Typical Gas Metering Unit Design

- Added: 09.08.2014
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Additional information
Drawing List
Explanatory Note:
2. Basic technical solutions
3. Selection of devices for metering unit installation
4. Operation of metering unit
5.Installation of metering unit
6. Occupational safety and safety
7. Commissioning of the gas flow metering unit
8. Manufacturer's Guarantees
Natural Gas Commercial Metering Unit in the Furnace Room
FL Shauro on Ave. Moscow 199
Explanatory Note
General part
Working design of the installation of the commercial natural gas metering unit in the premises of the Shauro furnace plant according to Ave. Moscow 199 in Kharkov, made on the basis of:
Technical specifications for gas supply of a residential building;
Rules for execution of process automation working documentation GOST 21.40893.
DBN B.2.5202001 Gas shutdown;
Rules for the supply of that vicoristanne of natural gas in the national government, solidified by the order of the Ministry of Education of Paliva and Energy No. Ukraїni v 618 d 27.12.2005 r.;
Electrical Installations Regulations (PUE);
Technical description and operating manual of the Gamma Flow gas volume computer.
The natural gas flow metering unit based on the corrector "GamymFlow03A" is designed for commercial calculation of Shauro FL according to Ave. Moscow 199, with the gas supply organization JSC Harkovgorgaz for the consumed natural gas according to requirements "Rules podach_ that vikoristannya natural to gas at national gospodarstv_ Ukra§ni".
Key Technical Solutions
The project provides for installation, in the room of the fireplace FL Shauro, etc. Moscow 199 in Kharkov, a commercial natural gas metering facility. The GMS G1632 counter, manufactured by the Arsenal plant in Kiev, is equipped with a Gammaflow 03A gas volume corrector manufactured by the SOFTSERVICE plant in Kharkov.
The metering unit based on the gas volume corrector "GammFlow" is a measuring equipment and is designed to convert output signals from a gas meter, a resistance thermal converter, measuring gas pressure and calculating the volume of natural gas.
Corrector is a means of measuring equipment and is intended for:
measuring parameters of natural gas passing through the measuring pipeline;
calculation of volume flow rate and volume of gas reduced to standard conditions in accordance with GOST 293993;
presentation of measurement and calculation results on a digital display device and a display screen of a personal computer, as well as in the form of printouts of reports and protocols.
In the measurement mode, the corrector provides:
measuring at regular intervals the temperature, gas volume and absolute pressure of the gas passing through the measurement pipeline;
measuring the volume flow rate of gas;
calculation of gas flow rate and volume, average temperature values, pressure for a given operational time interval and averaging of measurement information for an operational time interval of 1 hour and for contract days;
measurement of time intervals and duration of pause when taking into account natural gas;
possibility to output the results of measurements and calculations to the digital indicator of the computer with indication of the number of the measuring pipeline, the name of the parameter and the units of measurement of the physical quantity.
The computer provides:
calculation and accumulation of mass of average hourly and average daily values of temperature, pressure, volume of gas in operating and standard conditions;
- output of calculation results to CPU with designation of measurement units;
- generation of data sets on emergency and emergency situations and operator interventions;
issuing relevant reports and protocols to the printer and PC.
The depth of the data arrays is:
2,976 lines (124 days) (one line indicates data for one hour) for a one-pipe calculator for an hourly array;
365 lines (one line contains data for one day) for each pipeline for the daily array;
365 lines (one line indicates data for one day) for each pipeline for the daily array at a reduced gas flow rate;
630 lines (one line indicates one alarm) for one pipeline for the alarm log array;
630 lines (one line indicates abnormal situations at the time indicated in the line) for one pipeline for an array of emergency situations;
546 lines for the operator intervention log array (one line indicates one intervention).
Selection of devices for metering unit installation
The selection of instruments for the metering unit was made in accordance with the specifications of Kharkovgaz OJSC.
The metering unit includes:
the proofreader of "GammaFlou03A" consisting from:
resistance temperature transducer TSM1088 (1 pcs.);
absolute pressure converter (1 pc.);
connecting cables.
The corrector is powered by a lithium battery.
The metering unit comprises a complete set of measuring equipment sufficient to account for the gas flow through the metering pipeline.
