Warehouse for confectionery storage

- Added: 03.03.2017
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This course project considers a warehouse for storing confectionery products packed in boxes. This is a specialized one-story own warehouse. Consider more expedient to build a warehouse most since annual goods turnover is 25000000 kg, therefore shortly the warehouse will precisely pay off. / 3 leaves drawings (Planning of the warehouse, the Drawing of a rack frame with rigidity elements, the Kinematic scheme of the conveyor) + PZ.
Project's Content
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Additional information
Storage Type Selection
Stock item overview and storage requirements
Technical and technological requirements for layout and arrangement of warehouses
Calculation of demand for rack equipment, determination of its type and size depending on stored cargo
Calculation of basic warehouse parameters
Justification and selection of non-mechanical equipment used
Selection of production packagings and pallets
Selection of rack structure
Justification and selection of mechanical storage equipment
Belt Conveyor Calculation
Requirements applicable to equipment. Occupational Safety and Safety Regulations
Graphic part
Warehouse Layout
Rack frame drawing with stiffeners
Kinematic diagram of conveyor
List of literature used
In the context of a market economy, fierce competition for the enterprise, the main task is not only to produce high-quality products, but also products that meet the needs of consumers, meet world requirements, both in quality and in production technology, as well as provide the population with these products in a wide range.
At all stages of the movement of material flow, from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer, there is an objective need for specially equipped places for maintaining stocks. This explains the large number of different types of warehouses. The main purpose of the warehouse is to concentrate stocks, store them and ensure uninterrupted and rhythmic fulfillment of consumer orders.
The purpose of the course work is the creative development of a project to create a warehouse that meets modern requirements, taking into account the stored cargo, its quantity, prospects for use with the layout of the warehouse, the choice of types and calculations of the amount of non-mechanical and special mechanical GPO and transport equipment.
The main tasks are:
- analysis of stored goods and requirements for their storage;
- mastering the methods of selection and design of warehouses depending on various factors;
- mastering of methods of calculations of power units of warehouse equipment;
- study and analysis of operational capabilities of warehouse equipment;
- acquisition of skills in creating kinematic schemes of various types of warehouse equipment;
- acquisition of skills in reference literature, catalogues, atlases of machine parts, standards and other TNPA.
- development of general view drawings, working drawings execution skills.
Storage Type Selection
This course project considers a warehouse for storing confectionery products packed in boxes. This is a specialized one-story own warehouse. Consider more expedient to build a warehouse most since annual goods turnover is 25000000 kg, therefore shortly the warehouse will precisely pay off. Also, the main advantage of your own warehouse is that you have a high degree of control over operations, as opposed to a public warehouse. However, there are also shortcomings: usually we are guided by this principle: we will not be able to invest less and get more, so when building our own warehouse, we will not be able to invest less, since we are building the warehouse from scratch and naturally we will need to invest high investments in capital construction and maintaining the warehouse.
The warehouse is located close to the main transport highways, has a convenient access and good road condition. There are a sufficient number of parking spaces for the vans, both directly at the warehouse and near the territory.
Cargo storage time is 10 days. The time of the cargo in the acceptance expedition is 8 hours. Cargo residence time in the picking area is 25 hours. The time of cargo in the shipment expedition is 15 hours.
This course project considers a warehouse for storing confectionery products packed in boxes. This is a specialized one-story own warehouse. Consider more expedient to build a warehouse most since annual goods turnover is 25000000 kg, therefore shortly the warehouse will precisely pay off. The warehouse is located close to the main transport highways, has a convenient access and good road condition. There are a sufficient number of parking spaces for the vans, both directly at the warehouse and near the territory.
Cargo storage time is 10 days. The time of the cargo in the acceptance expedition is 8 hours. Cargo residence time in the picking area is 25 hours. The time of cargo in the shipment expedition is 15 hours. Cargo is received and sent by closed vans in rectangular cartons b = 400 mm, h = 450 mm, l = 550 mm.
The parameters of the warehouse I am designing are:
Total storage area Stol = 3500 m2.
