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Boiler plant PMT FAPK Yakutia


Brief description of the diploma project: The boiler plant of the State Unitary Enterprise FAPK Yakutia "located in Yakutsk is designed for heating and production purposes and is equipped with three steam boilers with a steam capacity of 10 t/h: two boilers DKVR-10-13 and one DE-10-14.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Calculation of thermal scheme:

2.1. Thermal Diagram Description

2.2. Initial data for thermal circuit calculation

2.3. Calculation of thermal diagram

3. Central quality control schedule for heating and ventilation system

4. Annual Heat Flow Chart

5. Annual steam flow chart

6. Calculation of fuel consumption

7. Boiler room equipment selection:

7.1. Coppers

7.2. Pumps

7.3. Water heaters

7.4. Water treatment:

7.4.1. XBO

7.4.2. Deaerator

7.5. Traction machines

8. Fuel feeding

9. Automatic equipment

10. Installation of deaerator

11. Operation of main and auxiliary equipment:

11.1. Basic Information on Operating Maintenance of Boiler Houses

11.2. Rights and obligations of boiler house operator

Boiler Service Admission Procedure

11.3. Take and take the shift. Boiler mode map

11.4. Preparation of boiler for ignition

11.5. Combustion of boilers during combustion of gas

and liquid fuel

11.6. Actuation of the boiler

11.7. Boiler maintenance during operation

11.8. Periodic boiler blowdown

11.9. Normal boiler shutdown

11.10. Emergency shutdown of boilers

12. Determination of the cost of heat generated

13. Technical and economic indicators of boiler house operation

List of literature used:

1. Introduction.

The boiler plant of the State Unitary Enterprise FAPK Yakutia located in Yakutsk is designed for heating and production purposes and is equipped with three steam boilers with a steam capacity of 10 t/h: two boilers DKVP1013 and one DE1014.

The boiler house generates saturated steam with a working pressure of 0.8 MPa.

The heat load of the boiler house, taking into account heat losses in steam pipelines and external heat networks at the maximum winter mode, is: for production 4.2 Gcal/h; for heating and ventilation 5.3 Gcal/h; for hot water supply 0.61 Gcal/h.

The boiler house operates on the natural gas of the Mastah field.

The boiler house is supplied from the city water supply.

Air intake for burning is carried out from the street and directly from the boiler room.

Flue gas thrust is carried out by smoke pumps installed separately for each boiler.

Heat supply system, for heating and ventilation needs, closed. Regulation qualitative according to the heating schedule with a temperature of 95 - 70 wasps.

Steam-water heaters of network water and hot water supply are installed directly in the boiler room.

Feed of coppers is made by chemically purified, deaerated water with a temperature of 104 wasps.

2. Calculation of the thermal scheme.

Main equipment (boilers, pumps, deaerators, heaters) and main pipelines are indicated on the thermal diagram.

2.1. Description of the thermal diagram.

Saturated steam from boilers with operating pressure P = 0.8 MPa is supplied to the common steam line of the boiler house, from which part of the steam is taken to the equipment installed in the boiler house, namely to: network water heater; hot water heater; deaerator. The other part of the steam is directed to the production needs of the enterprise.

Condensate from the production consumer spontaneously is returned, of 30% at a temperature of 80 wasps, in a kondensatosbornik and further the condensate pump goes to a tank of hot water.

Heating of the network water, as well as heating of hot water, is carried out by steam in two heaters connected in series, while the heaters operate without condensate drains, the spent condensate is sent to the deaerator.

The deaerator also receives chemically purified water from the CWC, making up for condensate losses.

The raw water pump sends water from the city water supply line to the CWC and to the hot water tank.

Periodic blowdown from boilers in the amount of 2% is sent to the bubbler.

Deaerated water with a temperature about 104 wasps the nutritious pump is forced in economizers and further comes to coppers.

Make-up water for heat supply system is taken by make-up pump from hot water tank.

The main purpose of calculating the thermal scheme is:

1. determination of total heat loads consisting of external loads and steam consumption for own needs,

2. determination of all heat and mass flows required for equipment selection,

3. determination of initial data for further technical and economic calculations (annual heat, fuel production, etc.).

Calculation of the thermal circuit allows to determine the total steam efficiency of the boiler plant at several modes of its operation. Calculation is performed for 3 characteristic modes:

1. maximum winter,

2. coldest month,

3. summer.

