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Reconstruction of the existing gas station for three types of fuel with the placement of the gas filling station


The working draft "Reconstruction of the existing filling station for three types of fuel with the placement of the AGZP" was developed on the basis of the design assignment and in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:


- SNiP 3.05.05-84 "Technological equipment and technological pipelines"


- NPAOT 0.00-1.59-87 "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels".


The gas station was designed on the site of the former parking lot, located on the street. on the territory of the existing gas station.


The gas station being designed provides reception, storage, and refueling of vehicles with liquid motor fuel (LMF).


The performance of gas stations for refueling cars is up to 200 refuelings per day.


The operating hours of the gas station are daily (including curfew).


The gas station is serviced by an operator - 3 people per day.


Gas station - with underground tanks. The plant is completed with aggregates, assemblies and parts of serial production. All units and parts used must have passports and certificates confirming their compliance with GOST and TU.


The manager includes:


- three underground horizontal tanks RGS-10 with a volume of 10.0 m³ each for receiving and storing iron and steel products produced by Selidovskaya IK No. 82;


- one underground horizontal tank RGS-5 with a volume of 5.0 m³ 5 for receiving and storing oil spills at the site of the AC produced by Selidovskaya IK No. 82;


- three dispensers "Shelf" 100-1VK with one filling nozzle for refueling cars, capacity 50 l/min, and a canopy made of non-combustible materials;


- pipelines for draining and supplying to the fuel dispenser ZHMT, a pipeline for breathing devices, shut-off and control valves, instrumentation and control devices.


The territory of the gas tanker belongs to the explosive zone 2 (V-1G) within a radius of 8 m in accordance with the PUE.


Production category for explosion and fire hazard - A.


Explosive mixture class - IIAT2 (GOST12.1.011-78).


Installation of tanks is accepted underground. The value of the maximum filling capacity - 95% (9.5 m³).

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