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Water supply of residential building


Water supply and sanitation

Plumbing Drawing and Diagram
Hydraulic calculation

Project's Content

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Table of contents

General Data

The residential building considered in the work is set to multi-storey, consisting of several sections elongated in plan, that is, multi-entrance.

The value of the guarantee head in the external water supply network specified in the task is measured in meters of water column, is counted vertically from the top of the pipe of this network and geometrically means the maximum height by which water can rise without pumping it with pumps.

The Red Building Line is the boundaries separating the territories of neighborhoods, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure from streets, driveways and squares in urban and rural settlements. The active red lines are shown in red. RDS 3020198.

The depth of ground freezing is counted from the surface of the earth .

The tray is the lower section of the sewer pipe.

The task indicates absolute altitude geodetic elevations, which are calculated from the average level of the ocean surface. In Russia, they are counted from the level of the Baltic Sea. Absolute elevations are used for external water supply and sewerage networks .

The relative elevations of the building are counted from the floor surface of the 1st floor, which is taken as zero. The relative zero of the building is usually above the ground at a distance of about a meter (in this project by 0.9 m). Relative marks above zero are placed with plus sign, below zero - with minus sign. Relative elevations are used for internal water supply and sewerage networks.

Abbreviations adopted in the draft:

SPDS - design documentation system for construction.

SNiP - building codes and regulations.

GOST - state standard.

B1 - drinking water supply system.

K1 - domestic sewerage system.

K2 - rainwater sewer.

St B11 - riser of water pipeline B1 in the numbering order of the 1st.

St K11 - sewer riser K1 in the numbering order of the 1st.

KB11 - B1 water supply system well in the order of numbering of the 1st.

KK11 - a sewerage K1 well in the order of numbering of the 1st.

l - length of the pipeline in the estimated section, m.

N is the number of instruments serviced by the design area.

U - number of water users (inhabitants).

P - probability of joint action of devices.

q C - design flow rate of cold water in the area, l/s.

q0 C - standard consumption of cold water by the instrument, l/s.

d is the inner diameter of the pipeline, mm.

V - water velocity in the pipeline, m/s.

i is the hydraulic slope.

Kl - local pressure loss accounting factor.

∆H - head losses at the design section of the pipeline, m.

List of literature used

GOST 21.20593 Schematic designations of components of sanitary and technical systems

GOST 21.604 - 82 Water supply and sewerage. external networks. Working drawings

GOST 6942 - 98 Cast iron sewage pipes and shaped parts to them. Specification

Shevelev F.A. "Tables for hydraulic calculation of steel, cast iron, asbestos-cement, plastic and glass water pipes," ed. 5, 1973

SNiP 2040185 * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 3.05.01 - 85 Internal sanitary and technical systems

SNiP 2.04.03 - 85 Sewerage. External networks and structures

SNiP 3.05.04 - 85 External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage

Drawings content

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