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The thesis on modernization of the lathe from model 16K20F3S32 CNC


Course project. Renovated floor plans, elevations, and reinforcement nodes

Project's Content

icon 16к20_511.cdw
icon датчик резьбонарезания.cdw
icon Инфо-карт ЮРА.cdw
icon Инфо-карта.bak
icon Инфо-карта.cdw
icon Кинематика_511.bak
icon Кинематика_511.cdw
icon Привод и опоры продольного перемещения.cdw
icon Привод продольной подачиС.cdw
icon самоцентрирующий патрон.cdw
icon Самоцетрующий патрон для экс.cdw
icon сетевой и график ганта.cdw
icon Датчик резьбо нарезания.spw
icon привод и опоры продольного перемещения.spw
icon привод продольной подачи С.spw
icon самоцентр патрон для эксентричных поверхно.spw
icon самоцентрирующий патрон4.spw
icon Спецификация общий вид.spw
icon Шпиндельная бабка.spw
icon устройство для крепления патрона к шпинделю.bak
icon устройство для крепления патрона к шпинделю.cdw
icon Чертеж.bak
icon шпиндельная бабка.cdw
icon деталь-шток-деформация.jpg
icon деталь-шток-перемещение.jpg
icon деталь-шток-приложение сил.jpg
icon деталь-шток-проверка проектирования.jpg
icon деталь-шток.JPG
icon деталь-штокy-напряжение.jpg
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icon Шток - анализ .cdw
icon Шток - анализ_на печать .cdw
icon диплом16К20Ф3С32 Колмаков.doc
icon МК 1.doc
icon МК 2.doc

Additional information



2 Analysis of design features and rationale for modernization

lathe with NC modes. 16K20FZS

2.1 Purpose and scope of the machine

2.2 Description of "rod" representative part and route

its processing

2.3. Analysis of machine design and mechanisms

2.3.1 General layout of the machine

2.3.2 Description of operation of individual machine units

2.4. Patent information search

2.5 Analogue Analysis

2.6. Specification of Machine Modernization

16K20F3S models

3 Design part

3.1 General layout of the modernized machine and description of its operation 25 3.2.Peculiarities of kinematic scheme and machine circuits

3.3 Hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams of the machine

3.4 Lubrication system 32 4 Design part

4.1 Justification and preliminary calculation of machine drives

4.2 Kinematic calculation

4.3 Determination of Gear Gear Numbers

4.4 Power calculation

4.5 Calculation of Particularly Loaded Gear Engagement

4.6 Calculation of splined connection

4.7 Calculation of pulley-belt transmission

4.8 Calculation of bearings

4.9 Determination of shell wall thickness

4.10 Coupling Calculation

4.11 Calculation of "Rod" part by finite element method

5 Expansion of Processing Capabilities

parts on the mod machine. 16K20FZS

6 Safety and ecology

6.1 Safety requirements for equipment

6.2 Hazardous areas of equipment and protective equipment

7 Process part of the project

7.1 Description, purpose of the part and operating conditions of its main

surfaces based on part drawing

7.2 Justification for selection of basing surfaces

7.3 Definitions and substantiation of the method of obtaining the workpiece

7.4 Analytical calculation of surface allowance

7.5 Basis of process equipment selection

7.6. Calculation of cutting modes and technical rationing

8 Organizational and economic part

8.1 Definitions of efficiency savings

8.2 Calculate Upgrade Costs

8.3 Calculation of Capital Costs

8.4 Cost Effectiveness Assessment

8.5 Network Planning Methods

8.6 Organization of the quality system at the enterprise


List of used literature



The progress of all sectors of the country's national economy is inextricably linked with the level of development of mechanical engineering and its basic industry, which is machine tool construction .

Modern domestic and world engineering is characterized by a constant complication of the design due to the increase in the range of products produced and the frequent change of production facilities, as well as the requirements to reduce the time for the development of new products .

The level of engineering largely determines the quality and quantity of products produced by all sectors that ensure the functioning of the market economy. Therefore, the effective development of mechanical engineering is currently being given attention ./9/

A special influence on modern engineering was made by the development of computer technology, which entailed the creation of flexible production systems. Formed on the basis of control computers and machines with numerical program control as well as industrial robots, such complexes have firmly entered the equipment structure of modern machine-building plants.