7.4.2. Deaerator.

Deaerator of atmospheric type is selected by flow rate of chemically purified water, condensate flow rate from steam-water water heaters should be added to this flow rate, since it is directed to the upper part of the deaeration column: Gchem = 8.03 + 10.01 + 1 = 19.04 t/h;

Atmospheric deaerator of DA25 grade with bubbling device is installed in boiler room, which is installed in tank-accumulator of deaerator.

Technical characteristics of deaerator DA-5:

1. Rated capacity: 25 t/h;

2. Operating pressure: 0.12 MPa;

3. Temperature of deaerated water: 104 wasps;

4. Average temperature of heating of water in the deaerator: 10 ÷ 40 wasps;

5. Column dimensions: - body wall diameter and thickness: 530x6 mm;

- height: 2195 mm;

6. Weight: 280 kg;

7. Test hydraulic pressure: 0.3 MPa.

Description of deaerator operation.

Deaeration is the release of nutrient from the air dissolved in it, which includes oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). When dissolved in water, these gases cause corrosion of the feed lines and boiler heating surface, which causes the equipment to fail.

The thermal deaerator serves to remove oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolved in it from the feedwater by heating the water to boiling point. At the boiling point of water, the gases dissolved in it completely lose their ability to dissolve. Deaerator consists of accumulator tank and deaerated column accommodating row of distributing trays. Inside the battery tank there is a bubbling device - it serves to additionally remove dissolved gases by partially overheating the feed water. Due to the bubbling device, the quality of deaeration improves.

Feed water enters the upper part of the deaerator to the distribution tray. From the tray, water is distributed in uniform jets along the entire circumference of the deaerator column and flows through a number of plates located with small holes.

Steam for water heating is introduced into the deaerator through the pipe and distributed under the water curtain formed during water wiring. Steam dispersing extensively rises up towards feedwater at the same time heating it to temperature of 104 wasps that corresponds to excessive pressure in MPa deaerator 0.02 ÷ 0.025.

Steam for the bubbling device is supplied via a separate pipe.

At this temperature, air is released from the water and, together with the remainder of the non-condensed steam, leaves through a whistle tube located at the top of the deaerator column directly into the atmosphere.

Released from oxygen and carbon dioxide and heated water is poured into a tank battery located under the deaerator column, from where it is used to power boilers.

In order to avoid a significant increase in pressure in the deaerator, two safety valves are installed on it, as well as a hydraulic gate in case of discharge in it.

The deaerator is equipped with water-indicating glass, a water level regulator in the tank, a pressure regulator and the necessary measuring equipment.

8. Fuel feeding.

Natural gas of the Mastakh field was used as the main type of fuel in the boiler house of the State Unitary Enterprise FAPK Yakutia.

Gas supply of the boiler house is carried out through GRU installed on the third floor of the boiler house. The inlet gas pressure on the GRU is 0.6 MPa. GRU in the boiler room two: burners of boilers DKVP1013 (GMG5m) are supplied with gas from low pressure GRU (required gas pressure upstream of the burner 0.0038 MPa, 380 kgf/m2); The boiler burner DE1014 (GM-7) is supplied with gas from medium pressure GRU (required gas pressure upstream of the burner 0.025 MPa, 2500 kgf/m2).

GRU is a gas distribution point for automatic reduction and maintenance of gas pressure at a given level.

GRU functions: 1. Pressure reduction to the specified parameters,

2. Maintaining of this pressure at GRU outlet in automatic mode,

3. Disconnection and termination of gas supply at pressures exceeding the specified parameters,

4. Removal of gas from significant mechanical impurities.

5. Accounting of gas consumption.

The GRU set includes: 1. Gas filter - for gas cleaning from mechanical impurities (dust, scale, dirt).

Gas cleaning is necessary to prevent erasure of sealing surfaces of shut-off devices, sharp edges of orifice plates, pulse tubes and throttles from contamination.

The degree of purity of the filter is characterized by a pressure drop, which during operation should not exceed the specified parameters.

2. Safety shut-off valve (PSV) - for complete automatic shutdown of gas supply at increase or decrease of gas pressure downstream the regulator by 25%.

The valve is adjusted to the upper assigned pressure limit by compressing the spring of the upper limit, and to the lower limit by compressing the spring of the lower limit.

Valve is installed after filter in front of regulator.

3. Pressure regulator - to ensure automatic reduction of gas pressure and maintaining its value at a certain level regardless of the change and fluctuation of pressure in the inlet gas pipeline.

At the request of the "Safety in Gas Industry" regulations, the pressure fluctuation behind the regulator shall not exceed 10% of the specified value.

