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Electric equipment of calf

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Thesis "Development of microclimate control scheme"

Project's Content

icon Граф.часть.dwg
icon Граф.часть.bak
icon Характеристика.docx
icon Титульник.docx
icon Содержание.docx
icon Рецензия.docx
icon Реферат.docx
icon Литература.docx
icon Записка на дороботку1,1.doc
icon Заключение.docx
icon Задание.docx
icon Ведомость комплекта.doc
icon Введение.docx
icon 5 Экономика.docx
icon 4 БЖД.docx

Additional information


Project Documentation Package List

Diploma Design Assignment


Source Data

Production characteristics of SEC "Synkovichi"

Production technology. Process equipment

Civil parameters of the main building of the project object

2. General Electrical Part

2.1 Parameters of calf building engineering systems

2.2 Selection of electrical equipment of the calf building

2.3 Location of electrical entry into the building

General BRU Solutions

2.4 Calculation of electrical lighting of the building. Selection of lighting equipment

and light sources

2.4.1 Selection of light sources

2.4.2 Selection of lighting systems and type

2.4.3 Selection of normalized illumination and margin factor

2.4.4 Selection of lighting fixtures

2.4.5 Lighting equipment calculation of lighting plant

2.5 Calculation of electric loads of the calf building

2.5.1 Plotting electrical loads and detection

half-hour maximum

2.5.2 Determination of power factor and total power at input

2.6 Switchgear selection. Selection of control sets

and protection of electric receivers and networks

2.6.1 Selection of control and protection devices of electric receivers and networks

2.7 Schematic diagrams of supply and distribution networks

2.8 Calculation and selection of electrical power wiring

and electrical lighting

2.8.1 Calculation and selection of electrical power wiring

2.8.2 Calculation and selection of electric wiring for calf lighting

2.9 Selection of location and number of substations 10/0.4 kV

Load calculation. Selection of power and number of transformers

2.9.1 Calculation of electrical loads

2.9.2 Selection of power and number of step-down transformers


2.9.3 Position selection of transformer substation

2.10 Calculation and selection of compensating devices

2.11 Calculation of 0.4 kV on-site networks

2.12 Measures to reduce power losses

2.13 Organization of electrical service for operation of electrical equipment

3. Special part

3.1 Justification of the question

3.2 General information and technological requirements for the designed

to electroinstallation

3.2.1 Calculation and selection of circuit elements

3.3 Development of schematic electrical control diagram

3.4 Selection of circuit diagram elements

3.5 Development of control cabinet

3.5.1 Cabinet Design Selection

3.5.2 Layout diagram (general view of the panel, arrangement of the devices,

technical data of devices)

3.6 Development of control cabinet connection diagram

4. Safety of activities

4.1 Analysis of the state of labor protection in SEC "Synkovichi"

4.2 Development of safety measures during operation of electrical equipment in calf

4.3 Ensuring fire safety in the calf


5.1 Essence, relevance and novelty of development

5.2 Selection of technical solutions and their comparative characteristics

5.3 Initial data

5.4 Natural technical and economic indicators

5.5 Investments and annual operating costs

5.6 Project Profit and Income

5.7 Project Investment Performance Indicators

5.8 Output


Project Description

The diploma project on the topic: "Electrical equipment of the SPK" Synkovichi "calf of the Zelvensky district with the development of a control scheme for an air ionization unit" was completed in scope: a calculation and explanatory note on 101 pages, tables -16, figures -10, a graphic part on 8 sheets of A1 format.

Keywords: power supply, electrical equipment, electrical network, load, voltage loss, safety, savings.

The project carried out electrical calculation of the 0.38 kV network, calculated voltage losses in the network, calculation of electric lighting, presented the characteristics of the design object, considered safety requirements for the installation and operation of power equipment, fire safety and calculation of the grounding efficiency of the transformer substation. Electrical equipment control and protection devices were calculated and selected, as well as devices for protecting people and animals from electric shock. Calculations of technical and economic indicators were made.

The graphic part shows the general plan of telantics, the location of power equipment and lighting plants, the diagram of the supply and distribution network, the structural process diagram, the electrical schematic diagram of the air ionizer control, the table of technical and economic indicators.


Project theme: Electrical equipment of the SPK "Synkovichi" calf of the Zelvensky district with the development of a control scheme for the air ionization unit

Project Input

- design assignment;

- results of object examination during pre-diploma practice;

- special literature on the subject of the project;

- BGATU STP enterprise standards 01.1206;

- regulatory reference materials (SNB, TAP, R&D, PUE, etc.)