Gas meter GMS G1632 is designed to measure the volume of natural gas and metering, including commercial in the volume flow range of 1:100.
The counter is designed to work with an electronic gas volume corrector.
Maximum flow Qmax = 25 m3/h; Minimum flow Qmin = 0.39 m3/h;
Nominal diameter Dy = 32mm.
Absolute pressure converter is designed for continuous conversion of absolute pressure into voltage output signal.
Main technical characteristics of Gamma-Flo03A gas volume corrector:
upper limit of measuring transducers is set within the range of values:
when measuring absolute gas pressure from 0 to 0.4MPa;
gas temperature measurement range is 125 ° С (from 40 to + 85 ° С);
The main relative error of conversion of output signals from the gas meter, measurement of temperature and pressure of natural gas reduced to the conditions according to GOST 293993 is:
1) without taking into account the error of the resistance temperature transducer:
± 0.25% at a gas pressure in the range of 0.2· Pp ≤ P ≤ Pp;
± 0.5% with a gas pressure in the range of 0.1 · RPR ≤ P <0.2 RPR.
2) taking into account the error of the resistance thermal transducer:
± 0.4% at gas pressure in the range of 0.2· Pp ≤ P ≤ Pp;
± 0.7% with a gas pressure in the range of 0.1 · RPR ≤ P <0.2 RPR.
Operation of the corrector is allowed under the following conditions:
ambient air temperature from minus 25 plus 55 ° С;
relative humidity up to 98% at 25 ° C;
exposure to sinusoidal vibrations with frequency from 5 to 80Hz at displacement amplitude up to 0.075mm.
Basic technical data of TSM1088 (100M) temperature converter:
resistance thermal transducer correspond to the tolerance accuracy class B as per DST 285894;
measuring range from 500С to + 1500С;
the interval between checks is 2 years.
Technical specifications of "Gamma Flow" gas volume calculator are given in "Operation Manual."
All typical transmitters, devices, units and modules in the corrector are interchangeable.
The corrector operation mode is continuous. Reliable operation of the metering unit is ensured by mutual operation of technical means, information, mathematical, software and organizational support.
Structural diagram of metering units is given in the drawing of ASUG 406222.138001.
Gas meter provides measurement of gas volume and conversion of gas volume into frequency pulse signal.
Calculator functions:
conversion of output pulse signals from the gas meter and measurement of temperature and pressure;
measurement of time intervals and duration of pause when natural gas is taken into account;
calculation of volume flow rate and gas volume in operating and reduced to standard conditions as per GOST 293993;
presentation of measurement and calculation results on the computer and display screen (PC), as well as in the form of printouts of reports and protocols.
The information stored on the computer can be read on the computer's alphanumeric display device or the PC display screen, as well as in the form of printouts of reports and protocols.
Installation of metering unit
The corrector is installed in the furnace room, which has natural ventilation, which provides 3 times air exchange.
GMS G1632 meter is installed on the measuring pipeline in the furnace room. To place the thermoconverter of resistance and the converter of pressure according to the drawing of ASUG 406222.138002.
Output signals of gas counter, pressure converter and temperature are supplied via electric cables to corrector.
Main requirements for construction and installation works:
construction and installation works, their acceptance and testing, as well as necessary repair works should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Supply Systems of Ukraine" and DBN B.2,5202001 "Gas Supply";
ground the computer housing, electrical resistance of the wire connecting the computer housing with the ground connector (ground loop) must not exceed 0.1 Ohm.
Health and Safety
Installation, adjustment and commissioning of the metering unit shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current rules "Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE) and DNAOP 0.001.20-98 "Safety Rules for Gas Supply Systems of Ukraine."
In accordance with safety regulations, it is necessary to:
Designate a responsible person to enable and test the system;
check presence and serviceability of grounding circuits;
check that there is no gas leakage at the connection points of the transmitters.
Ground the computer housing in accordance with GOST and connect it to the grounding circuit of the cabinet GRP.
It is strictly forbidden to:
turn on the corrector without protective grounding;
perform installation, preventive and repair works of technical facilities, when power supply is on;
connect and disconnect the device connectors when the power supply is on;
replace fuses and fuses when power supply is on;
brazing with soldering iron above 36V.
