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Wagon-platform for transportation of large-capacity containers - course


One-storey store

Project's Content

icon спецификация2.cdw
icon Курсовая.docx
icon Платформа. Чертеж общего вида.cdw
icon Рама платформы. Сборочный чертеж.cdw.bak.cdw
icon спецификация1.cdw

Additional information


Introduction 6 1 Formulation of main technical requirements

to platform wagon for transportation of large-capacity containers

2 Calculation of linear dimensions and determination of main dimensions

car parameters

3 Clarification of car parameters by results of inscription -

flattening it into a dimension

4 Design of the main components of the car

4.1 Car Frame Arrangement

4.2 Internal and external equipment of the car

5 Calculation of spring suspension characteristics

6 Determination of the required ratio

friction friction damper from

conditions for smooth running of the car according to irregularities of the IV type

7 Design of vibration damper based on

required relative coefficient value


8 Calculation of the strength of the car frame for action

longitudinal loads of mode III

8.1 Determination of load values and their application diagram

8.2 Initial data for calculation

8.2.1 Selection and justification of finite element type

8.2.2 Define Material Characteristics

8.2.3 Construction of geometric model of car frame,

generating a finite element mesh

8.2.4 Setting of calculation model anchorages

8.2.5 Setting the loads of the design model

8.3 Calculation and analysis of calculation results

8.3.1 Calculation of the car frame model for active loads

8.3.2 Analysis of calculation results

9 Determination of forces acting on wheelset in

track curve and check of wheel stability margin



List of sources used


In this course work, the design object is a platform car for transporting large-capacity containers. The basis for the development of this car is the task in the discipline "Design and calculation of cars" No. 404.

When designing, the mandatory stages are the formulation of the main points of technical requirements, calculation of linear dimensions, design of the main components, description of the frame structure, description of the external and internal equipment, calculation of the characteristics of the spring suspension, design of the vibration damper and calculation of the strength of the frame for the action of longitudinal loads of the III mode.

The car is a complex system consisting of a large number of nodes, the reliability of each of which ensures the safety of goods, rolling stock, track and other railway transport infrastructure. To design the car, you need knowledge of the course of higher mathematics, theoretical and applied mechanics, material resistance, knowledge of the ANSYS program, COMPASS - 3D, the Windows operating system, the ability to work in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.

When developing a geometric model of the platform car frame, the ANSYS program is used to calculate the effect of longitudinal loads.


In this course project, the main parameters of the platform car for transporting containers were investigated and taken into account.

The main components of the car are designed. The spring suspension characteristics were calculated, the required coefficient of relative friction of the friction vibration damper (0.1005) was determined. It turned out to be more than the minimum permissible, which means that the friction damper will extinguish the disturbances of the car moving along the irregularities. A friction damper is designed, the forces acting on the wheel pair in the track curve are determined, and the safety factor of the wheel pair against derailment (1,805) is determined. It has been established that at this value of the stability coefficient, the car is resistant against derailment. The platform frame strength is calculated for longitudinal loads. The maximum stresses that arose in the frame of the car at the time of impact (269 MPa) turned out to be less than permissible (279 MPa), which means that the car is able to withstand the impact of such a force.

An assembly drawing and a frame drawing of the designed car were also made (Annexes 1 and 2).

Drawings content

icon спецификация2.cdw


icon Платформа. Чертеж общего вида.cdw

Платформа. Чертеж общего вида.cdw

icon Рама платформы. Сборочный чертеж.cdw.bak.cdw

Рама платформы. Сборочный чертеж.cdw.bak.cdw

icon спецификация1.cdw


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