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Trade and office building on Pirogova Street No. 87 in the city of Stavropol.

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Drawings of AP grade, GP, DBE

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Brief description of the construction area

2. Plot Planning Scheme

3. Architectural Solutions

4. Design Solutions

5. Power supply system

6. Communication system

7. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

8. Water disposal system

9. Water supply system

10. Heat networks

11. Technological solutions

12. Construction Organization Project

13. Environmental protection

14. Fire Safety Measures


1. Brief description of the construction area.

The site allotted for the development of an office building is located in the southwestern part of Stavropol on ul. Pirogov 87 "b." The surface of the site is equal, with a weak slope in the south-west direction to the gentle right slope of the Grushovaya River valley. On the site and adjacent territory there are underground communications .

Hazardous physical and geological processes and phenomena near the site of the designed office building are not noted.

- climatic area - III V;

- design winter temperature - 19 ° С;

- freezing depth - 0.8 m;

- wind area - V;

- snow area - II;

- seismicity - 7 points;

- building responsibility class - II, according to GOST 2775188 *;

- functional fire hazard class - F4.3;

- fire resistance degree - II;

- structural fire hazard class - C1.

According to the results of surveys in the geological structure of the work area up to a depth of 10.0 m, the following take part:

- modern formations represented by man-made soil

-quaternary deposits of weathered limestone shells to limestone-clay formation

-negogenic deposits of cold spring horizon represented by dusty sand with sandstone and limestone layers of low and medium strength. Groundwater to a depth of 10 m is not opened.

In the geological section there are 3 engineering-geological elements :

EGE-1 man-made bulk soil-1.8m

EGE-2-limestone-shell-wetted to clay with crushed stone-0.9m

EGE-3- dusty sand with thin layers of limestone-7.8m

, d QIII. The thickness of the layer is 3.5 m.

Complexity category of site engineering and geological conditions - II (medium), Appendix B, SP 1110597 .

Hazardous physical and geological processes and phenomena near the site of work are not noted.

The basis of the foundations of the designed building with a laying depth of 2.8 m from the ground surface will be IGE3 soil - medium-density dusty sand with thin layers of limestone.,

Calculation of strength and deformation characteristics of soils of the base are given in the "Summary Table of Soil Characteristics."

The degree of aggressive influence of IGE2 and IGE3 soils on concrete should be determined as per Table 4 of SNiP 2.03.1185 by maximum values of aggressive CL and SO42 content equal to 248.15 and 250 mg/kg of soil for IGE3 and 252.40 263 mg/kg - for IGE2.-is not aggressive.

The humidity zone of the work area is normal .

Underground water at the site is marked at a depth of 10 m from the ground surface not opened

Standard depth of seasonal ground freezing 0.8 m (SNiP 23.0199).

According to change No. 5 to SNiP 11781 *, map A, OSR97, the seismicity of the work area is 7 points for soils of category II by seismic properties. According to soil conditions, the seismicity of the site will not change (the size of the ten-meter thickness of the site is dominated by soils of category II by seismic properties) and is 7 points.

2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot.

Design documentation for the construction of the "Office building on the street. Pirogova87" in the city of Stavropol "was made on the basis of the decision of the Head of the city of Stavropol No. year, the building for design and technical conditions issued by interested services .

The relief of the site with a weak slope to the northeast.. Access to the territory of the object is carried out from the roadway of the existing intra-quarter passage, 6.5 m wide. The site is landscaped and landscaped. The total area of ​ ​ landscaping includes lawns with planting trees, shrubs and perennials.

The bulk of green spaces is located in the form of ordinary and group planting of trees and shrubs, a hedge with topiary haircuts and perennials. The assortment of trees and shrubs is selected taking into account smoke and gas resistance. Density corresponds to the norm.

Fire ruptures up to nearby buildings comply with regulatory requirements and are more than 10 m.

Driveways are designed to the building from two end sides, providing the possibility of passage of fire engines, as well as access of firefighters from automatic stairs to any room.

The site provides for organizational parking for 6 cars for the temporary stay of cars.

Surface water removal is carried out along the hard surfaces of the site to the existing storm sewer on the street Pirogov

Indicators for the general plan:

Plot area 949.6m2

Building area 465 m2

Coating area 124.8 m2

Landscaping area 259.8.0 m2

Development percentage 49.2%

3. Architectural solutions.

The designed office building is located on the street. Pirogov No. 87 "in" in the city of Stavropol.

The architectural section is developed on the basis of the design task, in accordance with the technical solutions of adjacent parts of the project. The building is designed in accordance with the current norms and rules for construction design: SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public Buildings and Structures," SNiP 210197 * "Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures," SNiP 31052003 "Public Administrative Buildings."

The building is two-story with a basement, made according to an individual project.

Technical characteristics of the building:

The building is public, rectangular in plan, with dimensions in axes 12x35.4m m. The height of the basement rooms and, 1st - 4.0 m (without suspension), 2nd - floors 3 m to the elevation of the suspended ceiling.

The level of the ground floor of the 1st floor of the building, which corresponds to absolute elevation 628.60m, is taken as the reference elevation 0.000.

