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Unified electric lift of "ESPL" type - heading


Exchange rate design - Calculation of turbine K-18-80. Turbine K-18-80 was calculated with initial parameters Rated electric power - 18 MW Acute steam pressure upstream stop valves - 80 bar Acute steam temperature - 540 С Final steam pressure - 0.04 bar

Project's Content

icon Электроподъёмник-Компас 12.cdw
icon Годовой график ремонта.doc
icon Курсовая-Митрохин-на печать.doc
icon Карта смазки-7.frw
icon Кинематическая схема-7.frw

Additional information


Modern equipment is a complex set of mechanisms and devices, for the successful functioning of which the failure-free operation of each unit included in them is necessary. The main responsibility of the repair personnel is to combat wear and tear as the main cause of loss of equipment capacity and capacity.

The growth of labor productivity on the railway and other industries is directly dependent on the technical condition of working machines and mechanisms, their uninterrupted operation and accuracy. To this end, work is being carried out to improve the organization of repair of industrial equipment, the introduction of progressive technology into repair practice, and the implementation of repairs.

The role of mechanics serving modern equipment is extremely responsible, requires good knowledge of the equipment and the ability to perform preventive repairs.

Machines, mechanisms and accessories in the repair depot must be operated, constantly maintained in working condition, and repaired in a timely manner. These requirements are especially relevant at present, because the technical level of machines is constantly increasing, and new progressive technological regimes are being introduced.

To ensure normal and uninterrupted operation of the existing mechanical equipment of the repair depot, it is necessary to follow the rules of technical operation.

Mechanics should know the types and designs of mechanical equipment of the repair depot, be able to recognize the signs and cause of wear of parts of various mechanisms and machines, possess modern methods of restoring worn-out parts of machines and installing mechanical equipment using universal and special devices and devices that mechanize heavy and labor-intensive manual operations. When performing repair and installation work, the mechanic must also comply with safety, health, industrial sanitation and fire safety instructions.

The main tasks of the employees of the mechanical service:

- ensuring uninterrupted operation and good technical condition of the equipment;

- monitoring of strict compliance with technical operation rules.

1 General part

1.1 Description of the locomotive repair depot "Taganay"

The Taganay locomotive depot is a railway transport enterprise in the city of Zlatoust, belongs to the South Ural Railway. The depot is engaged in the repair of traction rolling stock.

The locomotive depot of the Zlatoust station was built in 1890 during the construction of the SamaroZlatoust railway. In the steam locomotive fleet of the depot, there were initially 14 steam locomotives.

From July 1953 to February 1954, the N8 electric locomotive was tested at the Taganay depot. According to the test results, a number of changes were made to the design of the electric locomotive and an experimental batch of seven electric locomotives (from number 002 to 008) entered the depot. During the pilot operation, which lasted until 1956, depot workers made proposals for improving individual units of the N8 electric locomotive.

Electric locomotives N8 were renamed VL8. Their operation in the depot continued until 1970, after which their replacement in operation with VL10 electric locomotives began.

In 2009, the Zlatoust station locomotive depot was reorganized and divided into two depots: the Taganay locomotive repair depot, which is engaged in the repair of locomotives and the Zlatoust operational depot, which is engaged in the operation of rolling stock.

Currently, the depot operates VL10 electric locomotives and their modifications, as well as 2TE10V diesel locomotives and ChME3 diesel locomotives.

The Taganay depot consists of the following workshops:

- operation shop - is engaged in operation of traction rolling stock and carries out transportation.

- lifting repair shop - the largest workshop in the depot, performs repair of locomotives in the volume of TP3 with full lifting of the body.

- periodic repair shop performs repairs in volume TP1 and TP2.

- wheel workshop performs repair of wheel pairs and axle box units.

-electromachine workshop performs repair of traction motors and auxiliary machines.

-The single-wheel shop performs the replacement of faulty wheel-motor units without lifting the locomotive body.

- equipment workshop performs repair of electric equipment of locomotives.

- thermal workshop performs repair of diesel locomotives.

