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Arrangement of the Ughida NGKM. VL from 6kV RP

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The project of the line power line 6kV is 27 km long. The project addresses the issues of external and on-site power supply and electrical equipment, grounding of the facilities of the Ughida NGKM: - construction of the aerial VL-6 kV along the existing Ughid - Za-Western highway. Transitions; Specification

Project's Content

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Additional information



General part

Basis of Design

Project "Arrangement of the Ughida NGKM. VL from ZRU 6 kV UKPG West Soplesk to KTP UPPNG of Ughida NGKM "developed on the basis of the task for the development of design documentation approved by the chief engineer of Severgazprom LLC

Object Assignment

The designed facility "VL from 6 kV UKPG Western Soplesk to KTP UPPNG UGidsky NGKM" is designed to ensure the commissioning of facilities and increase the reliability of power supply to UGidsky NGKM.

Composition of designed facilities and communications

In accordance with the task to design the PSD of the VL facility, design it in parallel with the existing highway. The connection points of the ZRU are 6 kV of Western Soplesk and KTPN 6 kV 250 kV Ugid.

Climatic conditions of construction

The construction site is located in the ID construction and climatic district.

Design ambient temperatures:

for coldest days - minus 50 ° С;

for the coldest five-day period - minus 43 ° С.

Standard loads on construction structures according to SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and Impacts":

snow for the V region - 2.0 kPa;

wind for the II district - 0.3 kPa.

Power supply

Main provisions

This section of the project deals with the issues of external and on-site power supply and electrical equipment, grounding of Ughida NGCM facilities:

construction of an air VL6 kV along the existing highway Yugid - Zapadny Soplessk

construction of KTP 2x250kVA transformer substation with ZRU6kV.

The project is based on:

Design tasks "Arrangement of the Ughida NGKM. VL from ZRU 6kV UKPNG West Soplessk to KTP UPPNG of Ughida NGKM. "

Technical conditions for power supply of the Ughida NGKM issued by VGPU.

The main electric consumers of the UPPNG of the Ughida NGKM are asynchronous electric motors with a short-circuited rotor with a power of up to 75kW, electric lighting, heaters and other low-power electric receivers. Supply voltage of all electric receivers 380/220V and lower.

At the moment, the main source of power supply of the UGID UPPNG is the unsealing from the long-distance VL6kV EHZ West Soplessk - Pechora and KTPN 250/6/0.4kV.

Main Electrical Indicators

According to the conditions of reliability of power supply at UPPNG there are groups of consumers of I, and III categories.

The basic electrical parameters of the UPPNG of the Ugida NSCM are adopted in accordance with the specifications for power supply issued by the VGPU:

Installed power 576kW

Design power 240kW


To improve the power supply of the Ughida UPPNiH, the construction of an air VL6 kV along the existing Uhgid-Zapadny Soplessk highway is planned.

Administratively, the VL highway is located in the Vuktyl and Pechora districts of the Komi Republic. The first 9 km are located in Vuktylsky, the end section is in the Pechora district.

Climatic characteristics of the area where the route passes are given in the report on engineering and construction surveys. According to PUE, this area belongs to the II ice area.

KTP 2x250kVA with ZRU-6kV

Input from VL6kV in ZRU6kV is carried out by two AAShvU3h70mm cables. quarter. 1st input from designed VL6kV, 2nd input from existing VL6kV.

RU6kV it is designed from six cells of KCO366M with loading switches. Switchgear is partitioned by disconnector.

For voltage conversion and power distribution, a complete transformer substation of KTPP of Samara Electric Board Plant with two transformers with a capacity of 250kVA with a voltage of 6/0.4kV and RU0.4kV is installed at the UPPNG site. Electricity metering is provided on the introduction RU0.4kV panels. FTP is located in a separate room.

The design provides for compensation of reactive power of electrical installations on the side of 0.4kV .

To protect the maintenance personnel from electric shock, all open conductive parts of the electrical equipment KTP and ZRU6kV, which may be energized as a result of an insulation violation, shall be grounded in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and other existing regulatory documents.

KTP 2x250kVA uses TNC grounding system, ZRU6kV uses IT protective grounding system as per GOST R 50571.294.

