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Reconstruction of the bridge across the stream at km 335 + 101 the M-56 Lena highway from Nevers to Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

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Working documentation has been developed for the construction of a bridge across the Lena River 335 + 101 km

Project's Content

icon 07 Пояснительная записка_355.doc
icon 07 Пояснительная записка_355.pdf
icon 08 Общие данные.dwg
icon 14-12 ПИР-03 Общие данные Лист 2.pdf
icon 14-12 ПИР-АС-02_Общий вид моста Лист 2.pdf
icon 14-12 ПИР-АС-02_Общий вид моста.dwg
icon 14-12 ПИР-КЖ-03_Сборные блоки подпорной стенки.dwg
icon 14-12 СОПОСТАВИТЕЛЬНАЯ ВЕДОМОСТЬ (Мост на км 335+101).doc

Additional information

2. Design Codes and Specifications

Working documentation is made in accordance with applicable norms and regulations, including on explosion and fire safety:

- SP 34.13330.2010 "Roads" (Updated version

SNiP 2.05.0285 *);

- SP 35.13330.2011 "Bridges and Pipes" (Updated version of SNiP 2.05.0384 *);

- SP 22.13330.2011 "Foundations of Buildings and Structures" (Updated Revision of SNiP 2.02.0183 *);

- SNiP 2.02.0488 "Bases and foundations on permafrost soils";

- SP 28.13330.2010 "Protection of building structures and structures against corrosion" (Updated version of SNiP 2.03.11-85);

- SNiP 3.06.0491 "Bridges and Pipes";

- SP 63.13330.2010 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures (Updated version of SNiP 52012003);

- SNiP 23-01-99 "Construction climatology";

- SP 14.13330.2011 "Construction in seismic areas" (Updated version of SNiP II781);

- SP 48.13330.2011 "Construction Organization" (Updated Revision

SNiP 12012004)

- SP 49.13330.2010 - "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements "(Updated version of SNiP 12032001);

- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";

- SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures";

- GOST 12.3.00275 * SSBT "Production processes. General safety requirements ";

- GOST 12.3.03384 SSBT "Construction machines. General operating safety requirements ";

- GOST 12.4.01187 SSBT "Means of protection of workers. General requirements and classification ";

- GOST R 522892004 "Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the application of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road fences and guiding devices ";

- GOST R 526072006 "Road retaining side barriers for cars. General technical requirements ";

- GOST 12.1.01979 * "SSBT. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of protection types ";

- GOST 12.3.00976 * * "Loading works." General requirements;

- GOST 17.1.01378 SSBT "Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements ";

- GOST 2425885 "Scavenging equipment. General technical requirements ";

- GOST 2425888 "Scavenging equipment. General technical requirements ";

- GOST R 522892004 "Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the application of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road fences and guiding devices ";

- Methodological Recommendations "Traffic Fencing and Fencing of Road Works," IPBD, Moscow 2009;

- "Safety Regulations for Road Transport Enterprises";

- "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting mechanisms";

- "Labor Protection Rules for the Construction of Bridges."

- Occupational safety and safety during construction:

- PPB 0103 * "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation."

- Fire safety regulations and regulations.

3. Design solutions for bridge reconstruction

Performance Data for Bridge Reconstruction

The bridge is single-span, beam, split with a ride on top. The diagram of the bridge is 1x18m, the length of the bridge is 23.10 m.

1. Road category III

2. Dimensions of bridge G10 + 2x0.75m

3. Carriageway width, m 7.0

4. Width of safety lanes, m 1.5

5. Design loads A 14, N-14

6. Material of reinforced concrete supports

7. Material of reinforced concrete spans

The bridge is located on the highway of the III technical category, the hole of the bridge is designed to pass the flow rate of 1% of the probability of excess.

The design air temperature for reinforced concrete structures is minus 420C, in connection with which the materials of reinforced concrete structures are accepted in the "northern" version.

The design air temperature for metal structures is minus 440С, in connection with which the materials of metal structures are accepted in the "northern" version.

Design seismicity of the structure according to SP 14.13330.2011 is 8 points.

3.1. Construction solutions of bridge structures

Shore supports

Shore supports No. 1, No. 2 pedestal-free 2-columnar from drill-packed pillars

Ø1220 mm length 19.4 m and 20. 4 m. The distance between the pillars across the axis of the bridge is 6 m. The design of the supports is designed for span structures made of reinforced concrete beams of taurus section with a length of 18 m with non-stressed reinforcement inv. No. 54118M under operating load

And 14 and H14.