In the basement there are restaurant rooms and maintenance technical rooms with a separate entrance outside,

On the 1st floor of the building there are retail premises for a universal store, household and utility premises, on the 2nd - administrative, office premises, the 1st floor and the 2nd floor have separate entrances outside

All floor bathrooms are provided with a cabinet for storing harvesting equipment.


Evacuation of people from the building is carried out through staircases outside at the level of the basement. From the 1st and 2nd floors, evacuation along an external staircase of the 3rd type, from the basement floor through a separate exit to the outside, the windows of the basement floor are made with pits. Access to the roof is carried out from the last platform of the stairs of the 3rd type along a vertical metal staircase.

Technical and economic indicators:

Building area 465m2

Building volume 5037m3

Total building area 1064m2 m2

Exterior decoration

External decoration is adopted taking into account aesthetic and architectural and artistic requirements, taking into account protection of enclosing structures from atmospheric impacts:

- facade - using ventilated facade system, including mineral wool insulation and lining with ceramic granite slabs and metal imipanels.

- glazing - tinted (mirror), polished glass;

- covering of H3510007.0 profile roof GOST 2404594

Interior decoration

Interior decoration was adopted based on the functional purpose of the premises, taking into account aesthetic, sanitary, economic and fire safety requirements. Flooring:

- ceramic tiles - in "wet" rooms, ITP, electrical panel

- porcelain - in halls, corridors and on staircases;

- laminate - in the office of the director, secretary and meeting room;


- linoleum in administrative rooms of 1-2 floors;

. Ceilings:

- suspended ceilings "ARMSTRONG" or made of gypsum board with water emulsion painting - in exhibition halls, corridors, hall of the 3rd floor and administrative rooms;

- adhesive painting - in rooms, ITR, electrical panel, basement.


The inner surface of the outer walls is plastered, followed by finishing.

- .

4. Design solutions.

Project "Office building, on the street Pirogov 8787" in the "city of Stavropol." designed for the following construction conditions:

- climatic area - IIIB;

- wind area - V (wind speed 0.6 kPa);

- snow area - II (estimated snow weight 1.2 kPa);

- estimated winter temperature of the coldest five-day period - - 190C;

- seismicity 7 points.


"Office building on Pirogov Street 87" in the "city of Stavropol" - 2-story from a monolithic railway frame. The columns of the building have a section of 400 × 400 mm and, girders with a section of 400 × 400 mm. Stability and spatial rigidity are provided by a monolithic railway frame, rigid sealing of columns into foundations, rigid floor disks and stiffening diaphragms. Floor slabs - round-empty railway. Columns and girders are reinforced with frames. Material of structures - concrete B20, valves of class AIII and AI.

The foundations are designed columnar monolithic railway with the device of monolithic railway belts for stiffening diaphragms.

Walls are accepted as a frame fill. The exterior decoration is a ventilated facade. Internal floor-by-floor filling of the frame from l/b units GOST 53095 with thickness of 400 mm on solution M 50. mineral wool insulation according to GOST 9573096, 70mm thick, facing with ceramic granite slabs and metal facade cassettes according to the ventilated facade system

External walls are reinforced with grids and attached to columns on flexible links.

The partitions are brick 100/120 mm thick.

The building frame is monolithic, consisting of columns, girders and stiffening diaphragms.

Ceilings from prefabricated pre-stressed seismic-resistant round-empty plates.

Coating is carried out from light metal structures/trusses, runs, and a communication system. The suspended ceiling is heat insulated.

. Roof from a professional flooring of H3510000.7 of GOST 2404594 with a polymeric covering.

Drainage - organized, external.

Antiseismic activities.

1. The strength of the base and the stability of the foundations for shear and overturning from the impact of seismic forces at the calculated width and laying marks is provided.

2. The design includes structures for series allowed for use in areas with a seismicity of 7 points. The adopted monolithic frame of the frame with rigid units mating the columns and girders form a rigid spatial scheme.

3. The height and storey of the building meet the requirements of Table B of SNiP II781 * and the requirements of the "Recommendations for the design of seismic buildings with three-layer walls" (Moscow 1995. TsNIISK named after Kuchenko).

Protection of building structures against corrosion .

Protection of building structures against corrosion is provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11 85.

All non-concreted embedded parts of reinforced concrete structures shall be protected by zinc coating. Metal coatings damaged during welding during installation of structures shall be protected by two layers of PF 115 enamel (GOST 646576 *) according to 1 layer of PF021 primer GOST 2512982 *. The total thickness of the coating is 55 μm.

Protection of steel structures against corrosion (including rafter roof) you can be filled with quick-drying soil enamel PR - 1189 TU 610171079 (in two layers). In accordance with p. 5.15, 5.18, 5.19 SNiP 2.03.1185 for protection of metal structures in the design it is accepted:

- I group of paint coatings (total thickness of coatings - 55 mcm).

- quality of paint coatings shall correspond to class IV or V (GOST 9.03274). Brick sections of walls touching the ground, coat with hot bitumen in 2 times.

Protect all wooden structures from rotting and fire according to SNiP 2.03.1185 and SNiP 3.04.0385.

