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Automatic smoke removal of 12 storeys

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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Automatic smoke removal.
1. Process part. Explanatory note. Drawings.
2. Electrical part. Explanatory note. Drawings.

Project's Content

icon 9390_ADU2.doc
icon 9390АДУ2.dwg
icon 9390АУС.dwg
icon ЗапискаАУС.doc
icon Бланк временных позиций.doc
icon Бланк исх д.xls
icon Бланк исх д1.xls
icon Задание ОАСП на составление СО.doc

Additional information

General part

The technical solutions adopted in the project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other applicable norms and rules, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided by the project.

The following regulatory and technical documents were used in the development of the project:

SNB 1.03.0296 "Composition, procedure for development and approval of design documentation in construction";

SNB 2.02.0201 "Evacuation of people from buildings and structures in case of fire"

PUE "Electrical Installation Rules," sixth edition;

SNB 2.02.0504 "Fire automation";

NPB 152004 "Field of application of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing systems"

GOST 30331.395 (MEK.36444192) "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock. "

The initial design data was the approved design assignment and drawings submitted by the customer.

Description and characteristics of the object

The object is a twelve-story residential building.

Height of protected rooms up to 3 m.

The object is located at.

Key Technical Solutions

Selection of automatic fire alarm system (AFS) hardware was made on the basis of analysis of structural and construction characteristics and purpose of premises, taking into account requirements of technical specification, regulatory and guidance documents, tactical and technical characteristics and equipment cost.

The fire alarm is organized on the basis of the equipment of the Spectron system, which is installed in the control room .

Control of fire alarm system (setting, removal, release of alarms, etc.) is performed from BI02 indication unit. System status information is output to indication unit BI02.

Fire alarm is made using automatic fire smoke optoelectronic detectors IP 2125M.

According to SNB 2.02.0201, a fire warning system of the SO-1 type is provided at the facility. ASTO12S/1 light-and-sound placards with "Exit" inscription are used as warning devices. Fire warning system is controlled by Tango control unit.

Equipment placement

During installation of fire alarm system elements, refer to references on drawings, certificates and technical descriptions for used equipment and materials.

System equipment is installed in the control room (place with permanent presence of personnel): Tango PU device at altitude 0.8-1.5m. The BA01 device (see project 9390.02ADU2)

Fire alarm system detectors are installed in corridors (see project 9390.02ADU2) and in the control room.

ASTO 12С/1 light-and-sound placards with "Exit" inscription are installed above evacuation exits at the altitude of 2.3m .

Electrical wiring

The fire alarm network shall be wired by KSPV cable in the duct by walls and ceilings.

Light-and-sound indicators of fire warning system are connected

by PVA wire, wire branching is performed through KO-4 boxes.

Power supply of equipment

The fire alarm unit is a category 1 consumer and requires two independent power supplies.

Operating input 220V, 50Hz is supplied to VZ IP power supply.

Calculation of battery capacity for VZ IP power supply.

7. Security arrangements


To protect maintenance personnel from dangerous voltages that may occur on electrical equipment housings as a result of insulation damage, grounding of electrical equipment housings is provided. Grounding of electrical equipment shall be performed by metal connection of its housings to neutral of power supply network of objects, for which a separate third, protective conductor, laid together with wires of other purposes, is used. When performing works, follow GOST30331.395 (IEC 36444192)

"Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock. "

General part

The electrical part of the smoke removal plant design is executed in accordance with the contract concluded with Housing Repair and Operation Association No. 1, the design task and is performed in accordance with the current norms and rules and ensures explosion and fire safety of the plant operation in compliance with the measures stipulated by the project .

The following regulatory and technical documents were used in the development of the project:

SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical devices";

PUE "Electrical Installation Rules," sixth edition;

"Manual on operation and installation of automated fire protection systems in residential buildings of higher storeys."

"Automatic smoke protection systems for high-rise residential buildings." VSN 60-89

GOST 30331.395 (MEK.36444192) "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock. "

The initial design data was the approved design assignment and drawings submitted by the customer.

Operation of the installation

The smoke removal plant protects the escape routes of the building in the event of a fire. The prompters for starting the plant are smoke detectors installed in the corridors of a residential building (IP2125M) and button posts installed in the niches of fire cranes.

To automate the smoke removal installation, the project provides for equipment of the Spectron system. Smoke removal system includes alarm and control units of FCS, FCS and BI02 indication unit.

The fire signal is transmitted from smoke fire detectors to the alarm and control unit. The FCS gives the command to open the valves to the relay BR unit. For manual start of smoke removal system there are buttons in fire niches. To check operability of valves, push-button posts connected to BR are used.

At the same time, a command is received to BUSO units for starting of exhaust and plenum ventilation motors. CSCS receive information from power cabinets about their switching on, loss of power phase, switching to manual mode. Command is given to switch elevators to "Fire hazard" mode.

All system status information is transmitted to BI02 indication unit.

The signals "Fire," "Malfunction," "Opening of the electric panel," "Opening of the storey devices" from residential buildings on the street. Prytytsky 3.19, etc., are displayed on the device A16512. Pushkin 34.

Power supply

The plant is a category 1 power consumer and is powered by two independent sources.

Supply lines ~ 380V after ALT to the engine control cabinets are supplied by the customer according to the task of BelPKI "Special Automatics." The VZ power supply and A16512 device are powered from the B1ShK cabinet .

Equipment placement

Push-button stations for serviceability check of valves are installed near them at a height of 1.5 m. BSU units, relay units BR02K are installed in the corridor on 212 floors in U996U3 boxes. Units BI02, BUSO and WCS cabinets are installed in the control room on the 1st floor at a height of 0.81.5 m. The distance between the equipment is not less than 0.05m.

The A16512 device is installed in dispatching office.

Electrical wiring

The smoke removal signalling network shall be wired along the walls and ceiling with KSPV cable, LWV cord in the duct. Power supply ~ 220V is performed by IWG cable. Power supply from cabinets to motors - by PV1 wire in the pipe. 24V devices are powered by PVC wire.

Security arrangements


To protect maintenance personnel from dangerous voltages that may occur on electrical equipment housings as a result of insulation damage, the electrical equipment housings are provided for. The electrical equipment shall be occupied by metal connection of its housings to the neutral of the power supply network of the objects, for which a separate third, protective conductor, laid together with wires of other purposes, is used. When performing works, be guided by

GOST 30331.395 (IEC 36444192) "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock. "

Drawings content

icon 9390АДУ2.dwg


icon 9390АУС.dwg

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