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Ventilation of Fish Processing Shop

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Fish Processing Shop Ventilation (DBE, General Data Sheet, Plans, Diagrams, Calculations)

Project's Content

icon ПЗ.doc
icon кратность 06.05.10 Рыбцех.doc
icon Расчет уровня звукового давления.doc
icon Расчеты содержание.doc
icon Рыбопереработающий цех П2rez.rtf
icon Рыбопереработающий цех - П1rez.rtf
icon СО1.doc
icon СО2.doc
icon Рыбоперерабатывающий цех.dwg

Additional information


Text Part

Climatological data

Heat supply source and coolant

Brief construction and technological characteristics of the building



Air intake and removal of contaminated air

Measures to combat noise and vibration of ventilation plants

Safety and Health Measures

Fire fighting measures

Thermal control and automation of systems

ventilation and air conditioning


1. Calculation of maximum thermal load of room No.

2. Calculation of air exchanges by multiplicity

3. Calculation of sound pressure level in rooms and on

territory of residential buildings from operation of ventilation installations


Certificate of admission to work

Task for development of the TX and OB project

Graphic part (by general data sheet)

1. Text part

Drawings are developed in accordance with applicable codes, regulations and standards.

The ventilation and air conditioning section was developed on the basis of:

- design tasks issued by the customer;

- construction and process drawings.

The project is executed in accordance with regulatory documents:

- SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

- SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures";

- SNiP 230199 * "Construction climatology";

- SanPiN - 96 "Hygienic requirements for microclimate of production premises";

- VSN - 41902 - 2001 "Fish processing enterprises."

Heat supply source and coolant

The heat supply source is its own furnace.

The coolant for ventilation systems is water with parameters 85 - 60 ° С. Ventilation systems are connected to the control unit in the furnace house, which is located in axes 2-3 and B-D on the first floor.

Brief construction and technological characteristics of the building

The fish processing shop is located in a 2-story building. The walls are made of brick 510 mm thick. Windows - wooden double with separate bindings. Floor is made of ceramic tiles.

In the departments of the shop on the ground floor, processes are provided

defrosting, salting, cutting and smoking fish, washing room and

auxiliary rooms.

On the second floor there is an office, roasting and packing

departments, storerooms, rest room.


The heating of the fish processing shop is existing, works satisfactorily and is not subject to reconstruction.

Smooth tube registers serve as heating devices

with maintenance of internal air temperature + 5˚S - + 23˚S in

depending on the technological purpose of the premises.


Supply ventilation with natural and mechanical motive is provided in the premises of the workshop.

Air exchanges are defined by:

- in the premises of smoking and frying compartments flow rate

exhaust air is determined by the sum of air flow rates removed by local exhaust pumps and air removed from the upper area of the room, and checked for assimilation of heat wastes;

- in the office and auxiliary rooms - by multiplicity;

- on the washing area - by multiplicity.

Exhaust common-exchange ventilation is provided from all rooms from the upper zone, and modulated local suction is installed above the process equipment of the roasting compartment.

External air cleaned in filters and heated in the cold period or cooled in the warm period of the year in the calorifers of plenum ventilation systems is supplied through galvanized air ducts to the upper area of the premises using air distribution grids of ALR type; to working zone of frying compartment - through supply grids of modulated equipment. Selection of air distributors is performed based on creation of normalized air speed at workplaces (not more than 0.2 m/s).

All ventilation equipment shall be installed on brackets in the places agreed with the "customer."

Air intake and removal of contaminated air

Air intake devices of plenum systems are located above 2 meters from ground level. Exhaust air emissions are carried out by air ducts brought 1 meter, and emissions from local suction systems and bathrooms - 2 meters above the roof of the building

Measures to combat noise and vibration of ventilation plants

The project provides for the following measures to combat noise and vibration of ventilation plants:

- ventilation equipment is installed in the pod-like pads and is open on brackets on vibration isolating bases;

- flexible inserts are installed on the air ducts of the systems before and after the fans;

- air speeds in air ducts are accepted taking into account permissible aerodynamic noise;

- noise silencers are installed on air ducts of P1, P2 systems. Calculation of sound pressure levels from ventilation equipment operation is given in the table of Annex 3.

Thermal control and automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

For efficient operation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the project provides for:

- automation of the plenum plant;

- monitoring of air and coolant temperature;

- protection of calorifers from freezing;

- interlock of supply fan motors

systems with electric drives of external air valves;

- disconnection of all systems in case of sensors actuation

fire alarm.

Drawings content

icon Рыбоперерабатывающий цех.dwg

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