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Boiler house of the central district hospital and refrigeration plant - AR

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The project of the boiler room of the district hospital. Drawings + DBE.

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Additional information

General instructions.

Boiler room.

The working drawings are made in accordance with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire, explosion-proof regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the specified measures.

The heat supply source provides a separate block-modular heating boiler house, which operates in automatic mode without the constant presence of maintenance personnel.

The installed capacity of the boiler house is 2.0 MW, on liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LPG).

The installed capacity of the boiler house was chosen taking into account the prospective heat supply to the industrial site of the refrigeration plant. The plant project will be completed later. Upon completion of the design of the refrigeration plant, the capacity of the boiler room network pumps should be increased in accordance with the design thermal loads of the industrial site.

The heat loads of the district hospital are 0.5 Gcal/h, taking into account the possible prospect. Currently, the design heat load is 0.3 MW, including:

- heating 0.2 MW;

- burning water supply 0.091 MW;

- loss in heat networks 0.009 MW.

The heat load of the refrigeration plant is 1.5 Gcal/h.

Annual consumption is:

-by heat 454.42 Gcal/year;

-fuel 72.9 TU (23.2 t/year LPG).

In accordance with the design assignment, the following is accepted for installation:

- two automated water heating boilers "FBG1080," with a heat output of 1000 kW each with burners MG3.ZMLN and general-purpose equipment, boiler efficiency - 89%.

Exhaust of combustion products through two individual double-walled chimneys Dvn = 400 mm, h = 19 m, made of stainless steel with insulation.

The heat supply system is closed, six-tube with dependent connection of consumers.

Heat carrier-heating T1t2=9070 water ºС.

Hot water with T = 55 ° С for household needs is prepared according to one-stage scheme in high-speed water heaters installed in CTP (one working, one standby).

Initial drinking quality water is treated in the automated CWC unit "SM 22," with a capacity of 1.5 m3/h and then through the make-up module Wilo "Jet HWJ 301 EM" is supplied to the primary filling and makeup of heating networks and boiler room. CWT unit and makeup module are located in CTP.

Emergency discharge of conventionally clean water from the boiler room and CTP is carried out through drain pipelines to the ladders.

Metering units with heat meters SKM-1-U2 of CJSC "Katra" manufactured by Lithuania, which have the certificate of Gosstandart of the Russian Federation No. 1527, are provided for the commercial accounting of thermal energy and coolant at the introduction of heat supply from the hospital to the CTP, as well as on the general return pipeline of heating water in the boiler room. Heat meters are designed to measure the amount of thermal energy and the amount of coolant in closed heat supply systems for the consumer .

All measured parameters are recorded by the heat meter in the recorder with the period of parameters recording, which is set by the user.

In accordance with the parameters of the coolant, SNiP 2040786 "Heat Networks" and the requirements of Table 2 "Rules for the construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines," the use of steel pipes is provided:

for mains water - steel pipe, electric welded as per GOST 1070491, at a rate according to group "B" GOST 1070580 * of steel 20 GOST 105088 *;

for hot water pipelines - steel water and gas pipes according to GOST 326275 * made of steel of group B st.3 GOST 38094 (galvanized).

Based on the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor, the pipelines of network water and burning water supply are not classified.

Erection of building structures and pipelines shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0184 "Process Equipment and Process Pipelines" and SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal Sanitary and Technical Systems."

Piping with diameter up to 50 mm shall be installed on site based on the most rational conditions.

At the highest points, install airbags, at the lower points - descenders.

Before insulation works, clean the pipelines from dirt and rust.

Apply the following anti-corrosion coating on pipelines: oil-bitumen coating in two layers on GF 021 soil (as preservation coating) OST 61042679. Perform process operations according to GOST 1029679 and TU 21273774 MPSM.

Piping shall be installed under technical supervision of the customer.

After completion of installation works, wash the pipelines, test with 1.25 working pressure, but not less than 6 kg/cm2.

Heat meter characteristic.

General information of "SKM1" type heat meter. Device type "SKM1U2."

Company - manufacturer of CJSC "Katra," state: Lithuania.

Gosstandart Certificate No. 1527. The interval established by the State Standard of the Russian Federation is 3 years.

Technical specifications.

The maximum possible coolant flow rate of the primary converter of the meter type SKM1U2 installed on the return pipelines of the heat supply system is 80 -90 m3/h, 100 -140 m3/h.

Flow measurement method - electromagnetic.

The main parameter recorded is the amount of thermal energy in MW/h.

Resistance thermometers included in the heat meter are platinum (pt100).

Pressure for heat meters is not more than 1.6 MPa.

Temperature measurement range 0 - 150 С.

Power supply: 220 V AC.

The installation method is horizontal.

