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Three-story secondary school in Nizhny Tagil

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Course SWA, school, construction plan, calendar plan, note

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Additional information

Installation of coating beams

Prior to installation of the paving beams, installation devices, equipment and tools shall be installed and fixed in the design position of the column.

Beams delivered to the object are stored in the area of the tower crane.

Installation of beams is performed by mounting links of the following composition:

installation of coating structures - installer -5 p. (1 link )

installer - 4 p. - I people. (2),

installers - 3 times, (3, 4) - 2 people

electric welder 5p (5) - 1 person.

Installers (4 and 5) attach inventory struts, sling rope and braces to the beam prior to its lifting. Slinging of rafter truss is performed by installers (4 and 5). The installer (3) engages the slings of the balance beam and instructs the crane driver to pull the slings, at that the correct position of the hooks and grips is checked. At the command of the link (I), the driver supplies the beam to the installation site, stopping it at a height of 2030 cm from the supporting surface. Work to keep the beam at its lifting from swinging is performed by installers (4 and 3). Link (I) and electric welder (5) bring rafter truss to the installation site, focusing on risks.

The beam movements are carried out at the command of the link (1), which, being on the mounting cradle at one of the columns, instructs the driver to lower the beam of the column console.

Electric tack and brew of rafters is produced by electric welder (5).

The beam is disassembled by installers (4 and 3) from the ground, pulling out the grip pin with a cable.

Plaster works

The following process sequence is followed during the works. First, the surface is prepared for plastering, then it is hung, layers of spray and soil are applied and the latter is leveled. After that, gypsum concrete surfaces are applied and masted, covering layer is finished, slopes are finished, gypsum concrete surfaces are prepared and masked, and seams of floor slabs are finished.

Stucco Wall Surface Preparation

Concrete surfaces to be plastered shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, fat and bitumen stains. Surface of walls is cleaned from strains of solution by cutting them with scrapers and plaster hammers, after which the surface is cleaned from dust with rags. Insufficiently rough (for example, concrete) is treated with cutting, notching or in special cases with a sandblasting apparatus.

Then they begin to arrange stamps and beacons. Gypsum dough or solution is spread on each broken-in nail, its front side is equalized at the level of nail hat and cut from sides. Stamps are made in order to establish on them a rule that is fixed with gypsum, nails or clamps. Gypsum or solution is usually applied. After setting the gypsum or solution, the rule is removed, striking it with a hammer. A strip of mortar, called a lighthouse, remains on the wall.

Columns, pilasters often make a mesh structure. Such structures are plastered with any solutions under different textures, but without treating the applied plaster with percussion tools.

They arrange the designs like this. First of all, a load-bearing frame is placed, a distribution frame is welded to it or tied with wire, along which the grid is pulled, often attaching it. It is necessary to tighten the mesh as easily as possible, since the weakly tensioned mesh vibrates and the solution applied to it will fall off. Before plastering with lime-gypsum solutions, the mesh is painted with oil paints or cement milk. This protects her from rapid rusting and destruction .

Mechanized application of solution to the surface

Plaster works are performed in the mechanized way at which giving and putting solution is made by means of a rastvoronasos of CO49.

Solution is applied to surface by means of spray nozzle (nozzle) of mechanical or pneumatic action. During operation, the nozzle is held at an angle of 60 ° - 90 ° to the plastered surface.

The spray layer should completely cover the plastered surface, have a strong adhesion to it, fill all irregularities. The thickness of the spray is 5 mm. The spray acts as a connecting link between the surface to be plastered and the remaining layers (soil and coating layer) of the plaster hint, so the surface of the spray should be rough and should not be smoothed and leveled.

After spraying, a layer of soil is applied. The thickness of the soil layer shall not exceed 7 mm. Each subsequent layer of plaster mark is applied only after leveling and setting of the previous one. The last layer of soil is aligned so that the covering layer on the whole plane has the same thickness .

The average thickness of the plaster mark should not exceed with improved plaster - 15 mm.

Work on drawing an obryzg and soil is carried out by a link of plasterers from the 5th people and the driver of the 3rd category which is below, serving plaster CO49 installation. Two plasterers visually using a rack determine the deviations of the base from the vertical, then they clean the surface. After cleaning the plaster walls, pickers are installed along the walls, then climbed onto the forests. After that, the plaster sends a signal to the station driver to turn on the solution pump.

By moving the nozzle from left to right and from top to bottom at an angle of 80 ° - 90 ° to the surface of the plaster, a layer of spray is applied. The plaster supports the sleeve, providing the first plaster with free movement along the front of the work, and also monitors the condition of the set sleeves, preventing their twisting and bending.

Soil is applied similarly. The total thickness shall not exceed 15 mm.

At the same time, as the spray is applied to the surface of the plaster, the resulting influxes are leveled by rules. Excess solution is dumped in pickers. When leveling the soil layer, one of the plaster moves the half-cloth from bottom to top with zigzag movements to the right and left, pressing it to the wall parallel to the floor so that an acute angle is formed between the lower part of the half-cloth and the wall. Another plaster checks the surface of the bare wall in all directions with a check rule. If necessary, the remaining large shells and passages are crushed. The solution is supplied with a plaster blade and leveled with a half-grate.