- locksmith-billet shop performs turning, milling works and procures consumables.

- OGMvypolnyaet shop repair of machines, cranes and the other equipment in depot.

-I & C shop repairs instrumentation.

- Electronics shop - repairs the electronic equipment of locomotives.

The following departments exist in the Taganay repair depot:

- Department of the Chief Technologist;

- material supply department;

- Human resources department;

- Labour and Salary Department;

- marketing department;

- legal department;

- Quality control department;

- Power engineering department;

1.4 Technical Specifications for Repair of ESPL Electric Hoist

Repair specifications shall be based on "Workshop Mechanical Maintenance Rules." Technical specifications for repair works are made for the possibility of detecting the degree of defects of parts and assemblies of the machine according to permissible wear standards:

- thread of fasteners has torn turns,

cracks, dents or distortions of the profile;

- rods of bolts and screws are not rectilinear: faces of nuts, heads of bolts and screws, holes for keys and screwdriver are crushed;

- misalignment of axes and shafts shall not exceed 0.25: 1000,

not parallel 0.3: 1000, curvature 0.15 mm along the entire length of the shaft;

- heating of knots should not exceed 65 wasps.

By bearings:

- bearing operation must be smooth;

- heating of bearings is not allowed.

2 Special part

2.1 Annual repair schedule of ESPL electric hoist

The annual schedule of equipment repair is drawn up to better allocate the time of planned preventive repairs of equipment and to allocate funds for the purchase of equipment repair parts.

The annual repair schedule of the ESPL electric hoist is compiled by the workshop ITR (workshop mechanics) for ongoing and overhaul repairs in the planned year and is coordinated with the chief mechanic department.

In the annual schedule of repair of the electric hoist, records of the planned dates, the duration of stops for repair, as well as marks on actual repairs are indicated.

The annual schedule provides for:

- recording of planned dates in the duration of equipment shutdowns for repair;

- marks on actually performed repairs in graphs, each of which corresponds to one decade of the month.

The repair locomotive depot "Taganay" at OJSC in accordance with the peculiarities of damage and wear of equipment components, as well as the labor intensity of repair work by the maintenance and maintenance system provides for the following types of repairs :

- inspection;

- ongoing repair;

- medium repair;

- overhaul.

On the annual chart, a symbol in the form of a fraction is indicated in the numerator: K - overhaul; T1 - maintenance; T2 - medium repair; O - inspection, and in the denominator its duration: inspection and routine repair - in hours; capital - in days.

Structure of the inter-repair cycle of the ESPL electric ramp lift:


The number of surveys About = 18, maintenance of T1 = 6, T2 = 2.

The overhaul cycle, T, hour, is determined by the formula

T = βp· βp· 9000, (1)

where βp is a factor that takes into account the type of production; in small-scale production βp = 1.5;

[beta] p is a factor that takes into account the value of the main parameter of the machine; up to 160 tons Βp = 1.3;

T = 1.5· 1.3· 9000 = 17550 tons. hours

The frequency of inspections is 650 hours (every 4 months).

The frequency of current repairs is 1950 h. (1 times a year).

The frequency of average repairs is once every 3 years.

The frequency of major repairs is once every 9 years.

The duration of inspections and repairs is calculated depending on the number of repair units. We take 10 rem. piece.

For overhaul (K) at 1 rem. units - 23 hours;

For maintenance (T1) on 1 rhemes. units - 4 hours;

For average repair (T2) on 1 rhemes. units - 16 hours;

For inspection (O) at 1 rem. units - 0.75 hours.

We get the duration:

O - 7.5 man-hours;

T1 - 40 man-hours;

T2 - 160 man-hours;

K - 230 man-hours.

In the annual schedule of repairs of the ESPL electric hoist for 2012, two inspections (O) lasting 7.5 people/hour, one ongoing repair (T1) lasting 40 people/hour were carried out.

Planned downtime for repairs for 2012 is 55, 5 people/hour.

After the annual schedule, it is agreed with the department of the chief mechanic.

