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Technology of installation and repair of TPP equipment

  • Added: 17.04.2022
  • Size: 3 MB
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Reliable and economical operation of power plants is largely ensured by improving the system of their maintenance and repair. At the same time, the repair of equipment of modern power plants is a complex technological process in which a large number of workers and engineering and technical workers participate and many types of repair equipment are used.

In order to reduce the downtime of equipment, increase labor productivity, reduce material and financial costs for repairs while ensuring high reliability and economy of repaired equipment, repairs should be organized according to the network planning and management system (SPU).

The SPU system is based on a network repair model that allows you to determine the real schedule, solve problems for the rational use of resources, analyze the actual state of the complex of works and predict them for the future, and as a result, ensure the completion of work in a timely manner with high quality.

The main objectives of the coursework are: 

- mastering of network methods of planning and skills in the development, calculation and optimization of network schedules for the overhaul of power plants; 

- study of the technological process of overhaul of the main equipment, during which both typical and super-typical works are carried out, as well as measures for reconstruction and modernization.

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