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Drawings of the suspension diagnostics section of a car equipped with a suspension diagnostic stand and drawing up a technological map

  • Added: 09.06.2022
  • Size: 328 KB
  • Downloads: 5
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  1. Transmission eccentric – roller pusher. The drawing shows the dimensions of the pusher. Drawing made in scale 1:3 (format А2)
  2. Pusher shaft detail. The drawing shows the dimensions of the part, the dimensions of the diameters, the degrees of the pusher shaft. Scale of drawing 1:1 (format А3)
  3. The detail of the eccentric shaft. The drawing is presented in two projections, the dimensions and diameters of the eccentric shaft are indicated. Drawing made on a scale of 1:2 (A3 format)
  4. Drawing of the technological layout of the diagnostic section of the suspension of the car. The drawing shows the following symbols: electricity supply, area of 1x1 sq.m., compressed air supply. The drawing shows the equipment numbers in the car suspension diagnostic section: 1. Suspension diagnostic stand – 1 – 1.8 sq.m.; 2. Table with computer – 1 – 1,05 sq.m.; 3. Workbench with tools – 1 – 3 sq.m.; 4. Wardrobe – 1 – 1,5 sq.m.; 5. Fire equipment – 1 – 0,4 sq.m;; 6. Observation pit – 1 – 24 sq.m.; 7. Hydraulic lift – 1 – 1,8 sq.m.; 8. Wardrobe with pneumatic equipment – 1 – 1,05 sq.m.; 9. Backlash detector – 1 – 1,44 sq.m. Scale of drawing 1:33 (format А1)
  5. General view of the suspension diagnostic stand. The drawing is presented in two projections. The drawing shows the dimensions of the parts and the equipment numbers: 1. Frame; 2. Wheel; 3. Bracket with pad; 4. Coupling; 5. Coupling; 6. Frame; 7. Gearbox; 8. Electric motor. Drawing made on a scale of 1:4 (format A1)
  6. Technological map of suspension diagnostics. The table of the technological map presents: the name of the transition, the labor intensity of people, the equipment used, the technological requirements. The drawing shows: 1. Entry of the car to the post; 2. Put the car on the observation deck; 3. Visual inspection; 4. Make a control inspection of the stand; 5. Put the car front axles on the plates to check the suspension; 6. Put the car with the front axles on the hydraulic unit checking the backlash of the suspension; 7. Put the car rear axles on the plates to check the suspension; 8. Put the car with the rear axles on the hydraulic unit checking the backlash of the suspension; 9. Departure of the car from the diagnostic post. (A1 format)
  7. Electrical diagram of the stand. The numbers of premises and equipment are marked on the drawing: 1. Right support platform; 2. Left support platform; 3. Vehicle; 4. Adjustable voltage source; 5. Low frequency filter 1; 6. Variable capacitance capacitor unit; 7. Sinusoidal signal generator; 8. Right actuator; 9. Left actuator; 10. Pulsator; 11. Hydraulic valve; 12. Winding of 1 valve; 13. Winding of 1 valve; 14. Winding 2 valves; 15. Winding 2 valves; 16. Right suspension oscillation converter; 17. Left suspension vibration converter; 18. Multivibrator; 19. Amplifier; 20. Capacitor 1; 21. Inductor; 22. Rod; 23. Detector; 24. Output resistor; 25. Element of selection of constituent oscillations; 26. Converter amplitude value to DC voltage 1; 27. Converter of amplitude value to DC voltage 2; 28. Converter of amplitude value to DC voltage 3; 29. Converter of amplitude value to DC voltage 4; 30. Divisor 1; 31. Divisor 2; 32. Logometer with two windings 1; 33. Logometer with two windings 2; 34. Logometer with two windings 3; 35. Logometer with two windings 4; 36. Capacitor 2; 37. Resistor 1; 38. Capacitor 3; 39. Diode; 40. Resistor 2; 41. Lower frequency filter 2. (A1 format)

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