Girders of supports - two-block. The structure of the crossbar unit is designed in accordance with the typical design 3.503.1104 with the installation of outlets for integration with monolithic underfinder bedside tables, end panels and antiseismic stops and embedded products for fastening cabinet wall units. Units of girders are combined with each other by overlapping loop outlets of reinforcement with subsequent metering.

The design of the cabinet walls is designed with reverse openings, the length of the openings is 2.5 m. On the consoles of the cabinet walls there are shorts for fixing transition plates. Connection of blocks of cabinet walls with girders is made by welding of reinforcement outlets from the girder and chamfers to embedded articles in the cabinet wall with subsequent monolinking of joints. Connection of the opening units to the cabinet wall units is carried out by monolaying the valve outlets. The cabinet wall units are joined together by a key joint. Joining of girders with pillars is provided by monolinking of reinforcement outlets from pillars in trapezoidal through holes of girder blocks .

Beams of flying buildings are established on rubber layered basic ROChSO parts of 20х25х6.2-0.8 cm in size according to TU 2539008001493342003.

The concrete surfaces of designs of support adjoining to soil are covered with hot bitumen for 2 times, front surfaces of support are painted by waterproof perkhlorvinilovy paint of HV124, HV-16 type of light tones or an analog.

Retaining walls

Retaining walls at supports No. 1 and No. 2 are reinforced concrete on a natural base, co-standing of blocks and monolithic mating sections.

Blocks of corner-type retaining walls with height from 4500 m to 2300 m, sole width accepted from 3400 m to 1700 m, foundation slab thickness accepted from 0.40 m and 0.25 m, face slab thickness - from 0.220 m to 0.257 m. Drain holes are provided in the blocks, and on the front side anchor bolts with a ring for attachment of Reno mattresses.

The units are designed from heavy concrete of class B30 F300 W6. Connection of blocks of retaining walls is carried out by filling of seams between blocks with cement sand mortar M200 and sizing of ruberoid on the side of cone.

The deepening of the foundation slab bottom was determined by calculation and is 80 cm. In the base under the retaining walls, the flowing soil is completely removed with its subsequent replacement with draining soil.

Under the base of the retaining wall, a concrete preparation with a thickness of 100 mm of class B7.5 is arranged, which must protrude beyond the edge of the sole by at least 100 mm. Concrete preparation is laid on the prepared base in the form of crushed stone tamped in the ground, the thickness of the crushed stone layer is 200 mm. Crushed stone preparation shall extend at least 150 mm from the bottom of the wall .

In the retaining walls behind the rear surface of the front plate, a drainage device is provided, the diagram of which is developed in relation to the similar series 3.002.1 "Retaining walls made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete."


Span structures made of reinforced concrete beams of tavern section 18 m long with non-stressed reinforcement inv. No. 54118M under operating load A 14 and H14. The distance between the beams is 1.52 m. The height of the beams is 1.10 m.

The front surfaces of flight are painted by waterproof perkhlorvinilovy paint of HV124, HV-16 type or an analog.


The wear of the driving fabric consists of a leveling layer, waterproofing, a protective layer and a coating.

The transverse slope of the carriageway is gable and is 20 ‰. Slope of sidewalks 20 ‰. The transverse slope is provided due to installation of span beams on horizontal sub-truss bedside tables of different heights with a device on the surface of beams of the leveling layer of concrete with a minimum thickness of 30 mm. For leveling layer use heavy concrete of strength class B40 as per GOST 2663391 *, with concrete grade as per frost resistance F300 and waterproof W8.

Waterproofing of the roadway is provided from "Technoelastmost" as per TU 5774004179251622003 5.2 mm thick. Analogues may be used in agreement with the organization that developed the working documentation.

Protective layer of concrete of class B40, F300, W8, thickness 60 mm. For the protective layer, use heavy concrete of strength class B 40 according to GOST 2663391 *, with concrete grade according to frost resistance F300 and waterproof W8. The protective layer is reinforced with welded mesh according to GOST 2327985 from reinforcement steel of class BpI according to GOST 734881 * with a diameter of 5 mm with cells of 100x100 mm.

Asphalt concrete pavement of hot dense asphalt concrete type B grade II according to GOST 91282009 in two layers with a total thickness of 70 mm. Coating with thickness of 70 mm is made of fine-grained mixture of type B grade 1 as per GOST 91282009. Asphalt concrete pavement shall meet the following requirements :

- Water circulation not more than 2 per cent by volume.

