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Ventilation and air conditioning device

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Ventilation and air conditioning of the store in the Shopping Center Mall'Klyuchevlya! (Moscow). The project contains title, volume content, explanatory note, general data, plans, diagrams, specification, equipment technical data. The project was examined and implemented.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Cover Sheet

2. Volume Content

3. Certificate of entry into SRO

4. Explanatory Note

5. Graphic part (as per list of drawings on sheet 1):

sheets 01-06:

OW-1 - General data. Equipment characteristics

OV-2 - Plan of location of the equipment, M1:

OW-3 - Funcoil Binding Diagram

OV-4 - Axonometric diagram of ventilation systems. and conditioning

OV-5 - Technical parameters of fancoyle

OW-6 - Specification

Source Data

Climatological parameters are accepted:

design outside air temperature:

in the cold period of the year - tn = 28 ° C;

in the warm period of the year - tn = 22.3 ° С.

estimated wind speed:

in the cold period of the year - v = 4 m/s;

in the warm period of the year - v = 1 m/s.

Design temperature of internal air during the cold period of year according to standard data is accepted: t vn =20os.

The duration of the heating period is 214 days.

Average temperature of the heating period-3.1 wasps

Key Technical Solutions

The design provides for the installation of a general supply and supply ventilation system (with mechanical motive), combined with an air conditioning system.

The equipment designed for the entire building of the complex is used as the equipment of the plenum ventilation system (see separate design). Tie-ins of the designed ducts are carried out from the existing main ducts.

External and removable air is supplied to the premises of the trading room with expenses that comply with sanitary standards.

In the room of the trading room there is a balance between inflow and exhaust (see table of air exchanges on sheet 2).

Ventilation is performed according to the following scheme:

- drawing into the upper zone through exhaust diffusers of APN type;

- inflow into the upper zone through plenum diffusers of APN type.

Air flow rate is controlled by air valves. The air ducts to be designed are installed in the area of the set ceiling and are connected to the diffusers through the ducts (see sheet 2)

Service hatches are provided for air flow control.


Air conditioning is performed by a local conditioner (fancoil) located near the ceiling space of the utility room. As a room conditioning system, a two-tube local air conditioning system with a GDURV03 channel type air conditioner from General Klimat is used, complete with a fancoil automatic performance control unit.

These systems use operating temperature water of 7 ° C/12 ° C for TP and PP (warm and transition period) of the year, and 10 ° C/13 ° C for CP (cold period) of the year.

Adjustment of air conditioner operation is performed through the control panel located on the wall, near the service area of this unit.

Local conditioning system pipelines are made of PPR PN10 polyethylene pipes.

The control unit is connected to the fancoyle heat exchanger via a flexible feed.

All pipelines shall be made in heat insulation. Heat insulation pipe "KFlex ST" with layer thickness of 9 mm shall be used as heat insulation.

The control unit of the channel conditioner of the finisher (funcoil) includes: a three-way valve with an electric drive, a balancing valve with nipples for measuring the coolant flow rate, a mud filter and shut-off valves .

The heat transfer of the conditioner is controlled by changing the amount of coolant passing through the fancoil heat exchanger and is quantitative in nature.

The coolant is supplied by the central circulation pump built into the circuit of the cold supply system of the building.

Condensate line shall be made of polyethylene pipes of PPR PN10 grade.

A service hatch is provided to measure and control the coolant flow at the location of the funcoil bundle assembly.

Energy conservation activities.

In developing this section, a number of measures are proposed to save energy resources:

- application of heat exchanger control unit with quantitative

control to prevent the use of the pump in the assembly


- use of effective heat insulation materials used as heat insulation of air ducts and local air conditioning systems.

- application of flexible automatic control of fan fancoyle operation, which allows to reduce power consumption during the system operation, depending on the required heat removal from the room.

Equipment and materials.

The equipment and materials used at the site must be reliable in operation and meet modern norms and standards.

It is recommended to use:

shutoff valves of companies -

- "Danfoss", "Bugatti", "Caleffi»;

- plastic piping PPRPN "Aquatherm";

- pipe heat insulation material "KFlexST"

Installation Maintenance Information

Air ducts are routed to the room behind the set ceiling.

Ventilation system air ducts are made of galvanized steel with thickness according to SNiP 2.04.0591 *.

Install ventilation system, refer to SNiP 3.05.-85

"Internal sanitary systems."

Drawings content

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