INTRODUCTION (rationale for thesis project topic)


1.1 Production characteristics of SEC "Synkovichi."

1.2 Production technology. Process equipment.

1.3 Civil parameters of the main building of the design object.


2.1 Parameters of engineering support systems of the calf building.

2.2 Selection of electrical equipment of the calf building.

2.3 Location of electrical entry into the building. General BRU decision.

2.4 Calculation of electrical lighting of the building. Selection of lighting equipment and light sources.

2.4.1 Selection of light sources.

2.4.2 Selection of lighting systems and type.

2.4.3 Selection of normalized illumination and safety factor.

2.4.4 Selection of lamps.

2.4.5 Lighting equipment calculation of lighting installation.

2.5 Calculation of electric loads of the calf building.

2.5.1 Plotting electrical loads and detection

half-hour maximum.

2.5.2 Determination of power factor and total input power.

2.6 Switchgear selection. Selection of control and protection devices for electric receivers and networks

2.6.1 Selection of control and protection devices of electric receivers and networks.

2.7 Schematic diagrams of power supply and distribution network.

2.8 Calculation and selection of electrical wiring of power electrical equipment and electric lighting.

2.8.1 Calculation and selection of electrical power wiring.

2.8.2 Calculation and selection of electric wiring for calf lighting.

2.9 Location selection and number of substations 10/0.4 kV. Load calculation. Selection of power and number of transformers.

2.9.1 Calculation of electrical loads.

2.9.2 Selection of power and number of transformers of step-down substations.

2.9.3 Selection of position of transformer substation.

2.10 Calculation and selection of compensating devices.

2.11 Calculation of 0.4 kV on-site networks.

2.12 Measures to reduce power losses.

2.13 Organization of electrical service for operation of electrical equipment.


Rationale for the issue.

General information and process requirements for the designed electrical installation.

3.2.1 Calculation and selection of circuit elements.

3.3 Development of schematic electrical control diagram.

3.4 Selection of circuit diagram elements.

3.5 Development of control cabinet.

3.5.1 Cabinet design selection.

3.5.2 Layout diagram (general view of panel, arrangement of devices, technical data of devices)

3.6 Development of control cabinet connection diagram


4.1 Analysis of the state of labor protection in the SEC "Synkovichi."

4.2 Development of safety measures during operation in calf.

4.3 Ensuring fire safety in the calf.


5.1 Essence, relevance and novelty of development.

5.2 Selection of technical solutions and their comparative characteristics.

5.3 Initial data.

5.4 Natural technical and economic indicators.

5.5 Investments and annual operating costs.

5.6 Profit and income from the sale of the product.

5.7 Indicators of efficiency of investments in the project.

5.8 Output

List of literature used.

List of graphic material (with exact indication of required drawings and graphs)

1 General plan with 0.4 kV and TP networks.

2 Supply and distribution network diagrams.

3 Electric lighting. Location plan.

4Plane for arrangement of power electrical equipment and wiring.

5 Electrical schematic diagram of the unit.

6 General view of control cabinet.

7 Diagram of control cabinet connection.

8 Technical and economic indicators.


Animal husbandry is one of the most important sectors of agriculture that meets the needs of the population for food, as well as providing raw materials to various industries.

The transfer of livestock to an industrial basis, the creation of large livestock complexes is characterized by a significant concentration of a large number of animals in the premises, requires blocking buildings and increasing their capacity. This imposes particularly stringent requirements for the creation of an optimal microclimate, which at the present stage is of paramount importance for the safety and high productivity of animals at a lower cost per unit of production. With industrial methods of maintenance, the animal body experiences large functional loads, its adaptive responses to external stimuli, which often become stressful for them, change. As a result, the physiological state of the body is disturbed, more often animal diseases are manifested due to a decrease in natural resistance and immunological reactivity.

Inconsistency of the main factors of the microclimate (temperature, humidity and speed of air movement, presence of aeroions, microorganisms, dust and harmful gas impurities in it, level of illumination in rooms, acoustic background, atmospheric pressure, etc.) optimal zoogygenic parameters are caused in animals by metabolic disorders, retardation of redox processes in tissues, reduction of cell and hormonal protection of organism, deterioration of morphological composition and biochemical properties of blood, impairment of reproduction function of mother stock, delay of growth and development of young animals, as well as reduction of milk yield, increase of animal weight, increase of young animals morbidity and incidence, feed costs and production cost. In addition, its biological and sanitary qualities are deteriorating, the period of economic use of the mother stock is reduced, and there is premature removal of animals from fattening.

The reasons for the formation of an unsatisfactory microclimate are different:

in the construction and operation of livestock buildings, zone climatic conditions are not always taken into account, and therefore the thermal protection of enclosing structures and the power of ventilation heating equipment are reduced; Lighting, sewerage, ventilation and heating systems are not perfect; their maintenance is not carried out in a timely and qualified manner everywhere.

In this regard, a microclimate is formed in livestock buildings, which not only negatively affects the animal body, but also reduces the life of buildings and technological equipment installed in them, and the working conditions of maintenance personnel are worsened.