2.2 Documentation for repair of ESPL electrical hoist

2.2.1 Repair list

Repair list for the current repair of the ESPL electric ramp.

Repair list for the current repair of the ESPL electric ramp

to establish:

- scope of works to be performed during equipment shutdown at

ongoing repair,

- number of parts and assemblies required for repair,

- Labour-intensive repair and manpower requirements for execution

of the envisaged scope of work,

- rational distribution of works among executors.

2.2.2 Job Instructions for Repair of "ESPL" Electrical Ramp.

The following works shall be provided for in the repair routines of "ESPL" electrical hoist:

- organizational moments (receipt of work order, key tags, safety instruction),

- preparatory works (installation of temporary fences of sites),

- monitoring the condition of the mechanism

The map also indicates the safe slinging diagrams of parts and assemblies.

General view of "ESPL" electric hoist.

The card must be approved by the chief mechanic.

2.3 Description of current repair of "ESPL" electric ramp

-Set the electric ramp drive to OFF.

- Fence the repair area, display warning signs.

- Build up the gearbox, transfer to the prepared repair site.

-Take the plug, drain oil from the crankcase.

-Take the cover bolts, remove the gearbox cover.

-Feed with air, probe all holes with wire.

-Verifying the condition of frames and threaded holes.

- Unscrew the bearing covers of shaft-gears and shaft-wheels.

-Infection of bearings and their inspection, if tolerances are exceeded - replace.

- Decommissioning of gearbox transmission with further cleaning of internal surfaces of gearbox and gear wheels.

- Check of bearing attachment condition, wear and gear engagement parameters, check of lubrication quality.

- Cleaning, grinding of small scratches at seats.

- Replacement of worn-out parts with in-situ fitting.

- Restore threaded holes, replace during bolt cutting.

- Mandrel of threads, key channels, adjustment of keys.

- Installation and attachment of bearing covers, their lubrication and pressing of bearings into the gearbox housing using the press.

Gearbox assembly:

- Before assembly, carefully clean the inner cavity of the reduction gear box housing from dirt and dust, as well as cover with oil.

- Gearbox assembly is performed in accordance with gearbox assembly drawing, starting from shaft assemblies:

- We get on the leading shaft MAZ the holding rings and ball-bearings which are previously heated in oil to 80100 wasps;

- Put the key in the driven shaft and press the gear wheel until stop against the shaft collar; then a spacer sleeve is put on, retaining rings are ointment and ball bearings pre-heated in oil to 80100 ° C are pressed;

- Assembled shafts are installed in the following sequence:

- install the driven shaft;

- install the drive shaft;

- Install end caps in the previous place with installation of gaskets from technical cardboard;. Check by turning of shafts

- No clamping of bearings (shafts must rotate by hand)

- Attach the covers with bolts.

- Pour oil into the housing, and cover the viewing hole with a cover with a gasket made of technical cardboard or a rubber gasket with a thickness of 12.5 mm;

- Attach the cover with bolts.

- The assembled gearbox is run idle and the instrument method of defect detection is carried out, i.e. we look at the parallelism of the shafts, the presence of radial run-out, noise in the gearbox.

2.6 Tools and accessories used during repair of "ESPL" electrical ramp

During repair, various tools and devices are used and used. In order to properly and skillfully use the tool and devices, you need to have experience and skills in working with the tool.

The main tools of mechanic repairmen are wrenches, hammer, scrap, sledgehammer, locksmith and fillers.

Wrenches are used to twist and unscrew bolts, nuts, studs and other bolted connections.

The hammer and sledgehammer are used where short-term loads are needed.

Gas cutters, welders and jacks are used in the removal and installation of steel structures and the replacement of rails.

Extractors are used to compress rolling bearings.

For lubrication with a thick lubricant, special blades, lubricants and syringes are used.

Drawings content

icon Электроподъёмник-Компас 12.cdw

Электроподъёмник-Компас 12.cdw

icon Карта смазки-7.frw

Карта смазки-7.frw

icon Кинематическая схема-7.frw

Кинематическая схема-7.frw