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Bucket elevator - Design of continuous transport machines

  • Added: 09.11.2022
  • Size: 2 MB
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The object of design is a bucket elevator.

This project includes the development and design of a bucket elevator. The explanatory note of the project consists of several chapters, which include the calculation of the drive, the calculation of the elevator, the calculation of the drive shaft, the choice of couplings, the calculations of the tensioning and drive stations, as well as other related calculations. The project also includes five drawings of A1 format: the general view of the elevator, the drive station, the tension station, the chain with buckets and the hopper, as well as the specifications for them. 

The task of the project is to develop the design of the bucket elevator. The projected elevator consists of a V-belt transmission electric motor, a two-stage cylindrical gearbox, a tensioning station and chains with buckets attached to them.

The electric motor is selected according to the required power and the number of revolutions. The gearbox is selected by multivariate selection. Bearings are selected as standard according to the calculated reactions in the shaft supports and the specified drive life. The shafts are tested for strength and rigidity. The keyhole and slotted connections shall be checked by calculating the length of the hubs according to the torque transmitted to it. 

Diagram of the conveyor E8-8 (fig. 1.);

Transported material – medium-lump crushed stone;

r = 1,8 t/m3 – bulk density of cargo;

Q = 45 t/h – elevator capacity;

H = 20 m – lifting height;

Working conditions – average;

The location of the buckets is closed;

The traction element is a plate chain.

Project's Content

icon Цепь с ковшами спец..spw
icon Elevator_spets16.spw
icon Натяжная станция ф1.cdw
icon Станция приводная финал.cdw
icon Натяжная станция спец..spw
icon Цепь с ковшами.cdw
icon ЭлеваторВОфинал.cdw
icon Привод СП16.spw
icon Загрузочное СП16.spw
icon Zagruzochnoe_ustroystvo.cdw

Additional information

Drawings content

icon Цепь с ковшами спец..spw

Цепь с ковшами спец..spw

icon Elevator_spets16.spw


icon Натяжная станция ф1.cdw

Натяжная станция ф1.cdw

icon Станция приводная финал.cdw

Станция приводная финал.cdw

icon Натяжная станция спец..spw

Натяжная станция спец..spw

icon Цепь с ковшами.cdw

Цепь с ковшами.cdw

icon ЭлеваторВОфинал.cdw


icon Привод СП16.spw

Привод СП16.spw

icon Загрузочное СП16.spw

Загрузочное СП16.spw

icon Zagruzochnoe_ustroystvo.cdw


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