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Water Fire Extinguishing Unit Automation Project.

  • Added: 03.08.2014
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Object: Multi-storey garage with built-in non-residential premises.. Project developer: not known. Year of project release: -. Systems: Extinguishing

Project's Content

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icon Sert_D.doc
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Additional information


1 General part

2 Purpose

3 Brief description of the protected object

4 Main Design Solutions

5 Power supply

6 Equipment composition and arrangement

7 Principle of operation

8 Corrosion protection measures

9 Measures for safe operation and

environmental protection

1 common part

The present project of the water filled sprinkler installation of fire extinguishing with sprayed water is executed according to "The recommendations about design of installations of fire extinguishing with use of sprinklers for sprayed AKBAMACTEP water developed by group of companies, approved by LLC GorPozhBezopasnost, agreed by FGU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia of 13.02.2003 and UGPS Emercom of Russia 04.02.2003 on No. 18/9/260.

The following regulatory and technical documents were used in the development of the project:

design assignment;

NPB 882001 * Fire fighting and alarm units. Design Codes and Regulations;

NPB 10403 Warning and evacuation management systems in case of fires in buildings and structures;

NPB 10503 Determination of the category of rooms, buildings and outdoor installations by explosion and fire hazard;

NPB 11003 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm;

PPB 0103 Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation,

SNiP 2.04.0185 * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings;

SNiP 2.08.0289 * Public buildings and structures;

Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 Instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions;

SNiP 210197 Fire safety of buildings and structures;

SNiP 210299 Parking;

GOST 12.1.00491 SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements;

GOST 12.1.03081 SSBT. Electrical safety. Protective grounding, grounding;

GOST 12.3.04691 SSBT. Fire extinguishing units are automatic. General technical requirements;

GOST 12.4.00983 SSBT. Fire fighting equipment for protection of objects. Main species. Accommodation and maintenance;

GOST R 5068094 Automatic water fire extinguishing plants. General technical requirements. Test methods;

GOST R 510432002 Water and foam fire extinguishing plants are automatic. Irrigators. General technical requirements. Test methods;

GOST R 510522002 Water and foam fire extinguishing plants are automatic. Control nodes. General technical requirements. Test methods;

PUE Electrical Installation Rules.

2 assignment

Automatic installation of fire extinguishing with finely dispersed water (ATP TRV) is designed to detect and extinguish a fire in protected rooms with simultaneous alarm in the security room (1st floor in axes 11/112, L-M) on the start of the installation and warning people about the fire.

Fire alarm and fire warning systems are designed to detect a fire, alert the guard room (1st floor in axes 11/112, L-M) and alert people about a fire.

3 brief description of the protected object

The protected building is divided into two compartments by type I fire wall. First compartment (four-story): 1-3 floors - car parking, 4th floor - office space. Flooring of the 3 floor is made of reinforced concrete along a permanent formwork and has fire resistance of 2.5 hour.

The second compartment (four-story) - rental premises (offices), shops, cafes and auxiliary premises.

Parking of cars (1-3 floors) shall be protected by automatic installation of water fire extinguishing and warning people about fire.

Protected rooms belong to category "B1" according to NPB 105.

Plenum ventilation.

Air temperature in protected rooms from plus 5 ° С to plus 25 ° С.

There is no aggressiveness of the environment.

There are no non-insulated (open) current-carrying parts in the protected rooms.

Fire alarm and fire warning systems protect the premises of offices, store premises, cafe premises and auxiliary rooms. Rooms with wet processes, ventilation chambers and bathrooms are not under fire alarm protection.

Air temperature from plus 5 to plus 25 С.

Ventilation in the premises of offices and cafes is influential. There is no aggressiveness of the environment.

4 main design solutions

4.1 Process Part

Based on the category of rooms according to explosion and fire hazard, the classification of areas according to PUE for sprinkling the area of ​ ​ the protected room with water, an automatic inertial (duration of operation not more than 180 s) fire extinguishing installation using water fog (finely dispersed water) is adopted.

The estimated number of simultaneous fires is taken equal to one.

As a source of water for the fire extinguishing plant, a water supply is adopted, which provides the necessary water supply to the tank.

For the storage of the standard design water reserve (20 m3), the design provides for a reinforced concrete capacity of 35 m3.

Maximum recovery time of water reserve in the tank does not exceed 24 hour.

To supply water to the rooms with design head and flow rate, a fire fighting pump station with a capacity of 38.88 m3/h, (10.8 l/s) and a head of 0.85 MPa and a network of supply and distribution pipelines is provided.