The role of the regulator in the boiler room of the State Unitary Enterprise FAPK Yakutia used the pilot regulator RDUK2 (universal Kazantsev pressure regulator). To obtain pressure after the regulator 0.0038 MPa and 0.025 MPa, the pilot KN-2 was used.

To obtain the required pressure after the regulator it is necessary to:

- to increase pressure - screw the pilot's sleeve;

- to reduce pressure - twist the pilot's cup.

4. Safety relief valve (UCS) - to release a certain amount of gas into the atmosphere at possible short-term pressure increases (by 10% of the operating pressure) downstream the regulator, to avoid gas disconnection to the boiler room by safety shut-off valve (FCV). Adjustment of UCS for actuation is performed by adjusting bolt.

5. Bypass is a bypass gas pipeline for gas supply through it during inspection or repair of GRU equipment.

6. Discharge and blowdown lines - to release gas into the atmosphere from the safety discharge valve and blow down the gas pipelines and to equip them from air or gas if necessary.

7. Measuring instruments - pressure gauges showing, for measurement of pressure to the filter, regulator and beyond; thermometers for measuring gas temperature.

8. Pulse tubes - for connection of individual components of equipment to each other with controlled points of gas pipelines, as well as for connection of measuring devices to gas pipelines at controlled points.

9. Metering unit - to take into account gas costs.

The accounting of gas costs in the boiler house of the State Unitary Enterprise FAPK Yakutia is carried out by a self-recording device, which receives a pulse from a differential pressure gauge. The differential pressure gauge, in turn, takes pulses from the narrowing device - the diaphragm.

The principle of operation of the differential pressure gauge is based on changing the pressure difference before and after the diaphragm and further fixing of this difference on the recorder. The diaphragm is a ring of high-strength steel, carefully treated with the edge of the inner ring - so as not to create significant local resistance. The diameter of the inner ring is less than the diameter of the flow pipe, therefore, a throttling effect is created in this place, i.e. a narrowing of the diameter of the passage leads to an increase in the flow rate, as a result of which the pressure decreases behind the diaphragm and since this narrowing holes at a certain inlet pressure can pass only a certain amount of gas means a decrease in pressure behind the diaphragm will be strictly dosed. Each input pressure value corresponds to its own certain pressure decrease - this corresponds to a certain flow rate. This ΔP is fixed on a differential pressure gauge, which is equipped with a recorder.

The internal gas pipelines in the boiler house are open, branches to the boilers have two disconnecting devices, one of which is installed directly at the gas burners.

Boiler rooms are equipped with CIRCUIT safety automation systems, which provide control over gas combustion and normative functioning of production processes.

Emergency fuel: Fuel oil with daily reserve is provided as reserve fuel. Fuel storage is provided in a stand-alone tank.

Gas burners.

DKVP1013 boilers are equipped with gas-oil burners of GMG5m grade operating at low gas pressure. One GMG7 burner is installed on DE1014 boiler.

Technical characteristics of burners:

1. Rated thermal power: 8.15 MW (7 Gcal/h),

(5.81 MW, 5 Gcal/h),

2. Operating control factor by thermal power: 7 (5),

3. Fuel oil pressure upstream the nozzle: 2 MPa,

4. Gas pressure upstream of the burner: 25 kPa (3.8 kPa),

5. Aerodynamic resistance of a torch at tv = 30 wasps: 1.1 kPa (1.2),

6. Viscosity of fuel oil before a nozzle, oVU, no more than 3,

7. Excess air ratio per furnace: - fuel oil: 1.1 (1.15),

- gas: 1,05,

8. Steam pressure for fuel oil spraying: 0.3? 0.5 MPa (0.1? 0.2),

9. Specific steam consumption for spraying, not more than 0.05 kg/h,

10. Nominal fuel oil consumption at = 40.38 MJ/kg (9650 kcal/h): 730 kg/h (520 kg/h),

11. Nominal gas flow at = 35.4 MJ/m3 (8500 kcal/m3): 820 m3/h (590 m3/h),

12. Burner weight: 150 kg (115 kg).

13. Overall dimensions: 980х885х885 mm (1190х600х885 mm).

Note: technical characteristics of GMG5m burner in brackets.

Gas-oil burner of modernized design of CKTI is designed for burning of natural gas and fuel oil. Burner consists of gas-air part, pro-mechanical nozzle, primary and secondary air swirlers, mounting plate and plug for closing nozzle channel at removal of nozzle. Air swirling in the burner by both registers is performed in one direction. The flame stabilizer is a conical ceramic tunnel.

