Building overhaul project
- Added: 14.08.2014
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Reconstruction and repair of the building under the RCC, section of the NPP. The approximate year of construction is 1960-1961. To refurbish the existing premises for the RCC according to the visual examination and the design task, it is necessary to perform:
- perform partial replacement of roof covering, as well as replacement of individual elements of rafter system -
- perform fire protection of existing wooden structures of slab and rafter system -
- replace window and door blocks
- replace existing floors
- replace the interior
- perform improvement of adjacent territory
Based on the task, the cash center (RCC) is located in the building of the existing store and has a separate entrance.
Project's Content
Вед отделки помещ монтаж 01.dwg
Вед отделки РКЦ.mcd
Деталь крепления перегородок.dwg
Для тех задания.doc
Общие данные01.dwg
Общие данные02.dwg
План (конструктору).dwg
План клад.dwg
План обмер.dwg
План отверстий.dwg
Пояснительная записка РКЦ.doc
Разрезы 1-1, 2-2.dwg
Специф к кровле.dwg
Специф к разрезам.dwg
Схема расположения балок.dwg
Техн. закл. РКЦ Калинковичи.doc
Фасады раб.dwg
Экспл полов 01.dwg
Additional information
All entrance doors shall be insulated.
Entrance doors shall be a class of resistance to hacking not lower than D-3 as per STB 51.2.04.
Replace the window with a wooden one with double glazing with PVC.
The window must be protected by a grid set. with vnutr sides of room.
The diameter of the grid rods is 16 mm, the cell is 150x150 mm. It is possible to install the grid decor, with the coordination of its design with the Department of Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The attic floor must be reinforced by a grille. Grid bar diameter 16 mm, cell 150x150 mm
It is required to replace the roof cover in the burned part, replace the screen, replace 30% of the rafters.
Floors - tile "Gres" in the corridors, heat hub and bathroom, linoleum for soundproofing layout in cash desks.
Suture the ceiling with gypsum carton on metal. frame.
Ceiling in the bathroom and heat point - metal rack or PVC rack.
Architectural and construction solutions
NPP design section is designed for the following construction conditions:
Level of responsibility - II.
Fire resistance rating according to SNB 2.02.0198 - V.
Functional fire hazard class - F4.3.
Based on the design task, the cash center (RCC) is located in the building of the existing store and has a separate entrance.
During the reconstruction of the RCC room, the level of the clean floor of the cash desk was adopted as a conditional mark of 0.000, which corresponds to an absolute mark of 124.75 according to the general plan.
Internal partitions are adopted as follows:
- partitions separating rooms of cash registers - protective partitions of cash registers. They are manufactured by a specialized enterprise according to a separate order. Delivered to the facility of full factory readiness.
- partitions separating other rooms are made of ceramic CRW 75/15 STB 116099 brick on M50 cement mortar.
To provide the required class of protection against break-in, walls separating the RCC rooms from the store rooms, as well as a brick partition stratified. 120 mm, which separates the storage space from adjacent rooms, strengthen from the inside along the entire area with a metal welded mesh from reinforcement F12S400 GOST 2327985 with a cell of 150x150 mm.
Attach the mesh by welding to pins of reinforcement F10S400 installed with pitch of 0.6 m in staggered order in pre-drilled holes. Pin sealing depth is not less than 80 mm.
To ensure the required class of protection against breaking of the existing attic floor, we reinforce it with a welded metal mesh from reinforcement F16S400 GOST 2327985 with a 150x150 mm cell. Protective mesh is secured by welding to pre-installed beams and runs.
Prior to installation of beams under the protective mesh, fire and bioprotection of the existing attic floor shall be carried out. Fire-bioprotection is performed by OKGFM (TU RB 190007689.0012000) composition in 4 layers from all sides. Consumption of 0.450.5 kg/m2 for strict wood according to process regulations.
The project provides for the complete replacement of existing floor structures.