Flexible production systems were introduced in the USSR and Russia. However, their use was not very effective, which, along with the collapse of the socialist economy, did not give examples for wide implementation. In addition to the high cost of equipment and computing, the country also lacked reliable monitoring and diagnostic tools, as well as insufficient competitiveness between real savings from productivity gains and output ./8/

The restructuring of machine-building production in Russia led to a sharp decrease in the production of machine tools with numerical program control and automation of mechanical engineering. However, the development of a network of small enterprises unable to acquire expensive automated technological equipment has led to the need to modernize equipment, including with CNC, which includes the 16K20F3C32 machine.

Under these conditions, a new approach is needed that meets modern requirements, which can provide increased labor productivity with small investments with a constantly changing range of manufactured products/14/.

Today, plants require means of mechanization and improvement of technological equipment, it is necessary to create a new high-performance technological equipment.

It is also necessary to master the expansion of the technological capabilities of machines. The expansion of technological capabilities of the equipment is mainly achieved by improving the machines themselves, increasing their reliability, accuracy, using various devices, a perfect cutting tool .

The disclosed high level of automation can be achieved for manufacturing under normal production conditions, with the machine being converted into a machine complex at low cost, performing a much larger number of different types of work than conventional universal equipment.

Such upgrades are useful to small and medium-sized businesses, as they allow them to have a minimum number of machines in their structure with a fairly large variety of processing methods.

This direction is developing in our diploma project.

The subject of the work is the modernization of the lathe with CNC model 16K20F3C32 in order to ensure the possibility of machining surfaces of complex shapes.

2.5 Analogue Analysis

proposed machine is designed for treatment of outer and inner surfaces of billets such as bodies of revolution with stepped or curvilinear profile in one or several working strokes in closed semi-automatic cycle. The machine is manufactured on the basis of the 16K20 machine, but differs in that it is equipped with various numerical software control devices depending on the modification. Machine accuracy class P. Machine has the traditional layout for lathes.

There are related machines and modifications of models 16KR20F3, 16K20F3, 16K20F3S1, 16K20F3S2, 16K20F3S5, 16K20F3S4, 16K20T1 with an operational control system which differs in the fact that it has no AKS, and there is a shpindelny grandma with manual installation of speeds and a possibility of automatic change of their size twice according to the program. The specified machine tools 16K20F1... 5 differ from mine in some technical characteristics.

2.6 Specification of modernization of 16K20F3S32 machine

The analysis showed that in order to improve the performance and efficiency of processing, it is advisable to carry out my topic "Modernization of the lathe with NC model 16K20F3C32 in order to enable the processing of surfaces of complex shapes" to have the following task.

To develop the devices allowing to process on machine 16K20F3S32 of a detail of irregular shape, including rods, difficult waves, including crankshafts of cars, krylchatka, etc. The structures of the modernization units and accessories shall not be expensive and shall be suitable for the machine.

The accessories shall be capable of handling several kinds of complex shaped parts. Including parts such as rod, crankshaft, shaped part of compressor wheel, etc. The accessories shall provide improved accuracy and reliability of processing.

The proposed technical solutions should reduce the loss of working time associated with re-adjustment, and, therefore, increase the processing or control performance of complex parts.

The purpose of the project is to modernize the lathe cartridge center machine with CNC modes. 16K20F3 in order to allow machining of surfaces of complex shapes.

Organization of the quality system in the enterprise

Enterprises of the market economy have gone through 4 phases in their development, each of which corresponds to its own organization of production and internal relations .

At the first stage of industrial development, enterprises are oriented towards production: they decide what to produce, how much, at what price to sell. Additionally authoritarian leadership style; low-skill labour force; quality is poor.

Stage two. After the Second World War, welfare gradually increased, production capacity increased and became comparable to demands. Purchasing power is increased by increasing consumer income. Within the enterprise, attention moves from production to sales. Demand is high, competition is insignificant, labor costs are low, enterprises do not need to worry about quality.