Metal structures of the building and foundations are used as natural grounding electrodes. In addition to natural earthing terminals, the project provides an external earthing circuit consisting of vertical electrodes ∅16 mm long with a length of 5 m and a strip of 40x4 mm laid in a trench at a depth of 0.5 m from the planning mark.

Architectural and construction solutions

The construction site is located in the ID construction and climatic district.

Design ambient temperatures:

for coldest days - minus 50 ° С;

for the coldest five-day period - minus 43 ° С.

Standard loads on construction structures according to SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and Impacts":

snow for the IV district - 2.0 kPa;

wind for the II district - 0.3 kPa.

Metal racks of VL supports are designed according to ELTP series .010.3. Maximum design loads were accepted for the above specified series.

Attachment of VL supports is accepted on metal pipes with diameters of 219 and 325 mm from low-alloy steel of class C3453. Metal struts are immersed in pre-drilled wells with diameters of 400 and 600 mm, respectively. For better adhesion of the pipe to concrete, reinforcement is welded on the outer surface.

After installation of pipes in the wells, the sinus is filled with concrete of B15 grade. The pipe cavity is also filled with concrete of grade B7.5.

The building RU6KV TP6/04KV with a size of 6 × 9m is composed of 3 unified blocks with a size of 3 × 6m high 3 .6m according to the 672p series, type III. The partitions are three-layer from galvanized corrugated steel with insulation from mineral wool plates.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete road slabs PD26s according to series 3.50317 are adopted as the base for the RP building.

Two rows of concrete blocks of FBS type as per GOST 1357978 are laid on the road slabs along the perimeter of the building for installation of the technical subpole for cable laying. The unified units are installed on the aligned surface of the FBS units.

Corrosion protection of exposed metal elements is carried out by applying paint coatings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0385.

Organization of construction

General provisions

The present section of the organization of construction to the working draft "Arrangement of the Yugidsky VL OGCF of 6 kV of kV from ZRU of 6 kV of the GPP the Western Soplessk to KTP UPPNG of the Yugidsky OGCF" is developed on the basis of a design assignment of LLC Severgazprom approved by the chief engineer on March 7, 2005.

The section is designed according to the requirements of:

SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of construction production";

VSN51180 "Instruction on construction works in the protection areas of main pipelines";

VSN19586 "Instruction on combined construction of 610 kV main pipelines along the pipeline lines";

SNiP 120301 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";

SNiP 120402 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";

The customer of the project is UKS LLC Severgazprom.

The designed 6kV VL facility is designed to ensure the commissioning of Ughida NGKM facilities.

The construction of VL6 kV is carried out in the security zone of the corridor of existing communications Uguid - West Soplessk. All construction works shall be carried out in strict accordance with the "Instructions for the performance of construction works in the protection zones of the main pipelines of the Ministry of Gas Industry" VSN51180 and the "Rules for the protection of main pipelines," approved by the State Technical Supervision of Russia dated 22.04.92 .

Before the start of work, the general contractor construction organization. performing these works, it is obliged to obtain written permission (certificate of admission) of the operating organization of the Urdoma LPU MG for the performance of work in the security zone of the main pipeline in accordance with the established form in accordance with Appendix 1 of VSN 51180 and "Regulations on the procedure for the admission and organization of safe performance of work of third-party (specialized) organizations at the existing facilities of the branches of Severgazprom LLC.

Brief description of construction conditions

Administratively, the VL highway is located in the Pechora and Vuktyl districts of the Komi Republic and runs parallel to the existing YugidZapadny Soplessk highway. ID construction area.

The climate of the region is moderately continental. The construction area is characterized by short cool summers and long cold winters with stable snow cover.

The average annual temperature on the section of route 0.2o C. Autumn occurs in the first decade of September, in the second half of September frosts up to - 2 - - 4 C are already possible.

Snow cover appears in mid-October (with the early or late onset of winter, this date shifts by 3-4 decades) and reaches a height of 4 cm. A stable snow cover forms on average in the first decade of November, reaching a maximum height of 61 cm in the second or third decade of March.

Freezing of soils begins in late October - early November. The normative depth of freezing of mineral soils is 1.8-2.0 m, peatlands 0.5 m.

VL6 kV is designed on metal supports (manufactured by ELSI VNPO, Novosibirsk) with a suspension of AS120 steel aluminum wire on suspended polymer insulators according to the ELTP.010.03. Anchoring of supports in the ground is provided by the construction part of the project. Points of connection VL6kV: ZRU-6kv PAES2500 the Western Soplessk - RU6kV projected KTP2h250/6/0.4kV Yugid.