Burner ignition is performed with closed air vanes: shut-off device is smoothly opened on gas pipeline, after gas ignition - primary air vane, and then preset mode is set with the help of secondary air vane and control device on gas pipeline. In order to avoid flare failure during start-up, the burner thermal power shall not exceed 25-50% of the nominal, and the gas pressure shall be greater than the secondary air pressure. When switching to liquid fuel, nozzle is pre-installed, steam is supplied to it, and then fuel oil is supplied under pressure of 2-5 kgf/cm2. After its ignition, the gas is switched off and the mode is adjusted. Fuel oil pressure is reduced to 2-5 kgf/cm2 and gas is gradually supplied to change over from liquid to gas fuel. After gas ignition, fuel oil supply is stopped, preset mode of gas operation is set, then fuel oil injector is removed and the channel end hole is closed with a plug.

When operating on fuel oil within 70-100% of the nominal thermal power, its mechanical spraying is sufficient, and at lower loads, steam with a pressure of 1-2 kgf/cm2 is used for spraying. Steam consumption ~ 0.13 kg/kg. For spraying, it is not recommended to use high wet steam (increased humidity reduces the quality of spraying) and steam with a temperature of more than 200 ° C (the danger of coking the sprayers increases). Flare opening angle 67-75 ° С.

11.6. Actuation of the boiler.

Before starting the boiler, perform the following:

a) serviceability check of warning valves, water indication devices, pressure gauge and feeders;

b) check and actuation of safety automation, regulation and signalling;

c) boiler blowdown.

Do not turn on boilers with faulty valves, feeders, safety automation and emergency protection and alarm devices.

The boiler shall be incorporated into the common boiler steam header slowly, after careful heating and blowing of the header. During heating it is necessary to open the valve on the drain line for condensate discharge. Open the main steam shut-off valve smoothly, but not more than 50%. When the steam line warms up, open the main steam shutoff valve completely.

During heating monitor serviceability of the manifold, its supports, as well as uniform expansion. In case of vibration or sharp shocks, it is necessary to stop heating until the detected defects are eliminated.

When the boiler is switched on to the active steam header, the pressure in the boiler must be equal to the pressure in the active steam line or 0.5 kgf/cm2 less than the pressure in the steam line (header), at that combustion in the furnace should be reduced. If in this case shocks or hydraulic shocks occur in the steam header, it is necessary to immediately stop switching on the boiler and increase the blowdown of the common boiler steam header.

Ignition start time and boiler activation is recorded in the replaceable log.

11.7. Boiler maintenance during operation.

During the duty, the boiler room personnel must constantly monitor the serviceability of both the main and auxiliary equipment and strictly adhere to the established boiler operating modes

Faults detected during equipment operation shall be recorded in the replaceable log. Personnel shall immediately take measures to correct faults that threaten the safe and trouble-free operation of the equipment. If it is not possible to eliminate the malfunctions on your own, it is necessary to notify the person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler room.

Special attention should be paid to:

a) maintenance of normal water level in the boiler and its uniform supply with water. At the same time, the level should not be allowed to decrease below the lower level or rise above the highest permissible levels of water in the boiler;

and b) maintaining the normal operating pressure and temperature of steam generated by the steam boiler. Pressure or temperature rise above permitted levels is strictly prohibited.

c) maintaining the required temperature of the feedwater after the water economizer;

d) normal operation of burners.

Special attention should be paid to the serviceability of the boiler room equipment, instrumentation and automation system.

The serviceability check of the pressure gauge by means of a three-way valve or shutoff valve, which replaces it, must be carried out at least once per shift.

Blasting safety valves shall be checked for working pressure boilers:

- up to 24 kgf/cm2 - each valve is not less, just per shift,

Inspection of water-indicating devices shall be performed by blowing for boilers with working pressure;

- up to 24 kgf/cm2 - at least once per shift;

Serviceability check of feed pumps shall be performed by short-term start-up of each of them for boilers with operating pressure:

- up to 24 kgf/cm2 - within the terms specified by the production instruction. All specified checks are recorded in the shift log with indication of time

With an increase in the load of the boiler, which operates on natural gas, it is necessary to gradually increase the gas supply first, then air and adjust the vacuum, and to reduce it, first reduce the air supply, then gas; then adjust the vacuum

If the boiler runs on liquid fuel, then to increase the load, first increase the vacuum, then air, and then fuel oil supply (steam nozzles increase the steam supply before increasing the fuel oil supply); to reduce - first, the supply of fuel oil, (steam for spraying), air, and then vacuum is reduced.

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