Work and Safety.

The project provides for the performance of work in the warm season. If it is necessary to carry out construction in winter conditions, follow the instructions of SNiP 3.03.0187, SNiP 3.02.0187, SNiP 3.04.0385, SNiP 3.04.0187, SNII480 *, SNiP 12042002 .

Special care should be taken when working near existing buildings, previously completed foundations of buildings and structures.

When adjoining them, it is necessary to ensure their stability during construction.

5. Power supply system.

The design documentation is based on the design assignment. Drawings have been developed in accordance with applicable codes, regulations and standards.

In this section of the project, the main solutions for power supply of the office building on ul. Pirogov 87 "in" in Stavropol.

Source Data:

Design assignment;

Topo-basis of external routes presented by the customer;

Specification for power supply of the office building issued by OJSC Stavropolenergoinvest No.

Architectural solutions presented by the customer;

Decisions on plumbing parts of the project made by OJSC PI UPC.

The project is developed in accordance with the requirements of:

Electrical Installation Rules (7th edition);

SP 311102003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings";

Set of standards GOST R 50571 (MEK364), SNiP 230595, etc.

A5-92 "Laying of cables up to 35 kV in trenches".

Main indicators for power supply of the designed building -

- voltage 0.4 kV;

- design power 45 kW.

- main power supply - RU-0.4 kV, TP;

- standby power supply - RU-0.4 kV, TP

- earthing system- TN-C-S

Electricity consumption will be recorded in the electrical panel,. In accordance with the specifications, the direct switching electric meter SE303 (manufactured by Energomer Concern) of accuracy class 1.0 per current 10100A, installed in the protective relay device PZR2380, designed to protect the electric grid from exceeding the limit by the subscriber: power consumption capacity, increase the consumer's electrical fire safety and protect the consumer's electrical appliances from exceeding - 1 s of the network voltage above the standard values.

The category of reliability of power supply is the second (according to PUE7).

Power supply of the designed office building, in accordance with the specifications, is provided from the existing transformer substation TP, with two transformers of 630 kVA, 10/0.4 kV voltage along mutually redundant cable lines from different sections of RU0.4 kV substation, with ATS and PZR device at the entrance to the building.

Electrical mains at 0.4 kV voltage are made by ZBbSh1kV cable. The grade and section of wires is selected in accordance with PUE, 7 edition, time-case 2. The cable section is selected by the long-term permissible load current, checked by the permissible voltage loss and the condition of protection shutdown in case of single-phase short circuits at the end of the line.

Cables shall be laid at a depth of 0.7 m from the ground surface in brick-coated sand gels. At intersections with other utilities and networks, cables are laid in asbestos cement pipes DN = 100 mm in accordance with standard solutions 7PEP A592 .

Power electrical equipment and lighting

The main consumers are: plumbing electrical equipment, computer equipment, electrical lighting, fire alarm and automation devices.

According to the conditions of reliability of power supply, the designed object is supplied to consumers of category II, and electric receivers of fire-fighting and security devices of the building have an ALT panel, with cable connection to various sections of RU0.4kV TP-

According to SPZ11102003 item 6.33, 6.34 reactive power compensation is not required.

Light fixtures with compact and linear fluorescent lamps are provided for the implementation of measures to save electricity.

For possibility of centralized automatic disconnection of ventilation systems in case of fire, magnetic starter is provided on main lines supplying power panels of ventilation systems. The signal for disconnection comes automatically from the fire alarm panel in case of heat and turns off the power supply of the ventilation systems panels.

Plug sockets have third grounding contact and protective shutters. Sockets and switches are installed at a height of up to 1 m from the floor. Shields are installed at a height of 1.3 m from the floor.

The main power network is made by IWGng grade cable in PVC tru-bach. Distribution power network is made by cable of HVGNG grade in PVC pipes behind the suspended ceiling, in rooms in PVC pipes behind gypsum-cardboard partitions, along the ceiling in the basement - in the cavities of floor slabs.

The section of wires and cables is selected by the long-term permissible current load, checked by the permissible voltage loss and the condition of protection shutdown at single-phase short circuits at the end of the line.

The design envisages performance of operating, emergency at voltage 380/220V 50 Hz and repair lighting with voltage 36 V, 50 Hz (from YATP0,2532UZ).

General uniform illumination with luminescent lamps is provided as working lighting with provision of horizontal illumination of working surfaces according to SNiP 23.05.95, SP 311102003 standards depending on the nature of visual work. The calculation was made using the use factor method.

The type of lamp is selected taking into account environmental requirements and

structural features of rooms.

Repair lighting is provided in electrical panel, thermal


Emergency lighting is provided in the corridors, on the stairwell, the main passages for the evacuation of people from the rooms of the halls, as well as in the electric panel.

Emergency lighting fixtures are separated from the number of general lighting fixtures, have a built-in backup power supply ES1 and are powered by an independent network connected to the emergency lighting board.

On the escape routes, the installation of "Exit" light indicators with autonomous power supply, connected to the emergency lighting network, is provided.

Lighting is controlled by switches at inputs to

room on the side of the door handle and corresponds to the flows of people

Drawings content

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