- residual porosity not more than 3%.

Sidewalks 2x0.75 m wide are arranged on slabs of extreme beams and monolithic con-salt. The pavement of the passerby part of the sidewalks is designed in relation to the standard design 3.503.173 and is made of cement concrete B40, F300, W8 with a thickness of 6 cm, reinforced with a grid as per GOST 2327985.

Waterproofing of the roadway is provided from Technoelastmost.

Protective layer of concrete of class B40, F300, W8, thickness 30 mm.

To ensure longitudinal movements, two deformation seams are arranged on the bridge with filling with BritD rubber-bitumen mastic or analogue.

Railing of sidewalks - metal, post with a height of 1.1 m, fixed by installation welding on embedded parts.

In all abutments of the asphalt concrete surface to the vertical surfaces of the element-points of the bridge bed (drainage unit), to the steel surfaces (base for the barrier fence), strokes are filled with Technonikol No. 42 sealant, or analogue.

The roadway fencing on the bridge is galvanized metal barrier type with the voice of GOST R 522892004 and GOST 526072006 "Road retaining side fences for cars" and TU 5216063013936972006 "Road and bridge retaining fences for cars, side, of the first type, metal" with a retaining capacity of 250 kJ with a rack spacing of 1.0 m, maximum deflection of 0.48 m, height of posts 0.75 m.

A barrier fence of the same structure as on the span structure according to SP 35.13330.2011 is adopted within the transition plates.

Drainage system

Drainage from the roadway of the bridge is carried out along longitudinal and transverse slopes. In addition, after 6 m, drainage pipes are installed on the bridge. Device of drain tubes is provided at deformation joints.

Drainage facilities have been developed for the similar series 3.503097.84 * *. Dumping of water on a slope of an embankment is carried out on a telescopic reinforced concrete tray with overall dimensions of 250х520х540 mm. Telescopic trays are laid along the slope of the embankment from bottom to top on gravel preparation with a thickness of 100 mm after stabilization of the embankment. At the bottom of the embankment, a prefabricated concrete stop is arranged to ensure the stability of the telescopic tray from sliding.

Bridge interface with approach embankment

The interface of the bridge with the embankment of approaches is designed of a semi-deep type using transition plates with a length of 6.0 m as per p. 3.503.196.

Connection of bridge with embankment of approaches includes arrangement of crushed stone cushion, installation of prefabricated blocks of transition and paving slabs within roadway and safety strips, concreting of blocks for barrier fencing, arrangement of road clothing and installation of barrier fencing.

Transition plates are supported by one end on cabinet wall cantilever and by the other end on fractional crushed stone cushion. In the transverse direction, the transition plates are combined with each other by monolaying their non-concrete ends.

Asphalt concrete with a thickness of 5 cm is laid within the sidewalks, on the base of crushed stone preparation 10 cm with compaction.

The surfaces of the plates and blocks in contact with the ground are coated with two layers of hot bitumen. The transition mating plates should be laid on a non-deformed and undeformed earthen cloth accepted in accordance with the established procedure.


Cones (behind retaining walls) are filled from draining soil. Filling is performed in accordance with standard design 3.503.1-96.

To protect the surface of the cones from erosion, Renault mattresses with a thickness of 0.23 m along the geotextile layer are used. At the entrance in front of the bridge and at the exit there is a device of stone prisms. Renault mattresses are connected to each other with galvanized binding wire Ø2.2 mm. Additionally, Renault mattresses are attached to the retaining wall units by means of anchor bolts through which the Ø10 mm cable is passed, connecting three Renault mattresses. Renault mattresses along the axis of the platform channel do not connect to each other and lie freely.

Renault mattresses - flat structures of factory manufacture of small height and large surface area according to GOST R 521322003, dimensions: length 3.0 m, width 2.0 m, height 0.23 m made of double-twist metal mesh with hexagonal cells 80x100mm made of Ø2.7mm wire coated with zinc. Double twisting of wire mesh ensures integrity, strength and uniformity of load distribution, prevents unwinding in case of mesh break.

All Renault mattresses in the structure must be connected to each other on all mating faces (except for the joint along the axis of the platform channel).

Renault mattresses are filled with stone on the construction site by hand optimally tightly to protect against the washing of the foundations of the structures, with large stones laid at the edge of the grid, and smaller ones in the middle of the mattress.


At the beginning and end of the bridge, metal staircases 0.75 m wide and 5.3 m high are installed on both sides of the embankments.

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