Stage three. In the 1970s, enterprises underwent a cultural revolution. Competition is increasing. The consumer becomes more demanding on the characteristics of the goods. Companies needed to research the market to understand what products were needed. Companies are undergoing various organizational changes associated with a further shift to sales. Employees of enterprises change their attitude to work. They are becoming more aware of their rights, more educated, and require more encouragement to be satisfied with their work.

Stage four. In the 1980s, companies focused on the problem of falling profits, mainly due to the higher cost of quality assurance, as additional costs for marriage and processing increased.

Not that companies tried to introduce quality circles following the Japanese model, but attempts to involve people in solving the quality problem at each organizational level did not always succeed.

Despite the first good luck, enterprises tried to plan quality within the product life cycle, involving departments (sales, R&D, production, etc.).

This approach has led to the establishment of two strategic functions to achieve the ultimate objectives.

The first function is to determine the target market, identify the needs and requests of consumers.

The second function is product quality responsibility.

The focus on the consumer leads to a different view of the product. What is developed, produced and sold is no longer just a manufactured product, but a complex concept that provides various functions and provides the best service to its consumers.

Quality is becoming strategically important not only in terms of cost reduction, but also in determining the needs of consumers that are becoming increasingly demanding.

The time is ripe for the introduction and adoption of universal quality management (QM). According to this approach, quality should be "embedded" in the product. All departments of the enterprise must take full responsibility for quality.

This system is distributed both vertically and horizontally within the company, as well as involves the integration of each department of the company with subsequent and previous departments in the production chain. This interaction leads workers to understand a common goal and emphasizes the importance of processes.

Quality is a combination of the properties and characteristics of a product or service that meets the needs or expectations.

Quality management is the operational methods and activities used to meet quality requirements.

Universal quality management is an approach to the leadership of the organization, aimed at quality based on the participation of all its members and aimed at achieving long-term success by meeting the requirements of the consumer and benefiting the members of the organization and society.

The theory of VUK did not arise from scratch. It was preceded and was the basis for the teachings of many economists, sociologists, psychologists (Taylor, Weber, Deming, Crosby, etc.).

A systematic approach to product quality management in the USSR has developed since the 1950s, starting with the creation of simple systems, and then, as theory and practice develop, moving increasingly to large systems.

The Saratov system of defective production was developed in the mid-50s, was aimed at creating conditions that ensure the production of products without deviations.


The system was based on a quantitative assessment of the quality of work. Depending on the given indicator, the size of the premium was determined.

- clear organization of all necessary jobs,

- continuous training and training of personnel.

Within the framework of the system, the organizational form has been developed - Quality Day, on Qatar, the results of work to ensure the established quality of products over the past period are critically analyzed and measures are being developed to improve product quality.

Disadvantages of this system:

- contradiction between quantity and quality in a planned economy;

- unfair reduction of the premium, due to the occurrence of defects not due to the fault of the worker.

The KANARSPI system was developed at the enterprises of the Gorky region in the early 1960s. This system is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a high level of design and technological preparation of production and obtaining in a short time the required quality of products from the first industrial samples.

The main task of this system was to identify at the design stage of the products the maximum number of causes of failures and their elimination in

interrogation period.

The work was carried out by complex teams, including designers, technologists, workers.

Advantages of the system:

- reduction of the terms of new products refinement to the specified quality level by 3 times,

- increase of reliability of manufactured products by 2 times,

- decrease of labour intensity and cycle of installation works by 2 times.

It should be noted that the principles of this system were implemented at enterprises of defense industries much less at enterprises of civil industries. This can be explained by differences in the conditions for financing the activities of enterprises, as well as powerful experimental and research bases.

The NORM system was developed in the mid-1960s at the Yaroslavl Engine Plant.

This system is characterized by the fact that for the first time the technical parameter of the product (motor resource) is taken as the quality criterion, that is, the operating time in the hours before the first overhaul under normal operating conditions with the replacement of individual quick-wear replaceable parts during this period.

This system is based on the principle of consistent and systematic control of the level of motor resource and its systematic increase on the basis of improving the reliability and durability of parts.

When analyzing the actions of this system, it is necessary to note a significant error. The developers focused their attention only in one indicator engine resource. This approach does not exclude the possibility of improving one quality indicator at the expense of others, which are also important for the consumer.

Comprehensive product quality management system. It was developed as a result of a scientific production experiment by enterprises of the Lviv region. This system is the result of the scientific synthesis of all best practices into the BIP, CANARSPI, NORM system.


