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Water supply and sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning of a 6-storey residential building in Saratov

  • Added: 26.10.2023
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In this diploma project , the issues of designing water supply and sewerage systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning of a residential building were highlighted. Axonometric schemes of internal water supply, sewerage and heating, ventilation and air conditioning have been developed. Calculations of the water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning networks of the building were made and cost-effective diameters of pipelines were selected, with the appropriate throughput. Also, the calculation was made and the profile of the yard sewer network was built. The water supply system of the building is a dead end, as the number of floors is up to 12. To control the water flow at the inlet, a VK-32 impeller water meter is installed. Plastic pipes made of low-density polyethylene for sewerage and high-density polyethylene for water supply were used as pipelines . Irrigation pipeline, internal drains of the building, inspections and cleaning of sewer networks are provided. 

The premises are equipped with a heating system (radiators are installed near the exterior walls and under the window openings), and an air conditioning system (Chiller-fan coil), 1 revision is installed on each riser (on the 1st floor).

Water heating: two-pipe pumping system with a lower distribution line.

 Dependent scheme with water mixing using a water-jet elevator.




1. Characteristics of the object....................................................................................

2. Calculation and design section....................................................................

2.1. Design of water supply and sewerage system................

2.1.1  Selection of the cold water supply system and scheme ................................................................

2.1.2 Determination of estimated water discharges....................................................

2.1.3 Selection of a water meter...................................................................

2. 1.4 Determination of the required head in the building and selection of pumping equipment....................................................................

2.1.5 Design of internal water supply ................................................................

      2.1.6 Selection of the system and design of the sewerage system....................................................

2.1.7 Determination of estimated internal sewerage discharges ................

2.1.8 Hydraulic calculation of internal and yard sewerage ................

2.2. Heating system design .................................................................

2.2.1 Thermal Engineering  Analysis of Enclosing Structures................ Exterior  walls.................................................................... Basement covering ................................................................................. Attic  ceiling ................................................................................. Design of windows and balcony doors................................. Exterior door................................................................................

2.2.2. Justification of the adopted design solution for heating and calculation of the heating system....................................................................................

2.2.3. Calculation of the capacity of the heating system....................................................

2.2.4. Calculation of the surface of heating devices of systems 

Water heating..................................................................................

2.2.5 Elevator calculation.................................................................................

2.2.6. Hydraulic calculation of the heating system................................................

2.3. Design of ventilation and air conditioning systems ................

2.3.1. Determination of heat and moisture emissions................................................................................

2.3.2  Determination of the process beam and construction of the air treatment process in the i-d diagram ................................................................................................

2.3.3 Determination of air parameters .................................................................

2.3.4 Determination of indoor air exchange ................................................................................................

2.3.5. Selection of equipment in the air conditioning system.......

3. Organizational and Technological Section................................

3.1. Technological sequence of works on installation of water supply and sewerage system................................................................

3.1.2. Acceptance of premises for installation of water supply and sewerage system.................................................................................

3.1.3 Drawing up the wiring diagram of the water supply and sewerage system.................................................................................

3.1.4. Calculation of Procurement Lengths................................................................

3.1.5. Procedure for acceptance of units and parts manufactured at the TZM...........

3.1.6. Installation of water supply and sewerage system................ Installation of internal cold water supply system............. Installation of plumbing systems................................................................

3.1.7. Testing of systems for strength and delivery of work to the customer............ Testing and flushing of the internal cold plumbing system.................................................................................................... Testing of the internal sewerage system................................................ Delivery of the completed work to the customer....................................................

3.2. Heating system. Technological sequence of works on the installation of the heating system....................................................................

3.2.1. Acceptance of the premises for the installation of the heating system................

3.2.2. Drawing up the wiring diagram...................................................

3.2. 3. Calculation of Procurement Lengths....................................................................

3.2.4. Procedure for acceptance of units and parts manufactured at the TZM at the facility....................................

3.2.5. Installation of the heating system.................................................................

3.2.6. Strength Testing and Delivery of Work to the Customer................................................................ Durability Test................................... Delivery of works to the customer....................................................................

3.2.7. Occupational health and safety during the performance of work...

3.3. Ventilation and air conditioning system. Technological sequence of installation of ventilation systems................................................................................

4. Economic Section....................................................................................

4.1. Description of Economic Calculations.................................................................

4.2. Local Estimates....................................................................................................

4.3. Technical and economic indicators of the project....................................................




Project's Content

icon заключение (2).doc
icon ркр.doc
icon введение.doc
icon монтаж.doc
icon содержание (2).doc
icon характеристика обьекта.doc
icon приложение 1.pdf
icon 6-ti_etazhny_zhiloy_dom_v_Ryazani.xlsb
icon джумалиев 1.frw
icon список литературы (1).doc
icon приложение 2.pdf
icon экономическая часть.doc
icon джумалиев 2.frw

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