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Calculation of the vertical drilling machine 2H135



1. Purpose, brief description of the device and operation of the specified type of equipment; description of the fundamental kinematic diagram…………………….……..5

2. Determination of the main parameters of the equipment……...………………………...8

2.1 Design of the machine drive……………………………………………...8

3. Safety regulations, environmental protection, and resource conservation during the operation of the equipment…………………………………………………………………….11

List of references…………………………………………………………………....13

Project's Content

icon Общий вид вертикально-сверлильного станка модели 2H135 _ РГР1.МОиИдляСР.МС-
icon РГР моиидляср.docx
icon Общий вид вертикально-сверлильног о станка модели 2Н135 _ КР.ТО.МО31.2016.

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