Valve arresters of VL6 kV end supports are provided for protection against lightning surges.

Wire sections are selected by permissible currents and checked by economic current density, voltage drop, and other standards.

Due to the long length of the designed VL6kV (more than 27 km), a check for voltage loss in emergency mode (power supply per VL6kV) was carried out.

Methods of works execution

Preparatory work

Construction work is carried out in cramped conditions. Construction of VL is recommended to be carried out in winter.

Before the start of work, by order of the general contracting organization producing construction work, the person responsible for the work is appointed from among the engineering and technical workers (work manager).

The VL6kV route is divided from fiducials and corner signs, according to the route plan in full accordance with the design. During picketing, the centers of supports are fixed on the ground with wooden or metal fixing signs. All line breakdown data (numbers, type, dimensions of supports, length of picket) are recorded in the kilometer breakdown log.

To move through existing gas pipelines, temporary crossings are provided, consisting of sand filling and two-row flooring from logs. Total number of moves 6 pcs. The location of the crossings is determined in place by agreement with representatives of the organization operating the main pipeline. The costs of additional work on the arrangement of temporary moves are taken into account in chap. 8 of the SSR.

Sand soil for the construction of embankment of crossings is delivered at a weighted average distance of 15 km from the Kentar quarry located near the Ughida deposit.

Delivery of supports, building materials, insulators, drums with wire and linear valves of the VL from Vuktyl along the Vutyl-Zapadny Soplessk auto winter, and then along the Western SoplessYugid highway.

Preparation of the foundation of the winter long-distance passage on the section of swamps of type 1 is carried out taking into account the increase in the bearing capacity of peat soils when they freeze, in order to freeze the road strip as soon as possible.

To accelerate freezing of a section of swamps, it is necessary to:

sweep the mourning cover to squeeze the water onto the surface;

systematically clear snow cover at the beginning of winter period with subsequent transition to its compaction.

Swamps should be washed, as a rule, after the first frosts. The minimum freezing thickness of the upper layer of the swamp is 3040 cm.

It is recommended to use a T-170 bulldozer tractor to wash the mud cover in swamps and to clear snow.

Snow cover appears in mid-October 4 cm high, and stable snow cover forms in the middle decade of November.

It is advisable to compress snow on the canvas of an auto winter with a snow cover thickness of 1520 cm if snowfall occurs during the construction period - the compaction work is not stopped, since the rolling of the snow cover layers is 25 cm and more difficult.

With a snow cover thickness of up to 10 cm, compaction is carried out by the movement of cars. The movement of cars is allowed if the snow sheet with a density of 0.5 g/cm3 or more is kept at air temperature:

minus 10 ° С - not less than 24 hour;

below minus 10 ° С - not less than 15 hours.

Construction works

Pre-installation layout of VL supports is performed on temporary installation platforms.

The costs of additional work on the installation of 5 installation platforms are taken into account in Chapter 8 of the SSR. The assembly of supports is carried out at pickets, in a horizontal position on the liners. Assembly of supports includes: fixing of crossbars, fixing of crossbars or support plates, grounding of crossbars by means of clamps or welding, painting of metal parts and threaded connections. The development of drilled and dug pits is carried out in the winter.

Drilling of pits for VL supports is performed in frozen soils by RMK 750 drilling machine.

The development of pits for complex supports is carried out by a single bucket excavator EO 4224 with preliminary tillage of peat. When backfilling, peat is replaced by a sand-gravel mixture.

At air temperature below minus 50С, excavation and drilling of pits is carried out not earlier than a day before installation of foundations and installation of VL supports.

The sand soil taken out by the excavator, suitable for backfilling, is laid no closer than 0.5-1.0 m from the pit brow. The rest of the developed soil, which cannot be used for backfilling, is removed from the route at a distance of 8 km. Rework of the soil in the pit, leveling and compaction of the sand and gravel base along the bottom of the pit is carried out manually.

Development of soil for girders in drilled pits is carried out manually.

Before installation of foundations and installation of VL supports, it is necessary to pump water from the pits using the main drain unit UBT500. In each excavated pit there is a sumpf for drainage works with dimensions of 0.5 x 0.5 m and depth of 0.8 m from the trench bottom level. Pumped water is directed towards winter long-distance passage through discharge pipeline protected in casing.