- Development of progressive forms and methods of organization of labour and production,

- moral and material stimulation of performers and labor collectives,

- The organizational and technical basis was the standards of the enterprise,

- multilevel management organization (product quality management was carried out not only by types of production activities, but also by production tasks).

Factory standards regulate all organizational, technical and economic measures aimed at improving the quality of products, establish the procedure for actions and responsibility of each contractor in the work to achieve a high technical level, reliability and durability.

Disadvantages of this system:

- the development of the system was formally approached,

- Employees of enterprises did not have sufficient knowledge and authority

After World War II, US industry began to develop. However, the quality of the goods was poor.. Most of all, they tried to find a solution to the quality problem in the United States in various measures: tariffs, quotas, duties that protect American manufacturers from Western European competitors.

The main managers of enterprises had the task of not only improving the quality of products, but also motivating workers, creating quality circles, keeping records of quality costs, etc.

In the early 1980s, quality management in the United States was mainly limited to quality planning. However, plans to improve the quality of products were developed without a detailed study of internal problems, which created additional problems.

Analyzing the American experience in the field of quality management, the following features can be noted:

Linking quality problems with the competitiveness of products of firms and the country as a whole,

- Increasing budgetary funding for education, science and human development,

- improvement of the company management system,

- attention to the process of production planning in terms of volume and quality;

- strict quality control of products by the company administration,

The measures taken in the United States to constantly improve the quality of products did not slow down to eliminate the gap in quality between Japan and the United States, which increased competition in the world market.

The features of Japan's quality management approach are:

- wide introduction of scientific developments in the field of management and technology;

- high degree of computerization of all operations of control, analysis and control of production,

- Maximizing the use of human possibilities, for which purpose measures are taken to stimulate, educate patriotism to their company, systematic and universal training of personnel, and the development of a corporate spirit.

The most important prerequisite for successful quality improvement is the training and continuous training of the company's personnel. Workers are trained directly by the manager. Training has a side effect. It is believed that the quality of work is 90% determined by education, 10% - by knowledge.

In Japan, much attention is paid to quality circles, which are held regularly. The quality circle is officially recognized, it is registered by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers.

Japanese personnel firms have developed a quality assurance program called "five zeros." It is formulated in the form of short rules and commandments:

- do not create (conditions for defects);

- do not transfer (defective products to the next stage);

- do not accept (defective products from the previous stage);

- do not change (process modes);

- do not repeat (errors).

Another most important section is the International Quality System: ISO 9000 Series.

International standards are applied in the following situations :

1) when the contract specifies the requirements for design works and products in the form of performance characteristics or the need to determine them,

2) when the consumer is sure that the products are supplied, meets the established requirements. The Supplier shall provide proof of its capabilities in the field of design, development, production, installation.

Features of ISO 9000 Series International Standards:

- application of the system approach to product quality management,

- consumer orientation,

- regulation of requirements for all stages of the product life cycle,

- product quality management is carried out according to the main functions,

- documentation of specific requirements,

- advisory character.

As the analysis shows, the introduction of an international quality system slightly increased the efficiency of management of firms. The world's leading firms achieve high quality through sophisticated methods and tools.

Drawings content

icon 16к20_511.cdw


icon датчик резьбонарезания.cdw

датчик резьбонарезания.cdw

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Инфо-карт ЮРА.cdw

icon Инфо-карта.cdw


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icon Привод и опоры продольного перемещения.cdw

Привод и опоры продольного перемещения.cdw

icon Привод продольной подачиС.cdw

Привод продольной подачиС.cdw

icon самоцентрирующий патрон.cdw

самоцентрирующий патрон.cdw

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Датчик резьбо нарезания.spw

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самоцентр патрон для эксентричных поверхно.spw

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icon Спецификация общий вид.spw

Спецификация общий вид.spw

icon Шпиндельная бабка.spw

Шпиндельная бабка.spw

icon устройство для крепления патрона к шпинделю.cdw

устройство для крепления патрона к шпинделю.cdw

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icon Шток - анализ .cdw

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icon Шток - анализ_на печать .cdw

Шток - анализ_на печать .cdw

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