Auxiliary storage area Swsp = 350 m2
Acceptance area of warehouse Spr = 175 m2
Area of the warehouse picking area Scompl = 175 m2
Shipping expedition area to Soe warehouses = 262.5m2
Area of acceptance expedition of storage Spe = 262.5 m2
The usable space ratio in my warehouse is 60%, so my warehouse is used efficiently.
To weigh loads in the warehouse, I use product platform scales. As for the production containers, I will use plastic pallets, since they are used where hygiene requirements need to be met, and since I have a confectionery warehouse, you can definitely not do without such pallets.
I choose pallet metal double racks for the warehouse, since the advantage of using such racks is up to 60% of the storage area, therefore such racks are suitable for my warehouse, since the usable area ratio is 60%.
Now I'll talk about mechanical equipment for the warehouse. I choose a forklift with ICE, according to the type of fuel used - diesel, these are the most common models. They are distinguished by greater power and unpretentiousness in operation, and the ridge with telescopic villas - the most powerful among the standard ones, are able to lift loads up to 1.3 tons to a height of 10 m. I choose this particular track, because it is very convenient when working with shelves with a double bottom due to telescopic shafts. I will also purchase 3 rochli, since this is an inexpensive mechanism and is definitely useful in a warehouse, since the lifting capacity of such a mechanism can reach 3.5 tons, which saves the worker's time and strength enough, since it is simply impossible to move such goods manually.
The completed stages are sufficient to make a specific decision on the construction of the warehouse, and to carry out all the coordination and design work. The next steps will be the design, production of working drawings for the building and the actual construction of the warehouse.
This course project considers a warehouse for storing confectionery products packed in boxes. This is a specialized one-story own warehouse. Consider more expedient to build a warehouse most since annual goods turnover is 25000000 kg, therefore shortly the warehouse will precisely pay off. The warehouse is located close to the main transport highways, has a convenient access and good road condition. There are a sufficient number of parking spaces for the vans, both directly at the warehouse and near the territory.
Cargo storage time is 10 days. The time of the cargo in the acceptance expedition is 8 hours. Cargo residence time in the picking area is 25 hours. The time of cargo in the shipment expedition is 15 hours. Cargo is received and sent by closed vans in rectangular cartons b = 400 mm, h = 450 mm, l = 550 mm.
The parameters of the warehouse I am designing are:
Total storage area Stol = 3500 m2.
Auxiliary storage area Swsp = 350 m2
Acceptance area of warehouse Spr = 175 m2
Area of the warehouse picking area Scompl = 175 m2
Shipping expedition area to Soe warehouses = 262.5m2
Area of acceptance expedition of storage Spe = 262.5 m2
The usable space ratio in my warehouse is 60%, so my warehouse is used efficiently.
To weigh loads in the warehouse, I use product platform scales. As for the production containers, I will use plastic pallets, since they are used where hygiene requirements need to be met, and since I have a confectionery warehouse, you can definitely not do without such pallets.
I choose pallet metal double racks for the warehouse, since the advantage of using such racks is up to 60% of the storage area, therefore such racks are suitable for my warehouse, since the usable area ratio is 60%.
Now I'll talk about mechanical equipment for the warehouse. I choose a forklift with ICE, according to the type of fuel used - diesel, these are the most common models. They are distinguished by greater power and unpretentiousness in operation, and the ridge with telescopic villas - the most powerful among the standard ones, are able to lift loads up to 1.3 tons to a height of 10 m. I choose this particular track, because it is very convenient when working with shelves with a double bottom due to telescopic shafts. I will also purchase 3 rochli, since this is an inexpensive mechanism and is definitely useful in a warehouse, since the lifting capacity of such a mechanism can reach 3.5 tons, which saves the worker's time and strength enough, since it is simply impossible to move such goods manually.
The completed stages are sufficient to make a specific decision on the construction of the warehouse, and to carry out all the coordination and design work. The next steps will be the design, production of working drawings for the building and the actual construction of the warehouse.
ленточный конвейер.dwg

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