Foundations for VL supports shall be mounted by TC2M tractor crane. The gap in time between the development of pits, the installation of support plates, bearing plates, supports and backfilling in them should not exceed one day.

Backfilling of pits after foundation arrangement is performed with sand-gravel mixture manually with careful layer-by-layer compaction by pneumatic rams TP1. The thickness of the sealed layer is 1520 cm. After installation of the VL supports, the sinuses between the post and the pit walls are filled with sandy soil selected from the pit and a sand-gravel mixture in layers with a thickness of the sealed layer of 1520 cm by pneumatic rams TP1. Backfilling of the pit with frozen imported soil is allowed in the amount of not more than 15% of the total volume .

Taking into account the constriction of construction and the performance of work in the winter period, a complex of work on the development of the pit, the installation of the foundation and the support of the VL is carried out, backfilling of the pit is carried out first on one support, then the work is moved to another support.

Installation of reinforced concrete and metal supports in finished pits is performed in the following order:

the tractor crane is set to a position for lifting the support;

fixing the sling slightly above the center of gravity;

ropes (braces) with a length of 20 25 m are attached to the top of the support and at a distance of 4-4.5 m from the base of the support;

the support is lifted to a vertical position 2030 cm above the ground and by means of drawers it is directed into a pit and screened;

the sinuses of the pit are filled with a sand-gravel mixture, carefully compacting the layers of 1520 cm; during backfilling the support is held upright;

after backfilling of supports to not less than 2/3 of the pit depth, slings are released;

final filling of pit is performed and banquet is arranged above ground level for 2030 cm for subsequent shrinkage of soil.

Two wires are rolled out simultaneously from two fixed drums on one side of the VL and one on the other side using the T-170 tractor. The drums must be anchored in one place on the track at a distance of 1015 m from the support from which installation begins. The 2025 m wires from each drum are manually unwound and the ends of the wires are attached to tractor T170 by means of mounting clamps. Tractor speed shall not exceed 5 km/h.

Suspension and fixing of wires is performed by means of tractor and electrician located in basket of telescopic tower

Environmental protection

The development of this section was carried out in accordance with the guidelines and regulatory and methodological documents on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, taking into account the provisions of various chapters of the SNiP, regulatory documents, instructions, standards, GOST, regulating or reflecting the requirements for nature protection during the reconstruction and construction of the designed facilities:

SNiP 110195. "The instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions". M., Gosstroy of Russia, 1995;

Manual to "SNiP 110195," on development of section of design documentation "Environmental protection." -M., Gosstroy of Russia, 2000;

Recommendations on environmental support of investment construction projects, M, Gosstroy of Russia, 1998;

GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Requirements for protection of fertile soil layer during earthworks;

SN 461-74. Land diversion standards for communication lines;

ESP, 1998, No. 14278tmT1. Land drainage standards for electrical networks with voltage of 0.38750 kV;

Electrical Installation Rules. Glavgosenergonador, ed. 6, 2002;

Temporary methodological manual for calculating emissions from unorganized sources in the construction materials industry. - Novorosiysk, 1985

Taking into account the nature of the negative impact of the works during the construction of VL6 kV on the environment, this section addresses the issues of rational use of natural resources: territory, soils, vegetation, etc.

During the development of the section:

Identification of production factors affecting the environment;

development of measures that reduce the negative impact and consequences of construction work;

The scope of the materials included in the section is sufficient to assess environmental activities in the light of environmental conservation, to ensure the rational use of natural resources and to minimize damage.

The purpose of the section development is to ensure environmental protection requirements and to prevent negative impact during construction works.

During the construction of the facility under consideration, environmental elements are exposed to various negative factors, the main of which are:

permanent and temporary seizure of land for the placement of the power transmission line, its individual elements and construction and installation work;

release into the environment of harmful substances generated during construction;

Land protection

A significant amount of preparatory work is carried out directly on the construction strip, the width of which for laying the above-ground cable line is determined by MN 46574.

In this case, for the construction of VL6kV, the width of the land diversion strip for temporary use will be 8 m according to SN 46574 and 10 m along the covered sections of the route according to the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations."

