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Yeast Suspension Installation

  • Added: 17.04.2016
  • Size: 787 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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Initial data for the calculation of the plant: plant performance; parameters of yeast suspension in mixer: temperature; density 1432; dynamic viscosity thermal conductivity coefficient; heat capacity; dry matter content; the average residence time of the yeast suspension in the stirrer; Initial drinking water temperature (in tank E1) heating steam pressure; degree of steam dryness;

Project's Content

icon Записка.docx
icon Лист 1 А2.cdw
icon Лист 2 А1.cdw
icon Лист 2 А2.cdw
icon Спецификация.doc

Additional information


During the course work, one of the methods for calculating the yeast suspension preparation plant from the given dependencies based on kinetic patterns of mass transfer and heat exchange was presented. A spiral heat exchange jacket mixer, a spiral regenerator and a spiral preheater were calculated. A hydraulic calculation of the product line and a constructive calculation of the apparatus with a stirrer were also made.

The developed coursework can be used as an example to provide practical advice on the most rational approach to the process of making yeast suspension.

Drawings content

icon Лист 1 А2.cdw

Лист 1 А2.cdw

icon Лист 2 А1.cdw

Лист 2 А1.cdw

icon Лист 2 А2.cdw

Лист 2 А2.cdw