At the same time, plastering is performed by moving the rules from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Lines of pines and truncations after finishing shall be straight and vertical .

Covering layer rubbing

The second link of the team applies a cover layer on the surface of the walls and fuses the cover layer in a mechanized manner. First, the plaster, having sent a signal about the inclusion of the covering unit, applies the covering layer on the wall surface using a universal fishing rod in circular movements from left to right and from top to bottom. Covering layer is applied by sections, dimensions of which are selected so that timely leveling and rubbing of covering layer is ensured. Its thickness after rubbing must be not more than 1.5-2 mm.

Simultaneously, as covering layer is applied, two plaster are pulled and leveled by half-grate, moving it in different directions. At the same time, the upper edge of the tread is raised to avoid cutting off the solution. Excess solution falls into the pickers. Then, all the link plaster is made to mash the cover layer by pressing the rotating disks of the locking machines against the treated surface of the walls and moving them. The covering layer is masked until scratches, shells and tubers disappear. The water supply is controlled by valves located on the bodies of the locking machines. Places inaccessible for mechanized rubbing are manually treated with graters. The quality of the rubbing is checked by a control rule.

Alignment (rubbing) of reinforced concrete surfaces of columns and girders

Prior to rubbing concrete surfaces of columns and girders, they are cleaned with steel brushes from dirt and dust. The plasterings are then collected from the box with a solution and smeared onto the surface. With the help of brushes, they wet the applied solution with water, after which they mash with felt graters .

Finishing of window and door slopes

Prior to commencement of work, window and door slopes must be fixed with vertices, and door and window boxes must be sealed. Finishing of window and door slopes is started with nipping of gaps between boxes and masonry and preparation of surfaces of slopes and plugs (if necessary) for their plastering. Pacl, felt, antiseptic with 3% solution of sodium fluoride or ochesas are used to nip the gaps. Bundle strands, felt pieces or oches are laid in the gaps between the wall and the box and compacted with the blows of metal or wooden hammers on the hemp handle. After compacting the materials, the clearance from the surface level of the box should remain 2-3 cm, which when plastering the slopes is filled with solution.

Slopes are plastered with a certain bevel from the boxes to the surfaces of the walls, as a result of which the so-called "dawn" of window slopes is obtained. The size of the bevel on all slopes (upper and side) inside the building must be the same. The angle of the "dawn" slopes is measured by an elbow, which is put in a quarter of the box and marks are made to set the rules.

Plaster plaster is hung up with vertical faces of slopes, wooden pointed racks are installed and fixed with rake holders or gypsum binder. Plasterers prepare a solution. Then, the plaster, standing on the dismantling scaffolds, is wetted with water to the surface of the slopes for better adhesion of the solution and a Celma layer of spray and soil is applied from the falcon with a time interval depending on the grade of the applied solution and temperature conditions. Soil is leveled with the help of wooden small and half-grates along guide rails. The covering layer is applied with cells, leveled and rubbed with graters, periodically wetting the surface with water. Quality of leveled surface is evaluated by means of plumb, elbow and level, guide rack is removed. By moving the rules from top to bottom, they finish the buzzards and grins and check the quality of the finish .

Facing walls with ceramic tiles

To concrete and gypsum concrete surfaces, tiles are fixed on polymer cement mastic prepared under building conditions by adding polyvinyl acetate emulsion to cement sand mortar. This mastic has high comfort and good adhesion to the tiles and finished base, which allows it to be used in thin layers.

The premises should be finished with tiles in conditions that prevent damage to the made tile coating during further construction work. Before facing with tiles, the surface of the wall is cleaned from contamination, strains of solution, fat spots. It is recommended to wash the walls with warm water with soap, washing soda or 2... 3% hydrochloric acid solution, followed by washing the cleaned places with clean water. Especially persistent fat spots are washed with simultaneous cleaning with metal brushes.

Lining of surfaces is started with its marking and hanging with plumb in order to determine their deviation from vertical and horizontal. Grades are installed from polymer cement mortar or nails, along which the surface is finally checked.

Then, through 100... 200 cm from each other, lighthouse tiles are installed, then the upper lighthouse tiles are also fixed along the plumb. The lining is started from the first lower lighthouse row, which is installed along a horizontal rail aligned with the level. Lining is carried out from bottom to top with observance of vertical or horizontal rows. To keep the thickness of the seams between the tiles constant, insert inventory brackets. The polymer cement mortar is applied in a thin layer on the rear side of the tile, after which the tile is pressed to the wall surface, tapping slightly with a rubberized handle of the tile blade. In the process of installation, each tile is crouched so that its sides are on the same lines as the installed lower tile. In order to maintain the horizontal order of the lining rows in each row of tiles, the lace is stretched, fixed with steel pins. The seams between the tiles are filled with polymer cement or cement mortar 1... 2 days after the installation of the tiles. At the end of the lining, the surface is rubbed with rags, the solution is washed with water.

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