According to the specifics of the works and the characteristics of the designed object, the main damage to the environment will be caused during the preparatory and construction and installation work under the intensive influence of special equipment on soil and vegetation cover (PDP) during the installation of foundations under the supports, which is determined by the VL wiring technology and terrain conditions.

The main impact on forestry is related to the performance of preparatory work, including the clearing of the strip for the main track and the installation sites of supports.

The insignificant impact on RBP during the construction works at the support erosion areas will not cause negative erosion effects, mainly these areas are covered with building structures (foundations) and will grow over two to three years.

A significant amount of preparatory work is carried out directly on the construction strip, the width of which is regulated by MN 46574.

The project provides for a number of environmental measures to prevent, clean and restore disturbed land:

movement of construction equipment and vehicles, strictly within the construction lane, along specially equipped temporary crossings and existing roads;

cleaning of areas of construction sites from unclaimed structures and construction debris;

Biological stimulation of disturbed land for:

preventing their further destruction;

bringing them into an environmentally stable state suitable for use for the intended purpose.

Technical reclamation

Damaged lands of all categories, as well as adjacent land plots that have completely or partially lost productivity as a result of negative impact (GOST are subject to reclamation. The selection of reclamation directions is determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST The direction of reclamation is accepted - environmental.

The following operations are performed by the technical stage of reclamation:

dismantling and removal of temporary structures and structures, equipment;

layout of installation platforms, temporary passages and crossings;

alignment of the microrelief along the lane allocated for the construction period;

Biological reclamation

The biological stage of reclamation carried out by the land user provides for a number of necessary agricultural measures within the temporary diversion for construction.

The technical stage of the works defines the areas subject to the necessary biological reclamation.

Biological reclamation provides for the fixation of the surface soil layer by the root system of plants, the creation of closed grass and the prevention of the development of water and wind erosion of soils on lands disturbed during production activities.

 The following works are included in the list of works on biological recultivation of RD 393092583:

application of combined mineral fertilizers (nitro-ammophosk, ammophosk) at the rate of 130 kg/ha;

sowing seeds of zoned perennial herbs (grass mixture: meadow oatmeal, meadow timothy, red clover) 29 kg/ha.

Biological reclamation works are performed in spring-summer period in the following order:

application of mineral fertilizers to prepared soil;

sowing grass mixtures of zoned perennial herbs.

Biorecultivation should be carried out no later than 15 days after the completion of earthworks in the warm season.

Atmospheric air protection

In order to prevent the adverse effects of air pollution, the content of harmful substances (IV) in the atmosphere is regulated by the relevant regulatory documents. Permissible is the concentration of IV, which does not have a direct or indirect harmful and unpleasant effect on the human body, does not reduce its performance, does not worsen health. Such concentrations of ingredients that affect vegetation, climate, transparency of the atmosphere, and living conditions of the population are unacceptable.

The main sources of release of harmful substances into the atmosphere during construction and installation works at linear facilities are:

DES and autotractor equipment when laying along the track VL6 kV;

welding of supports installation.

Sources of isolation are non-stationary, their impact is limited by the time frame of construction and installation works.

In view of the above, there are no particularly hazardous substances in emissions, even those whose transformation in the atmosphere may exacerbate their impact on the environment; the impact of the designed production on the nearest settlements does not occur; The direct impact of pollutants on the environment is limited by the size of the diversion band.

Protection of surface and groundwater from depletion and pollution

From the point of view of protection of water bodies, the following main requirements can be distinguished:

in case of stains of soiling or leaks of fuel and lubricants, soil together with oil products is collected in special containers together with rags and other wiping materials and exported to designated places;

observance of fire safety measures, cleanliness and order in places of equipment presence.

Environmental protection during storage (disposal) of production wastes

During the construction of the along-route VL6 kV, the following will be formed:

Production waste:

construction waste of mineral origin;

scrap metal;

cutting of wires, cables, scraps and remains of insulation material;

welding waste;

Consumption waste:

solid household;

liquid household.

Construction waste of mineral origin resulting from erection works is used as filling for temporary drainage sites.

Waste from welding works, and in particular from welding electrodes, is collected in metal containers and removed.

Waste that is a secondary raw material (scrap metal, non-ferrous metal cables, etc.) is collected: small in separately installed containers, large in separately organized sites and removed after completion of construction.

