generalized signal);
system accident (generalized signal);
about the state of electric drives ("open closing" and "on-off") individually for each drive;
about the selected operation modes ("zimaleto," "main-standby," "dispatcher - from the automation board," "dispatcher - in place").
The following information is transmitted to the dispatcher console:
system operation (generalized signal);
system accident (generalized signal);
about actuation of reserve;
about the selected operation modes ("zimaleto," "dispatcher - from the automation board," "dispatcher - in place").
For systems that are intended for centralized management, the manager has the ability to individually control the switching on and off of systems in group mode for each system.
In accordance with NPB 882001, for the timely detection of a fire, an automatic fire alarm system is provided, covering all rooms of the building that are not equipped with a sprinkler fire extinguishing system.
As stationary equipment, an address microprocessor station is designed with Russified software from Honeywell, Securiton, Schrack.
The station performs the following functions:
determination of fire presence and location;
displaying the corresponding information on the display;
actuation of air pressure and smoke removal systems in case of fire (if any);
disconnection of general ventilation in case of fire;
continuous automatic serviceability check of the whole system with output of messages, event recording, alarm about possible malfunctions and their elimination;
Printout of all messages and related graphics with date and time
signalling of termination of external power supply;
uninterrupted operation of the system with preservation of all functions for at least 48 hours from the moment of its shutdown;
alarm on power supply disconnection of fire pumps (if any);
actuation of evacuation lighting and light indicators of evacuation direction;
activation of voice and lilac fire warning;
output of a fire signal to the nearest fire station.
Smoke and heat detectors are used as terminal devices in all protected rooms (the type of detector is determined by the purpose of the room in accordance with NPB 882001 Appendix No. 12).
All the above-mentioned detectors have unified basements, which ensures their prompt replacement when the purpose of the protected room changes.
Manual push-button detectors are installed on escape routes and at exits to staircases. All detectors are addressable. For fire warning in technical rooms and in the parking lot, sirens are provided, which are included in the fire alarm station. Voice announcement is designed in other rooms.
The fire warning and evacuation system (EPSS) is included in the fire protection system of the building. Type 111 EPSS is accepted for the building and includes the following notification methods:
Actuation of light annunciators is performed automatically at actuation of automatic water fire extinguishing and fire alarm units.
To notify people in the building about the fire and organize their timely evacuation, a network of voice and sound fire warning is designed, covering all rooms with people staying.
Inter M , PHILIPS or RCF station equipment shall be installed in the premises of the security post next to the fire alarm station and shall perform the following functions:
transmission of pre-recorded voice evacuation messages using tape recorders (main and standby);
live broadcast of messages via microphone;
possibility of independent or circular transmission of messages on zones (floors) in accordance with a predetermined notification scheme;
maintaining system operability until people are fully evacuated;
possibility of manual and automatic switching on and selection of warning zones.
Sound emitting devices are connected to the distribution network directly without volume controls and any connectors.
List 1.dwg

List 2.dwg

List 3.dwg

List 4.dwg

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- 01.07.2014