To maintain the design pressure in the supply pipelines, an installation is provided consisting of a jockey pump and an intermediate membrane vessel of at least 40 liters. The design pressure in the supply pipeline is 0.35 MPa.

A water-filled sprinkler control unit is provided for automatic distribution of water and output of a signal about the plant operation commencement

UU-C100/1,2VVF.04, Du 100.

Liquid flow indicator VSRF is used to indicate fire in the premises of parking lots of cars of 1-3 floors.

Sprinkler sprinklers with the temperature of destruction of the thermal lock 57 С "Aquamaster" installed on distribution pipelines are provided for fire detection and formation of finely dispersed water. This sprinkler has a reduced water consumption with a highly dynamic flare of a finely dispersed jet. The average arithmetic diameter of the spray droplets in the operating pressure range is 110130 μm. A smaller spraying area (9m2) of the sprayer, the use of a low inertia sensing element in the form of a bursting flask 3 mm allows reliable control of the protected area.

Pump station is equipped with devices for supply of fire extinguishing agent to protected rooms from mobile fire equipment.

The design provides for the automatic start of the plant when sprinkler sprinklers are activated.

Calculation of basic parameters

In accordance with the requirements of NPB 88, the plant pipelines are accepted from steel galvanized water and gas pipes as per GOST 326275.

Diameters of pipelines are determined by hydraulic calculation, at that water speed is accepted: in suction pipelines - not more than 2.8 m/s; in supply, supply and distribution pipelines - not more than 10 m/s.

The calculation took into account: the structural diagram of the installation, the size of the section, the requirements for the placement of sprinklers in accordance with the slab design, the routing of the pipeline network, the location of the control unit, the technical characteristics of the equipment.

Hydraulic calculation of diameters of supply and distribution pipelines is made taking into account pipe parameters and calculation procedure recommended by

NPB 88.

4.2 Electrical Part

The electrical part of the water fire extinguishing unit provides for:

- automatic starting of fire pumps at opening of control unit and pressure drop in supply pipeline - 0.35 MPa;

- automatic start of the standby pump when the working pump does not go to even mode (head less than 0.82 MPa) within 10 sec;

- local control of fire pumps from the pump station room;

- automatic monitoring of emergency levels in a tank with water;

- disconnection of fire pumps at lowering of water level in the tank below 0.2m;

- automatic creation of an impulse on shutdown of ventilation, processing equipment and inclusion of a system of smoke removal at fire emergence, task 17/N1E2;

- delivery on the PU1 device installed in protection, signals of work of installation and a condition of its key parameters:

- on presence of voltage at power supply inputs;

- damage of control units and address signal line;

- about fire on the floor and start of operation of the water fire extinguishing unit;

- about pumps operation;

- pressure drop in the supply pipeline;

- light alarm in the pump station:

- on presence of voltage at the main and standby inputs;

- about the emergency level in the tank;

- on damage in power supply circuits;

- about pumps operation.

The fire warning system of people provides for automatic activation of sound warning (TS1) when the plant is activated.

Light indicators Exit installed on escape routes in the entire building are provided by the project L304025 EM.EO "Electrical Equipment and Lighting" company Petersburg GIPROAVIAPROM (License D 389112 registration number GS-2-78-02-26-0-7802216230-006626-1 dated October 28, 2002006

The electrical part of the fire alarm unit provides for:

For office spaces 2... 4 floor and auxiliary rooms:

- automatic transmission of a fire signal when fire detectors are activated to the room with round-the-clock duty (security room on the 1st floor);

- transmission of a fire signal, in case of visual detection, to a room with round-the-clock duty (security room on the 1st floor).

- actuation of audible warning at actuation of the plant;

- generation of pulse for ventilation shutdown.

Smoke detectors IP 21232 and manual IPR are used as technical means of fire detection.

Control and alarm units BSU3, BSU-6, BSUUR, BUPN-1, BUPN5, ShK-A, which are part of the complex of devices of the Address Fire Alarm System, fire extinguishing control, smoke removal, engineering systems and dispatching of ASP01. 13S01.

The premises of the workshop, shops, medical center, cafes located on the 1st floor are equipped with autonomous fire alarm and fire warning systems. Smoke detectors IP 21232, thermal detectors IP 1033A21M and manual IPR are used as technical means of fire detection. Fire alarm station PS-2 is used as control and signal reception equipment.

5 power supply

Automatic fire extinguishing plants, fire alarm systems, smoke removal and warning of people about fire are consumers of electricity of category I and their power supply is provided from two independent power sources.