Power consumption - not more than 50 W.

Relative errors:

- thermal energy measurements - 4%;

- measurement of temperature difference - 1%;

- flow measurement - 2%.

Heat meter operating conditions:

- ambient temperature of electronic block 5-55oC;

- relative air humidity - up to 93%;

- degree of protection of electronic counter unit: IP - 54;

- degree of protection of primary converters: IP - 65;

Measured and induced parameters of heat meter type SKM -1:

- heat flow rate with accumulated total, m3/h;

- consumption of heat quantity with accumulated total, MW/h;

- cumulative operating time, hour;

- flow rate in the supply pipeline of the heating and hot water supply system;

- consumed thermal power, MW;

- temperature and pressure in the supply and return pipeline;

- indication of uncorrected state of the counter and fault time;

- recording of all measured parameters.

Algorithm for calculating for consumed thermal energy.

Modification of the heat meter SKM -1 calculates using the following algorithm:,

E - consumed thermal energy;

V1 - coolant volume measured by the primary flow converter in the supply pipeline of the heat supply system (T1);

1 - density of water in the supply pipeline of the heat supply system;

h1, h2 -enthalpy of water in supply and return pipelines of heat supply system.

Flowmeter Selection

The maximum calculated volumetric flow rate of heat carrier of recirculated heating water, based on the maximum heating load, WCS and temperature schedule, is taken as 21 m3/h for the flowmeter installed at the input of the heat supply from the hospital to the CTP, and 86 m3/h for the flowmeter installed on the common heating water pipeline in the boiler room. Based on the throughput characteristic, a flowmeter of 80 mm and 100 mm was selected, respectively, at the input of the heating line from the hospital to the CTP, and on the general return pipeline of the heating water in the boiler room.

Install the electronic unit on the wall in the room of the heat station and CTP.

Fire safety

Technical solutions for fire safety were made in accordance with SNIP II3576 * "Boiler Plants," PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," SNIP 42012002 "Gas Distribution Systems."

Boiler building of IV degree of fire resistance with production category "G" and "normal" characteristic in accordance with PUE.

By purpose, the boiler house is "heating," by placement on the master plan "separate," by reliability of heat supply to consumers it belongs to the "second" category.

The installed heat capacity of the boiler house is 2.0 MW. LPG is used as fuel.

Boilers and burner of import production are provided with certificates of conformity and safety, as well as permission from Rostekhnadzor. The boiler floor is concrete, without pits and canals, covered with non-spark-forming tiles.

The hot water boiler house, block-modular supply, has a small construction volume (up to 500 m3), with automated boilers operating without the constant presence of maintenance personnel.

A quick-acting shut-off valve is installed at the fuel inlet to the boiler room, which automatically shuts off the fuel supply when electric power is cut off and the boiler room is gas-free.

The heat carrier - heating water temperature: T1t2=9070 ºС.

Installation of internal fire cranes is not provided.

External fire extinguishing of the building is provided in accordance with the requirements of SniP 2.04.0284 * "Water supply. External networks and structures. " And primary fire extinguishing equipment as per SPB (OP8B1 fire extinguishers).

In the boiler room there is a device for organized mechanical at-precision-exhaust ventilation with three times air exchange per hour, as well as the installation of a device for monitoring the content of carbon monoxide and gas in the boiler room.

The area of the boiler room windows easily discarded structures meets the requirement of at least 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of the boiler room volume.

Electrical wiring and lighting according to PUE requirements, boiler room electrical equipment category as per design at least IP 44.

Grounding and lightning protection of chimneys and blowdown pipelines, protection against static potential of equipment and pipelines is provided. Metal structures of equipment and pipelines are connected to the grounding loop.

The boiler house automatic fire protection alarm with signal output to the external wall is designed.

Light and sound signals about equipment malfunction or actuation of fast-acting shut-off valve are output to boiler room and standby board.

Central heat station.

The central heat station (CTP) is attached to the boiler house building with a maximum heat consumption of 0.3 MW (0.258 Gcal/h) and is located in the axes AB, 3-4.

In the CTP room there are distribution headers of heating water, water heating plants for hot water supply.

Heat meters, instrumentation, valves and devices are installed for automatic control of coolant temperature, accounting of heat consumption for calculation with the heat supply organization and commercial accounting in accordance with the current standard design solutions.

The CTP room also houses the "SM 22" CWC unit with a capacity of 1.5 m3/h and the Wilo make-up module "Jet HWJ 301 EM."

Thermal loads for individual consumers are given in the table of thermal loads.

Preparation of hot water for household needs (T = 55 ° С) of the district hospital is carried out according to a single-stage scheme in the heat exchanger unit JADx3.18 - 2 pcs, one of which is standby.

Drawings content

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