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Unit Gas Station

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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Gas-regulating point of block type (GRPB) for lowering the grip from leap (up to 0.6 mPa) to low (3 kPa) ta supported yogo at the given level of the gas-stop system of settlements.

Project's Content

icon 1 Общие данные АС.doc
icon plot.log
icon АС.bak
icon АС.dwg
icon 1 Общие данные.doc
icon ГПВ 1.bak
icon ГПВ 1.dwg
icon ГСВ 1.pdf
icon ГСВ 2.pdf
icon Спецификация оборудование ГСВ-2.doc
icon Спецификация оборудование ГСВ.doc
icon 1 Общие данные.doc
icon 2 План.doc
icon 1 Общие данные Е.doc
icon 2 Общ.схема.doc
icon 3 схема загазованости.doc
icon 7 Молнеезащита.doc
icon plot.log
icon ЕОМ.bak
icon ЕОМ.dwg
icon ЕОМpdf.pdf
icon Спецификация оборудования еом.doc
icon Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Пояснительная.doc
icon Тит лист А4.doc
icon Тит лист том 1 ПЗ А3.doc

Additional information


Volume Content

Explanatory Note:

1. Introduction

2. Technological part

3. Protection of gas pipeline against corrosion

4. Environmental protection measures

5. Protection of gas distribution networks

6. Organization of construction

Explanatory Note

1. Introduction

2. Technical part

3. Heating, smoke removal and ventilation

4. Protection of gas pipeline against corrosion


Source Documents:

- Customer's application;


JSC Novokubanskraigaz "No. 805 dated 05.11.08g

- Topographic survey

- Design Assignment

Graphic Material:

1. General data. Situation Plan

2. Gas pipeline route plan

3. SGN Installation Plan. Axonometric diagram

4. Overall installation diagram. Attachment of SGR on the wall. Technical specifications

Attached documents:

Inlet of bottom gas pipeline Dn 32 mm from polyethylene pipes with pressure up to 0.3 MPa

Grounding of gas pipeline and SGD

Equipment Specification

1. General Data

2. Yard gas pipeline plan. Building plan lit. "A." Axonometric diagram

Attached documents:

Equipment Specification


The working project for gasification of a residential building on the street. Stepnoy 21 p. Fortstadt of the Novokubansky district of the Krasnodar Territory was carried out on the basis of the customer's application and technical conditions of Novokubanskraigaz JSC No. 805 dated 05.11.2008, topographic survey and design assignment.

The project was carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002 and the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," PB1252903, SP 421012003.

SP 421032003.

Seismicity of design area 7 points.

2. process part.

Internal gas pipeline networks are laid out of steel water and gas pipes GOST 326275. The gas pipeline shall be attached to the wall in accordance with SBS 5.90518.05.

At the place where the gas pipeline passes through the walls of the building between the pipe and the case, an elastic waterproof seal is provided.

Gas devices are installed in the household:

- 4-burner gas stove PG4 ______________________________ 1 pc.

- Vaillant VUW INT 242/33 boiler ________________________________ 1 pc.

To measure gas flow, install gas meter NPA G4 ____________ 1 pc.

Construction, installation and grounding of equipment shall be carried out by specialized organizations.

Install and test the gas pipeline in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002 and the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems"

3. smoke removal and ventilation.

Smoke removal and ventilation are provided as per s.5.90528.08.

Inflow air through the window made in the upper part.

Connection pipe of heating device with chimney channels shall be made of thin-sheet steel GOST 558275.

Heating radiators shall be installed in rooms with gas instruments.

4. protection of gas pipeline against corrosion.

Protect the external gas pipeline from atmospheric corrosion by coating it with two layers of primer GF021 GOST 2512982, followed by painting with two layers of yellow oil paint for external work (GOST 829285), the internal gas pipeline with two layers of oil paint.

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