Power supply of main instruments:

- switching cabinets ShK-A - main and standby inputs 380, 50 Hz;

- signalling and control units BSU3, BSU-6, BSUUR, BUPN-1, BUPN5, "TS1" - 24 V broadcasters from BRP24 uninterruptible power supply unit (backup input from built-in batteries of BRP2410 uninterruptible power supply source);

- power supply unit BRP2410 - main input from AC mains of 220, 50 Hz voltage.

Power consumed by the plants does not exceed 18 kW.

Current supply is carried out by the customer on task 17/N1E1.

6 equipment composition and arrangement

6.1 Process Part

The main elements of ATC TRV installation include:

- water supply source - city water supply;

- water storage tank;

- ATC TPV pump station;

- network of supply, supply and distribution pipelines with sprinklers;

- liquid flow indicator VSRF.

In the room of ACS TPV pump station located at elev. 0.000 in axes 34; K-K/I are installed:

- two fire pumps "GRUNDFOS" CR 454 (including one standby) with 15 kW motors;

- jockey pump "GRUNDFOS" CR 3-5 with electric motor 0.37 kW;

- expansion tank for maintaining design pressure in supply pipelines of 0.35 MPa with a capacity of not less than 40 liters;

- metal tank with capacity of 500 l for filling of pumps;

- section control unit 1;

- liquid flow indicator VSRF.

6.2 Electrical Part

Electrical equipment of fire extinguishing and fire alarm units includes:

- devices BSU3, BUPN-1, BUPN5, level sensors-relays ROS301, com mutation cabinets ShK-A installed in the room of the fire fighting pump station;

- smoke fire detectors IP 21232M, heat fire detectors IP 1033A21M, manual fire detectors IPR installed in the premises of offices, shops, cafes, workshop, medical center and auxiliary rooms;

- BSU6 devices located in corridors of 2... 4 floors;

- PS2 fire alarm stations installed in shops, cafes, medical center, workshop on the 1st floor;

- the TsP1 and PU1 devices installed indoors with the round-the-clock watch (the room of protection on 1 floor);

- TS1 audible annunciators installed in the corridors and premises of the building.

Light indicators Exit installed on escape routes in the entire building are provided by the project L304025 EM.EO "Electrical Equipment and Lighting" company Petersburg GIPROAVIAPROM (License D 389112 registration number GS-2-78-02-26-0-7802216230-006626-1 dated October 28, 2002006

7 principle of operation

Sprinkler Section 1:

In standby mode (before fire) pipelines are filled with water and are under pressure. When a fire occurs, the low-melting lock of the sprinkler sprinkler located above the fire center is opened, the pressure in the distribution and supply pipelines drops, as a result of which the shutoff valve of the control unit opens, passing water through the opened sprinkler to the fire center.

When the control unit is opened and water supply is started, the pressure switch operates and a signal is transmitted about the plant operation start to the room with round-the-clock standby. The warning system is switched on and a pulse is supplied to turn off the ventilation, turn on the smoke removal system (task 17/H1E2).

When water moves through pipelines in the fire zone on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd floor of the parking lot, the liquid flow indicator installed on the pipeline operates, generating a fire signal on the corresponding floor.

In the standby mode (before the fire occurs), periodic check of the state of the system and individual units takes place automatically. At failure detection the system gives a sound signal and on a board of the PU1 device gives the malfunction address.

In case of failure of the main fire pump the standby one is activated. When the water level in the tank drops to 0.2 m, the fire pumps are disconnected.

The project provides an alarm in the security room on reaching the upper and lower emergency water level in the tank.

Fire alarm and fire warning system:

In case of fire in the premises of offices, corridors and premises on the 2... 4 floors of the building, the signal from the triggered automatic and manual fire detectors is transmitted to the CP1 device, in accordance with the program it is processed and transmitted to the PU1 device. In this case, the address of the unit and the number of the activated loop are output. The fire alarm design provides contacts for ventilation shutdown (assignment 17/H1E2).

If a fire occurs in the premises of shops, medical center, cafe, workshop located on the 1st floor, the signal from the triggered automatic and manual fire detectors comes to the PS-2 fire alarm station. These devices turn on the sound annunciators and generate a command to turn off the ventilation (task 17/H1E2).

8 corrosion protection measures

Corrosion protection shall be provided for fire extinguishing plant pipelines and auxiliary steel structures for attachment of pipelines, equipment, cables and mounting articles.

Protection is performed by applying protective painting with enamels of PF115 grades GOST 646576 in two layers on a pre-cleaned and defatted surface.

Coating color as per GOST 1420269 and GOST R12.4.0262001.

Drawings content

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