The creation of an optimal microclimate in modern livestock buildings is possible only with the equipment of advanced heating, ventilation, lighting, local heating facilities with automatic control and regulation. Also at the moment, great attention should be paid to saving, and the rational use of energy resources for creating a microclimate in the working zone. This requires a clear organization by the zoo veterinary and engineering services of zoo-logistics control over the construction of buildings and the creation of microclimates in livestock premises, timely and qualified systems for its provision.

Economic part

5.1 Essence, relevance and novelty of development

Providing an optimal ratio of negative and positive aeroions in the working zone is one of the factors contributing to improving productivity and behavior of animals.

Also, in connection with the preservation and change of livestock under artificial ionization conditions, molecular mechanisms were studied to ensure the natural resistance of animals. It was shown (V.V. Rudakov, N.V. Tsikina, 1983) that 2 months after the start of round-the-clock ionization (3⋅105 ions/cm3), the concentration of specific serum proteins that increase the body's resistance to various diseases increased by 34.5%. Higher levels of these proteins were noted at 3 months, when the increase compared to the control was 28.9%. These data indicate a more intensive synthesis of humoral factors of natural immunity in calves in conditions of artificial ionization of livestock premises. Similar data were obtained earlier on bulls producers (B. A. Bashkirov and others, 1982).

An important condition for the body's resistance to diseases is the state of epithelial tissue, and in particular the mucosa of the airways. To a large extent, it depends on the provision of vitamin A to the animal body.

B. M. Fedorov (1983), studying the concentration of this vitamin in the blood of gobies at fattening and the growing season, showed that negative ions at a concentration of 3⋅105 ions/cm3 during daily ionization cause a significant increase in the concentration of vitamin A in blood serum. This indicator in the group of experimental animals increased by 43 and 32%, respectively, 2 and 3 months after the start of ionization. Increasing the concentration of vitamin A in the blood contributes not only to increasing the body's resistance to various diseases, but also to animal growth. This is supported by data on the weight gain of animals of control and experimental groups. If in the control the average daily increase was 959 g per day, then in animals of the experimental group it was significantly higher - 1020 S. S. Abramov and V. I. Gankovich (1983) studied the group of calves under artificial ionization conditions. The concentration of negative aeroions was from 9⋅104 to 15⋅104 ions/cm3. Ionization was carried out daily for 6 hours. It was found that in the control group, which was kept under normal conditions, the incidence of bronchopunevonia was 50%, and when exposed to negative aeroions - only 20 and 25%. The authors explain this by increasing the level of natural protection and improving the microclimate (reducing ammonia and microbial air pollution).

While these studies focused on the use of artificial ionization for prophylactic purposes, other authors indicated a preventive and curative effect. So, T. I. Sologub and others (1984) used artificial ionization to prevent and treat respiratory diseases in calves. The concentration of aeroions was increased for 7 days from 5⋅104 to 25⋅104 ions/cm3. The duration of exposure was first 1 hour, and after 2 hours. 3-4 sessions were conducted daily for 2 months. The incidence of bronchopneumonia in the control group was 98.5%, when exposed to artificial ionization - 6.9%. In treatment, ionization was used in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs. As a result, calves fell from 5.6 to 0.4%. For treatment, we used specially equipped chambers in which an ion concentration of up to 1⋅106 ions/cm3 was created.

Due to the fact that ionization in the premises of the considered calf mumber, requires investment and their feasibility in market relations must be economically justified. This is the rationale below.

The purpose of the economic part of the diploma project is to substantiate the economic profitability of installing an aeroionizer in a calf for 480 heads.

5.2 Selection of technical solutions and their comparative characteristics.

Variant 1 (basic) involves ventilation in a calf-and-fodder based on the VOB5U3 unit.

Option 2 provides for the use of the OV1 ionization plant, combining air purification and ionization.

The advantage of the proposed design of the air ionizer installation is the increase of drives and their safety.


Thus, the calculation showed that the placement in the room of a fattening calf for 480 heads, an air purification and ionization plant, is an economically profitable solution. This conclusion is justified by the receipt of net discounted income for the settlement period in the amount of 62736 thousand rubles. At the same time, the dynamic payback period is 2.6 years.

It follows that the installation proposed in the project can be used for practical implementation.


In accordance with the assignment for graduate design, an installation for air ionization in the room of the Sinkovichi calf center was developed and investigated.

Calculation of internal lighting and external electrical networks was made. Closed type transformer substation with 250 kVA TM type transformers has been selected. A control box has been developed.

Labour and environmental protection issues have been developed. The economic justification for the use of the air ionization unit has been completed and the feasibility of the adopted version has been proved.

Thanks to the use of the ionizer, the live weight of calves has increased markedly, as shown in the economic part of the project.

With capital investments of 48600 thousand rubles, the payback period is 2.6 years. Discounted income for the estimated service life will be 62736 thousand rubles.

Drawings content

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