New floors are made according to the 2.2441.6 series. When new floors are created, the existing floor elevation is maintained.
On perimeter of external walls perform insulation of floors with expanded clay Y = 600 kg/m3 with thickness of 300 mm by width of 0.8 m.
The project provides partial replacement of elements of the existing roof: partial replacement of individual elements of the rafter system and part of the roof.
Replacement of roof elements shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNB 5.08.012000 and P103 to SNB 5.08.012000.
Use softwood lumber according to GOST 848686 with dimensions according to GOST 2445480E for the manufacture of bearing structures. Wood shall be not lower than Class II, moisture not more than 20%. Wood quality shall meet the requirements of GOST 946288.
Fire-bioprotection of roof load-bearing structures is performed by OKGFM (TU RB 190007689.0012000) composition in 4 layers from all sides. Consumption of 0.450.5 kg/m2 for strict wood according to process regulations.
After carrying out protective works, it is necessary to draw up a quality certificate for fire protection works.
Space planning solutions
The reconstruction of the settlement and cash center was carried out according to the design task, the current norms, the architectural and planning task.
Room height - 2.78 m
The RCC room is located in the building of the existing store, one-story, brick, rectangular in plan with maximum plan sizes of 4.41x12.44 m.
The project provides for the redevelopment of the interior by changing the planning solution.
Redevelopment includes dismantling of partitions with subsequent arrangement of new partitions.
The design provides for protective partitions of cash rooms separating the rooms of cash desks, as well as brick partitions 120 mm thick.
The existing floors are dismantled and linoleum floors are arranged on a heat-and-sound insulating substrate in the rooms of cash desks, and floors made of ceramic tiles "Gres" in other rooms.
Ceilings in all rooms, except for the heat unit and bathroom, are provided with suspended gypsum board on a metal frame. In the rooms of the heat unit and bathroom - suspended ceilings from a set PVC rack.
Interior wall decoration: improved plaster with cement mortar, followed by painting with acrylic paint.
In the room of the heat unit - plaster with cement mortar with oil paint to a height of 1500 m, above - painting with acrylic paint.
In the bathroom - plaster with cement mortar, followed by facing with tiles of ceramic OJSC "Ceramin."
There is a reconstruction of the entrance group, with a new visor, as well as a new porch and ramp for physically weakened persons and wheelchairs.
The covering of the porch and ramp is made of paved dry pressing tiles. The basement of the facade, as well as the ramp, is lined with gray BesserBel tiles.
The finish of the facades is the painting of the facade acrylic paint produced by Lida. The color solution is given in the painting certificate.
General Explanatory Note
The visual survey of the building was carried out in July 2007.
The room of the cash center is located on the street. Pervomaiskaya, 8 in the city of Kalinkovichi. The approximate year of construction is 19601961.
RCC room:
The RCC room is located in the building of the existing store, one-story, brick, rectangular in plan with maximum plan sizes of 4.41x12.44 m.
The building is one-story, without a basement. RCC room height is 2.87 m clean.
The store building is with load-bearing walls made of ceramic brick.
The floor in the RCC room is wooden with a sheet set on the load-bearing beams. Plaster is made along the board sheet set along the tear, followed by PD sheet set along the wooden bars.
Internal partitions - from CPD along a wooden frame.
The roof of the building is rolled from asbestos-cement wavy sheets.
Facades finish - cement-sand plaster.
The building has: water supply, sewerage, heating, electric lighting - from city networks.
Вед отделки помещ монтаж 01.dwg
Деталь крепления перегородок.dwg
Общие данные01.dwg
Общие данные02.dwg
План (конструктору).dwg
План клад.dwg
План обмер.dwg
План отверстий.dwg
Разрезы 1-1, 2-2.dwg
Специф к кровле.dwg
Специф к разрезам.dwg
Схема расположения балок.dwg
Фасады раб.dwg
Экспл полов 01.dwg
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