All works related to removal of pulse pipelines and devices connected to them shall be performed only after pressure in the dismantled area is reduced to atmospheric. Blowdown of pulse pipelines shall be performed in such a way as to prevent formation of explosive mixture in the blowdown area.
Cable entries to instruments and devices shall be carefully sealed in the lead-in devices using the sealing parts of the package supply.
Holes in places where impulse and protective pipes pass through walls of explosive zones shall be densely clogged with non-combustible materials along the entire thickness of the passage.
Illumination in the work area shall comply with the requirements of SNiP II489 "Natural and artificial lighting. Design Standards. "
Replacement, connection and disconnection of components shall be performed if there is no gas pressure in the lines and the power supply is off.
Maintenance personnel who have studied the operating documentation, received safety instructions and have experience in operating the pressure, temperature and gas flow measuring devices are allowed to work.
The air of the working area in the rooms where the equipment is installed and adjusted shall comply with GOST 12.1.00588 in accordance with the general sanitary and hygienic requirements.
The unit undergoes three types of maintenance: No. 1 (every six months), No. 2 (every two years), No. 3 (as necessary).
During maintenance No. 1 check absence of mechanical and other visible damages of the computer, check operation of buttons, CPU, power supply voltage.
During maintenance No. 2 perform the list of maintenance works No. 1, as well as dismantling, inspection and, if necessary, cleaning of the internal surface of the computer.
Maintenance No. 3 is performed in case of fault detection. Breaking and closing of connecting cables is eliminated in place. If it is impossible to repair the cable failure, as well as other malfunctions related to the computer, contact the manufacturer.
Commissioning of the gas flow metering unit
The fully mounted assembly shall be tested for strength and tightness. Test pressure and test duration shall be in accordance with DBN B.2.5202001.
Commissioning of the natural gas flow metering unit is carried out after commissioning, trial operation and acceptance tests.
Unit check before starting for trial operation:
check the presence and reliability of grounding devices;
check the correct installation of electronic devices and transmitters of the system;
check reliability of connection of external and inter-instrument cables to connectors of electronic devices, compliance of their marking with electrical connection diagrams;
check the closing density of the covers on measuring transducers and devices in explosive design.
Procedure for switching on and checking operation of metering unit:
set the valves on the pressure supply pulse lines to the measuring chamber of the pressure transmitter to the operating position;
after connection press the button on the front side of the computer to call the measured parameters on the screen of the digital display device of the computer and check illumination of the measured gas parameters on the screen.
If the unit is checked and meets the specified technical characteristics, it can be presented for acceptance tests.
Acceptance tests are carried out by a commission consisting of representatives of:
consumer and gas supply organization;
organization that installed and adjusted the gas flow metering system.
When putting the natural gas metering unit into commercial operation, the following shall be presented:
a working project for the reconstruction of the natural gas consumption metering unit, agreed with the relevant services of the gas supply organization;
certificates for measuring equipment, which are part of the measuring system for gas flow metering.
After the serviceability test of the metering unit, in the presence of the Gas and Gas consuming organizations, the complex is sealed and the acceptance commission draws up an act on the delivery of the gas consumption metering unit to the industrial operation of the installed form.
Manufacturer's guarantees
The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the computer with the requirements of technical conditions, provided that the consumer meets the conditions of transportation, storage, installation and operation.
Warranty life is 24 months from the date of shipment and 18 months from the date of commissioning.
The manufacturer performs service outside the warranty period (repair, replacement of units, replacement of the product, training of personnel) under a separate contract .
This warranty does not apply to:
to the corrector, which is operated without protective grounding, which, according to the terms of the technical assignment, is provided by the customer;
damage caused to the system by other equipment connected to the system and not provided for by this project.
The corrector is removed from the warranty in case of violation of the operating rules set forth in the operating manual, as well as if unauthorized changes in the layout of the complex are detected.
The warranty also does not apply to the complex in which the following malfunctions are detected:
mechanical damages;
damage caused by elements or fire;
damage caused by non-compliance with State standards of parameters of supply, telecommunication and cable networks.
All conditions of guarantee apply within the framework of consumer protection legislation and are regulated by Ukrainian legislation.
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