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Software processing on machine 16k20f3s32


The project presents software processing on a turning-screw machine 16K20F3C32 of the outer surface of a part of the type of a body of revolution with a stepped and curvilinear profile, including cutting the fastening thread in several passes in a closed semi-automatic cycle. The explanatory note contains the development of the technological route for obtaining the part, the calculation of cutting modes, the description of the machine, the selection of the cutting tool, and also a control program. The sketch of technological operations and adjustments, the scheme of structure of UChPU is attached and also the kinematic scheme of machine 16K20F3S32 and the drawing of the back grandma is submitted

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Технологическая подготовка управляющей программы.cdw
icon Структура УЧПУ.cdw
icon Кинематическая схема станка.cdw
icon Чертеж задней бабки станка.cdw

Additional information


The purpose of the NC Software Machining course work is to prepare the documentation for manufacturing the NC Control System nozzle on the machine.

What requires:

1. Select a workpiece.

2. Select the cutting tool and the auxiliary tool.

Develop a process route for obtaining the part.

Calculate the cutting modes.

Sketch process operations.

Based on the compiled process, adjustment sketches and calculated cutting modes, make a control program.


One of the important parameters that characterizes the level of development of the automotive industry as a whole is the degree of improvement of metal cutting machines.

The modern level of development of the automotive industry poses the following requirements for metal cutting equipment:

High level of automation

Ensure high performance, accuracy and quality

Reliability of equipment operation

High mobility due to the current rapidly shifting production facilities

The first three requirements led to the creation of specialized and special machine guns, and on their basis AL, workshops, factories. The fourth problem, most characteristic of experimental and small-scale production, is solved by creating CNC machines.

The NC machine control process is represented as the process of transferring and converting information from a drawing to a finished part.

The main function of a person in this process is to convert the information of the part enclosed in the drawing into a control program understandable by the ECC, which will allow you to control the machine itself in such a way as to obtain a finished part corresponding to the drawing.

In this course work, the main stages of development of the control program will be considered: technological and mathematical preparation of the program, for this, the workpiece, NC system, process equipment will be selected on the basis of the part drawing.

In the final stage of the course operation, after describing the technological processing route, the assignment of cutting modes, a control program must be developed.

Description of ECC type 2P22

In domestic CNC machines used in the automotive industry, computer-based ECU built on the basis of the Electronics 60 microcomputer and its modifications are widely used. Such systems include contour-position systems of ECC type 2P22, which are equipped with lathe group machines of type 16K20F3C32, used to process parts of a complex profile in the automotive industry. The technical characteristic of machine 16K20F3S32 is given in table 1. The structural diagram of the 2P22 type computer ECC provides simultaneous movement along two coordinates with circular and linear interpolation is shown in Fig. 1.

ECC of 2P22 type consists of two autonomous units: operator panel (SW) and computer unit (CB), combined by flexible communication via SW interface (IS), located in CB and communication unit (US), installed in SW. A symbol information display unit is also installed on the operator console, on 8 lines of which the operational information on the set, editing for program check and the keyboard unit for the operational set of program information are displayed.

All modules installed in the computer unit are interconnected via a common bus. Random Access Memory (RAM) is used to store and transmit information on the processed control program. microcomputer "Electronics 60" also includes a read-only memory unit (ROM) carrying information not erased during program development, including current and information on the structure of standard cycles used during program development. microcomputer is connected to common bus through its interface (IN). The computer unit also has devices for input/output of information for communication with the controlled object - machine, devices for communication about feedback sensors (DOS), which monitor the position of the machine working elements during testing of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) program.

As external devices, ECC 2P22 can be equipped with a photo-reader (FCS) when setting a control program on a program carrier tape. If a magnetic cassette (tape) is used as a program medium, magnetic heads are installed instead of the FCS. If it is necessary to replicate the control program on the perforations, the device is supplemented with a perforator (P). In order to control a group of CNC machines or use automated program preparation (SAP) systems, the computer unit can be connected through a special SINZ interface) to an upper-level computer (VU), which allows significantly increasing the flexibility of the automated equipment control system in the automotive industry.

The main functions of ECC "2P22" are:

Manual control of caliper movements;

Memory input and output of information from memory;

Storage of input data and process program;

Selection of the specified control program;

Editing a control program stored in memory;

Program development;

Search for the desired frame;

Installation of machine tools in initial and preset state;

Find and change a tool

Calculate interpolations by moving by coordinates;

Calculation of processing cycles;

Providing work rate in absolute and relative coordinates;

Operation in automatic mode;

Provision of main drive operation in tracking mode during thread cutting;

Provision of alphanumeric information indication;

Provision of signalling of the specified list of states and faults;

Conversion of input information recorded in digital form into corresponding movements of machine elements;

Issue of control actions on process equipment;

Interruption of processing, removal of the tool from the processing area and subsequent return to the interruption position with continuation of further work;

Ensuring constant cutting speed during curvilinear surface treatment;

Diagnostics of main units in "test" mode and indication of readings.

Part Processing Process Route

Operation 010. Procurement. Cutting of blanks with length of 135 mm.

Operation 020. Milling. Mill the ends up to the length of the workpiece 134 mm.

Operation 030. Turning.

Item 1. Drill rectangular grooves T3, refer to

the specified dimensions.

Item 2. Rotate the workpiece. Draft Turn of Main Surfaces

right cutter T1 according to the specified dimensions.

Item 3. Finishing turn of main surfaces

right cutter T2 according to the specified dimensions.

Item 4. Rotate the workpiece. Draft Turn of Main Surfaces

right cutter T1 according to the specified dimensions.

Item 5. Finishing turn of main surfaces

right cutter T2 according to the specified dimensions.

Position 6. Thread T4.


As a result of the course work in the discipline "Software processing on CNC machines," documentation was prepared for the manufacture of a nozzle on a machine equipped with an CNC control system. For this purpose the machine 16K20F3C32 with NC system of type 2P22 was selected. And also a cutting and auxiliary tool was chosen, a technological route for obtaining the part was developed. Calculations of cutting modes were made.

For clarity, sketches of technological operations are made. A control program has been drawn up for the compiled process, adjustment sketches and calculated cutting modes.

Drawings content

icon Технологическая подготовка управляющей программы.cdw

Технологическая подготовка управляющей программы.cdw

icon Структура УЧПУ.cdw

Структура УЧПУ.cdw

icon Кинематическая схема станка.cdw

Кинематическая схема станка.cdw

icon Чертеж задней бабки станка.cdw

Чертеж задней бабки станка.cdw