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Moscow region, p. Silver Ponds, Grace Reconstruction TP-58 TA No. 188/10 - placement of equipment and networks


AIIS CUE Project. Explanatory note and drawings

Project's Content

icon 1. Титульный лист_188 АИИС КУЭ.docx
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icon 2. Лист согласований_188 АИИС КУЭ.docx
icon 3. Ведомость обьемов работ_188 АИИС КУЭ.docx
icon 4. Пояснительная записка 188 АИИС КУЭ.docx
icon Согласование.jpg
icon Согласованная однолинейка.jpg

Additional information

General provisions.

In this album, design work was carried out according to technical assignment No. 188/10 dated 03/03/2009, issued by Moscow Regional Power Grid Company OJSC, regarding the reconstruction of TP58 located in MO, Serebryanye Prudy, Grace village on the creation of a local segment of an automated information and measurement system for commercial accounting of electric energy (AIIS PAM), designed to collect, process, transmit and store the results of measurements of electric power quality parameters and information on the state of objects and metering devices. The accounting technology used is fully automated, does not need a staff of supervisors and completely eliminates the possibility of any negative subjective factors influencing the accounting process.

Purpose of system creation.

The purpose of the system is to obtain reliable information on the amount of transmission, distribution and consumption of electric energy and power in the retail market for solving the following technical and economic problems:

- financial (commercial) calculations for electricity and power consumption capacity of public facilities;

- control of power consumption modes;

- determination of cost and cost of transmission and distribution of electricity and power;

-control of technical condition and compliance with requirements of AIIS PAM regulatory and technical documents.

Compliance of design solutions with applicable safety and fire safety regulations.

Specialists who have undergone special training and who have at least a third group on electrical safety, in accordance with the "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers" and "Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations" (RD 15334.0-03.15000) should be allowed to work with AIIS equipment.

All external (external) conductive elements of PUE AIIS equipment, which may be under voltage or induced potential, have protection against accidental contact, and the technical means themselves are grounded in accordance with PUE.

Computers and peripheral devices, which are part of AIIS PUE, must be connected to protective grounding, made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.2007.0 and GOST 25.861.

The transient resistance on the ground loop contact connections shall not exceed 0.1 ohms. The resistance of the grounding device shall not exceed 4 Ohm.

The equipment shall be located and installed in such a way that its safe technical operation is ensured.

AIIS PUE hardware shall comply with the general requirements for fire safety during operation according to GOST 12.1.004, GOST R 50377, RD 15334.0-03.301.

2. characteristics of the automation object.

Power supply of the reconstructed TP58 is carried out from power lines YukV f. No. 1 ZTP1E9 of the Southern Electric Networks branch of OJSC MOESK.

Two TM400/10 transformers are installed in TP for power supply to consumers.

Transformer power meters NP542.24T4P5RLni and router RTR512.76L/G are installed in cabinets inside RP 0.4kV.

3. main technical solutions.

AIIS PUE TP58 as a whole is created as a three-level automated system. List of hierarchy levels:

The 1st level includes an IIK (information measuring complex).

The IEC includes:

- current measuring transformers;

- secondary measuring circuits;

- electric energy meters (NP542.24T4P5RLni).

Layer 2 of the system forms a router (RTR512.76L/G) that is installed on the substation and performs communication functions.

The 3rd level information collection and processing center is located in Kashirskaya ELEK OJSC. It makes decisions related to energy accounting and management.

The system supports two-way data exchange between counters and the Center. At the same time, routers act only as intermediate switching devices. The router clock synchronizes once a day during communication with the center. The current time of network devices is synchronized by the router itself approximately once every ten minutes.

On the TP58 side, two levels (1st and 2nd) are created that are part of the AIIS PUE.

Structural diagram of the hardware complex (CTS) located on TP58 is given on the sheet "Structural diagram of AIIS PAM."

Means and methods of communication for information exchange between system components.

The router supports the communication protocol with counters and remote displays over a 0.4kV PLtrunk.

Communication channels with a transmission rate of not less than 9600 bps and a readiness factor of not less than 0.95 are used to organize communication between the router and the IVC layer as part of the AMIS AIIS.

The GSM network covered on TP58 is used as the main communication channel with the AIIS of the FCS.

Solution for the complex of technical facilities, its placement on the facility.

The main relationships of the hardware complex are given on the sheet "Structural diagram of AIIS PAM."

The plan and diagrams are executed with the level of detail required for the implementation of the PAM AIIS project and equipment maintenance during operation.

The counters are located in the accounting cabinet (LC) installed in the LPU.

Connection of the counter to the secondary circuits of current and voltage transformers is performed through the test box (see the sheet "Meter connection diagram"). For connection, KVGng cable 10x2.5 is used - for current circuits and KVGng cable 5x1.5 is used - for voltage circuits. Test boxes and counters are installed in SH (refer to sheet "SH cabinet, CMM. General view ").

The router is installed in the CMM cabinet in the PLL.

The router is connected via the circuit breakers of the input panels of the 1 and 2 sections (refer to the "Router connection diagram" sheet). 4x2.5 KVGn cable is used for connection.

The location of the meter and router cabinets is shown on the Layout and Routing Layout sheet.

Route the cables to the router and counters along the walls in the cable channel. All metal parts that may be energized by insulation damage shall be grounded. From short circuits in lines - QF1 circuit breakers are installed. QF2 in accordance with the 0.4kV circuit diagram. Designed networks are constructed for transmission and metering of electricity for 0.4kV voltage. The specified process is waste-free and is not accompanied by harmful emissions into the natural environment (both air and water). Production noise and vibrations are absent. In this regard, no measures to reduce production noise and vibration are envisaged by this project.

Solutions to protect information from unauthorized access.

The following measures are used to protect information from unauthorized access:

- sealing of counter NP542.24T4P5RLni;

- sealing of RTR512.76L/G router;

- sealing of cabinets with counters and router;

- sealing of outputs of measuring transformers;

- sealing of test box in meter circuits;

- sealing of LPU power circuits.

4. health and safety. fire-fighting measures and fire protection.

Labor protection and safety during construction and operation of the designed systems are ensured by making all design decisions in strict accordance with the "Rules for the arrangement of electrical installations" (PUE ed. VII), SNiP 12042002 "Safety in Electrical Works at the Facilities of the Ministry of Energy," and "Electrical Safety during Commissioning, Acceptance Tests and Operation of 0.4kV Power Transmission Lines, the requirements of which take into account safety conditions of work, prevention of industrial injuries, occupational diseases, fires and explosions.

The project provides for:

- use of technically advanced products

- installation of grounding devices of elements of electrical installations with standardized PUE of VII resistance value and structure that meets the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0685 "Installation of electrical devices";

In order to ensure health and safety, it is also necessary that construction, installation and commissioning works and operation of the system are carried out in accordance with PTB, PTE and SNiP. Fire safety of the system is ensured by grounding, automatic disconnection from short-circuit currents. Upon completion of construction, installation and commissioning works, acceptance shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of PTB, PUE, PTE.

Drawings content

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