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Belt conveyor; Specification; Explanatory note.

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icon Konveyer_lentochny_VO_v5_11_R03.cdw
icon Konveyer_lentochny_VO_v5_11_R03.cdw.bak
icon Poyasnitelnaya_zapiska_MNT.docx
icon Spetsifikatsia1.cdw
icon Spetsifikatsia1.cdw.bak

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Task..... 4 1. Pipeline Design and Calculation

1.1. Determination of physical and mechanical characteristics

1.2. Define Pipeline Usage Class

1.3. Definition of operation mode

1.4. Performance characteristics

1.5. Drawing up of the pipeline design diagram

1.6. Preselect Tape Speed and Width

1.7. Select Tape Type

1.8. Select roller supports

1.9. Select the distance between roller supports

1.10. Determine the estimated mass capacity of the conveyor

1.11. Defining Linear Loads

1.12. Determination of the approximate pulling force on the drum

1.13. Electric motor selection

1.14. Selection of drive circuit diagram

1.15. Determination of drum traction factor

1.16. Determining the Design Belt Tension

1.17. Final Ribbon Selection

1.18. Definition of drum and gear box parameters

1.19. Selection of belt and drum cleaning device

2. Updated Conveyor Traction Calculation

3. Check selected equipment

3.1. Check required minimum belt tension

3.2. Verifying that the number of gaskets in the ribbon is selected

3.3. Check of correct engine selection

3.4. Check of condition of brake installation

3.5. Tensioner selection

3.6. To Define Convexity and Concavity Radii of Route Runs


List of literature used



Continuous transport machines (MNT) are an essential link for many technological processes of various industries. The use of MNT allows you to significantly reduce manual labor when performing lifting, loading, unloading and warehousing, increase labor productivity and production efficiency, combining basic and auxiliary operations. Continuous transport machines - conveyors are a technical means that allows you to automate many industries by excluding a person from interoperative transportation of semi-finished products and products.

Continuous transport machines also include belt conveyors, the carrying and traction member of which is a flexible belt. Belt conveyors are used in many industries and various industries to move bulk and piece loads over distances from small (1... 2 m) to large (2000... 2500 m).

Belt conveyors have such advantages as high productivity, the ability to move loads along complex spatial routes over long distances (5... 10 km) with unloading at any point of the route, simplicity of design and the ability to automate the control of conveyor operation, high reliability and low unit costs for transporting loads.

Certain difficulties in operating belt conveyors arise when transporting sticky and heavy piece loads. Ensuring uniformity of belt tension along width, control over possibility of tape slipping on traction drum, high labour input of tape replacement during its wear can significantly affect maintenance labor and operating costs.

The belt conveyor structure typically consists of a frame metal frame (backbone) supported by a fixed base. The following conveyor elements are mounted on the frame: ordinary roller supports supporting roller supports, special roller supports, drive station, tensioning station, ring conveying belt, loading hopper, cleaning device, unloading device.

For the given task, we select a belt conveyor (length 86 m and height of the inclined section 4.6 m) having a hollow inclined frame. Drive and tension drums are installed on frame in supports with ball bearings. Drums are embraced by rubber-fabric conveying tape closed into ring. Working branch of belt is supported by three-roller grooved supports installed on cross links of frame. Non-working branch of belt rests on single rollers whose axes are fixed in longitudinal profiles of frame. Drive drum is driven through chain drive by reduction motor. The necessary engagement of the conveying belt with the drive drum is achieved by tensioning the belt when the drum is moved by a screw tensioner.

Drawings content

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