Solid household waste is collected in special containers with covers and, as it accumulates, is exported to the city landfill in accordance with the established rules for the delivery of MSW. The liquid waste of the effluents is neutralized on the spot with chlorine lime and is subject to burial, the above-ground building is dismantled.

Protection of vegetation and wildlife

The impacts experienced by the soil and vegetation cover - mechanical damage - are of a short-term nature and relate to the construction stage of the track VL6 kV.

During construction and installation works the impact on soil and plant world consists in:

possible clogging of the construction area with industrial waste: waste welding electrodes, insulation materials, cutting cables and wires;

possible soil contamination with oils, fuel, rope scraps and failed parts and assemblies in case of incorrect operation of construction equipment.

The impact on the vegetation cover is minimized due to work on temporary installation sites.

Assessing the possible negative impact of the overhaul object in the process of operation on vegetation and the animal world and taking into account the fact that the work is planned in the developed territory, it is legitimate to talk about a minor technological impact within the boundaries of land drainage.

Labor protection, safety measures, actions on explosion of fire safety

Safety measures at organization of preparatory and construction and installation works

The construction section of the 6 kV long-distance VL is crossed by the KozhvaVuktyl methanol pipeline (Du 100), the Vuktyl-Zapadny Soplesk gas pipeline (Du500, Du 800), the West Soplesk Vuktyl condensate pipeline (Du 250). When performing all types of preparatory, earthworks, welding works in the security zone, it is necessary to strictly follow the requirements of regulatory documents.

Prior to completion of construction works, the organization performing these works shall obtain written permission of the operating organization to perform the work in the established form. Work without a permit or under a permit that has expired is prohibited.

The company, which has received permission to perform works, must call the representative of the operating organization before the start of work to establish by technical documentation, instruments - searchers and drilling of the exact location of the pipeline, determination of its technical condition and mutual position with the structures of the object under construction.

During the construction process, the construction organization shall notify the operating organization in writing, 5 days before the start of work, about the time of execution of the stages of work specified in the issued permit.

The pipeline route within the work area shall be fixed with 1.52.0 m high signs indicating the actual depth of laying, installed on straight sections of the route - within visibility, as well as within the boundaries of soil development in manual.

Works on installation of signs and opening of pits are performed by forces and means of the construction organization in the presence of the representative of the operating organization.

Work is not allowed until the routes are marked.

Prior to the commencement of work in the security zone, the general contractor with the participation of the subcontractor shall jointly develop and coordinate with the operator measures ensuring the safety of the commissioning of work and the safety of the existing pipeline.

To perform earthworks in the security zone by mechanisms, the work manager is obliged to issue a work permit to the driver, which determines the safe conditions for these works.

Excavation in the strip limited by 2 m distance on both sides of the pipeline shall be performed only manually in the presence of the representative of the operating organization.

If the pipeline is damaged or product leaks are detected during the work, all personnel and equipment shall be immediately removed from the hazardous area.

Construction Safety

During the construction of VL6 kV, all workers engaged in construction must be trained in safe work methods and must comply with all requirements of the current safety rules and instructions.

Employees must undergo an introductory training on health and safety in accordance with the established procedure. Drivers and assistants of technical machine drivers must have a certificate for the right to control the machines. The state of safety on the highway is periodically checked by the safety service of the contracting construction organization, as well as practical skills and knowledge of installers and drivers.

Vehicles and construction machines located on the highway are allowed to work only in good condition, they are equipped with effective signalling devices, brakes, fences of accessible moving parts and working platforms, fire fighting equipment. Serviceability of machines shall be checked daily by the driver and weekly mechanic of the section. Check results must be logged.

Mobile power plants, electric welding units and other electric welding equipment must be reliably grounded.

Fire fighting measures

On the open area, where temporary buildings and structures are located, primary fire extinguishing equipment is installed. Vehicles and mechanisms operating on the highway are equipped with fire kits according to the equipment table and must be periodically checked for serviceability and suitability. All vehicles shall be equipped with fire extinguishers.

The most explosive is packagings from used petroleum products. It is thoroughly cleaned, tightly closed with plugs and stored in specially designated places. It is forbidden to smoke and use open fire during engine fuelling. In case of ignition of fuel and lubricating materials, their extinguishing is carried out by fire extinguishers, earth, sand.

When organizing construction production, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents in order to preserve the environment or cause minimal damage to it during construction.

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