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Turbine mixer Assembly drawing

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Diploma project-Turbine mixer for the manufacture of moulding and rod mixtures with a mixing volume of 2 m. Explanatory note, graphic part

Project's Content

icon Кинематическая схема(спец.).cdw
icon Планировка(спец.).cdw
icon Кинематическая схема.cdw
icon Кинематическая схема1.cdw
icon Планировка (разрез1)1111111.cdw
icon Планировка(верх)11111111.cdw
icon Смеситель турбинный(вид с низу).cdw
icon Смеситель турбинный (вид с верху).cdw
icon Смеситель турбинный(без разреза).cdw
icon Смеситель турбинный(разрез).cdw
icon Смеситель(спец2).cdw
icon Смеситель(спец4).cdw
icon Смеситель(стец1).cdw
icon Смеситель(стец3).cdw
icon Цепная передача1.cdw
icon 00Титул.doc
icon 01Содержание.doc
icon 0Введение.doc
icon 2Лит. Обзор.doc
icon 2Разработка конструкторской документации и расчеты.doc
icon 3Планировочные решения.doc
icon 4Экономическая часть1.doc
icon 5Охрана труда.doc
icon 6Литература.doc

Additional information



1. Analysis of literature on this topic

2. Design Documentation Development and Calculations

3. Planning Solutions

4. Economic part

5. Occupational safety

6. Literature used

7. Applications


Currently, abroad there is a tendency to replace obsolete roller mixers with turbine ones. This is due to the fact that the turbine mixers have higher quality of the prepared mixture, lower energy consumption, and much smaller dimensions. As a result, there was a need to develop domestic analogues. The MAZ steel shop undergoes industrial tests of a prototype turbine mixer for the preparation of core and molding mixtures (patent RB No. 444). During the tests, the design shortcomings of the mixer were manifested. In particular: insufficient reliability of the turbine drive gearbox, imperfection of the chain tensioner, as well as insufficient reliability of the final mixture unloading mechanism. The purpose of the diploma project is to develop a more productive mixer, as well as to eliminate the shortcomings of the prototype in the design of the designed mixer .

2. Design Documentation Development and Calculations

2.1 Development of design documentation

Purpose - mixer is intended for quick and high-quality preparation of moulding mixture, which meets modern technological requirements of casting production.

Field of application - mixer is intended for operation in foundry shops.

2.1.4 Maintenance

The system of overhaul cycles determines the procedure, periodicity of timely inspection, maintenance and repair of the mixer during its operation.

Maintenance is performed during the break in operation of the mixer without disruption of the production process by the workers operating the mixer and on-duty personnel of the repair service of the workshop (locksmiths, electricians, lubricants, etc.)

Inspections for repairs are carried out in accordance with the schedule of PPM with shutdown

mixer for works performance.

Service type - periodic.

3 types of maintenance during two-shift operation are provided:

- TO1 - daily (maintenance)

- TO-2 - monthly (inspection)

- TO3 - every three months (maintenance)

TO-1 consists in checking the serviceability of all parts of the mixer and the correct interaction taking into account safety and industrial sanitation regulations.

TO-2 is carried out once a month by the personnel of the repair service and establishes the following type of work.

- measure the heating temperature of bearings at the end of the shift after intensive operation shall not exceed:

a) rolling bearings - plus 70 ° С,

b) sliding bearings - plus 60 ° С.

If the heating temperature exceeds the specified ones, then it is necessary to identify the causes and eliminate them;

- make sure of tightness of fastener bracing and safety of binding wire on them;

- check tightness of connections;

- check operation of safety devices and interlocks;

- check tension of chains.

Tighten the circuit when the engines are OFF.

TO-3 is carried out once every three months by the repair service and establishes the following list of works:

- clean from contaminants and grease, wash with white spirit and wipe external parts of mixer units;

- check and tighten attachment of all mixer units;

- check integrity and tightness of pneumatic cylinder and replace seals if necessary;

- clean electric motors, cabinets, buttons attachment on the panel from dust;

check attachment of all devices to the cabinet, switches and signal equipment, condition of their contacts;

- rinse if necessary.

During the operation of the mixer, starting from its start-up, it is mandatory to keep an operating log in which to record the technical maintenance of TO2. TO3 indicating:

- performer;

. service dates;

- tested units;

- detected deviations;

- tested adjustments;

- replacement of parts, materials .

4.1 Economic evaluation of the technical solution

The economic evaluation of the technical solution is comprehensively characterized by the useful effect of new technology and competitive scientific capacity.

The useful effect of the new technique is the cost assessment of its consumer properties: productivity, reliability, quality of products, consumption of electricity and materials, production premises and other resources.

Drawings content

icon Кинематическая схема(спец.).cdw

Кинематическая схема(спец.).cdw

icon Планировка(спец.).cdw


icon Кинематическая схема.cdw

Кинематическая схема.cdw

icon Кинематическая схема1.cdw

Кинематическая схема1.cdw

icon Планировка (разрез1)1111111.cdw

Планировка (разрез1)1111111.cdw

icon Планировка(верх)11111111.cdw


icon Смеситель турбинный(вид с низу).cdw

Смеситель турбинный(вид с низу).cdw

icon Смеситель турбинный (вид с верху).cdw

Смеситель турбинный (вид с верху).cdw

icon Смеситель турбинный(без разреза).cdw

Смеситель турбинный(без разреза).cdw

icon Смеситель турбинный(разрез).cdw

Смеситель турбинный(разрез).cdw

icon Смеситель(спец2).cdw


icon Смеситель(спец4).cdw


icon Смеситель(стец1).cdw


icon Смеситель(стец3).cdw


icon Цепная передача1.cdw

Цепная передача1.cdw