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Wood Products Shop - Diploma

  • Added: 13.02.2015
  • Size: 10 MB
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A shop for the production of wooden products with a plan size of 36x156 m.

Project's Content

icon ГОтоваяДипл - копия.bak
icon ГОтоваяДипл - копия.dwg
icon ГотоваяПояснилка - копия.docx
icon Охрана труда - копия.docx
icon Сетевой График - копия.bak
icon Сетевой График - копия.dwg
icon СметаМоя - копия.doc
icon СОДЕРЖАНИЕ - копия.docx
icon Стройгенплан - копия.bak
icon Стройгенплан - копия.dwg
icon ТК-Сваи - копия.bak
icon ТК-Сваи - копия.dwg
icon ФундаментГот - копия.bak
icon ФундаментГот - копия.dwg

Additional information



1. Architectural and construction part

Space Planning Solution

Constructive solution

Heat Engineering Calculation of Wall Fence

2. Structural part

2.1. Building Design Layout

2.2. Building Cross Frame Layout

2.3. Select Link Schema

2.4.1. Communications by Column

2.4.2. Upper truss belts links

2.4.3. Links on lower truss belts

2.5. Elevation Layout

2.6. Building Cross Frame Calculation

2.7. Collection of loads on the transverse frame

2.7.1. Constant load

2.7.2. Snow load

2.7.3. Crane loads

2.7.4. Wind loads

2.8. Calculation of crane beam

2.8.1. Determination of calculation forces

2.8.2. Select Beam Section

2.8.3. Check of beam strength

2.9. Frame calculation on PC Lyra 9.

2.9.1. Calculation diagram

2.9.2. Loadings

2.9.3. Calculation Results

2.9.4. Results of checking and matching sections of elements of posts and trusses

2.9.5. Checking Material Matching

2.9.6. Explanatory note to calculation

2.9.7. Efforts on the foundation

3. Bases and foundations

3.1. Analysis of site engineering and geological conditions

3.2. Calculation of pile foundations

3.3. Pile foundation calculation for row A column

3.4. Actual load on piles, assignment of vertical and horizontal dimensions of foundation

3.5. Calculation of pile pile as reinforced concrete structure

3.6. Calculation of pile foundation for row B column

3.7. Actual load on piles, assignment of vertical and horizontal dimensions of foundation

3.8. Calculation of pile pile as reinforced concrete structure

4. Procedure of works execution

4.1. Submersion of railway pile by bored-packing method

4.2. Pile Diving Technology

4.3. Pile immersion sequence

4.4. Reinforced concrete piles

4.5. Environmental Protection and Safety with Piling Technology

5. Organization and management of construction

5.1. Subdivision of the main building by gripping

5.2. Determination of nomenclature and scope of construction and installation works

5.3. Selection of the method of work execution

5.4. Selection of a set of machines and mechanisms

5.4.1. Select a set of earthworks Selection of earth-moving machines Choice of cars - dump trucks

5.4.2. Selection of set of machines for installation works Technical and economic comparison of installation mechanization options Selection of lifting mechanisms for installation of structures

5.5.Define duration of works

5.6. Object Construction Plan

5.6.1. Calculation of temporary administrative buildings

5.6.2. Calculation of building materials and structures warehouses

5.6.3. Calculation of temporary water supply

5.6.4. Calculation of temporary power supply

5.6.5. Heat supply of construction site and building

5.6.6. Technical and economic indicators

6. Construction economy

Local Estimate No.

Local cost estimate

Local cost estimate

Local cost estimate

Local cost estimate

Object estimate

Consolidated cost estimate for construction

Contract price

Settlement of contract price

Calculation of the project TEP

7. Occupational safety

7.1. The task of labor protection in construction

7.2. Construction site design and aesthetics

7.3. Analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors at the construction site

7.4. Safety precautions for erection of building metal structures

7.5. Roofing Safety

Drawings content

icon ГОтоваяДипл - копия.dwg

ГОтоваяДипл - копия.dwg

icon Сетевой График - копия.dwg

Сетевой График - копия.dwg

icon Стройгенплан - копия.dwg

Стройгенплан - копия.dwg

icon ТК-Сваи - копия.dwg

ТК-Сваи - копия.dwg

icon ФундаментГот - копия.dwg

ФундаментГот - копия.dwg

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