• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 27

Three-bedroom apartment, EOM


- General data--SCHOR-KV--Schematic one-line diagram--Cable route plan of lighting groups RUSN-6. Design Diagram--Cable Route Plan for Socket Groups--Warm Floors--Potential Equalization System (TMS) Diagram --Specification

Project's Content

icon 2309-ЭОМ Общие данные.doc
icon Однолинейная спецификация и СУП.dwg
icon планы освещения и розеток.dwg

Additional information


1. Cover Sheet

2. Project composition, list of working drawings and reference documents

3. General Instructions

4. Working drawings

5. Equipment Specification

1. General Indications

1.1. This project provides power supply to the Residential Premises located at:

1.2. The working drawings of the project are developed on the basis of the terms of reference for the design of internal electrical networks of the building in accordance with the following regulatory documents valid on the territory of the Russian Federation:

- PUE "Electrical Installation Rules" 7th ed.;

- SP 311102003 "Code of Rules for Design and Construction. Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings. "

- SNiP 23.0595 "Natural and artificial lighting";

- SNiP 3.05.0685 "Building Codes and Regulations. Electrical devices ";

- SNiP III480 "Safety in construction";

- RD 34.21.12288 "Instruction on earthing and lightning protection device."

Consumers of electricity are: lighting fixtures, office equipment, ventilation electrical equipment, air conditioning and other consumer electric receivers.

1.3 All equipment and materials used during installation shall have certificates of compliance with the standards of the Russian Federation

2. power supply and basic technical solutions

In accordance with item 3.1 of SP 31110, the current collectors of the apartment are classified as III category according to the reliability of the power supply.

2.1. Power supply of the apartment is carried out from the storey distribution panel of the RCH residential building via a three-phase five-wire electric network (TNS system) with voltage 380/220, frequency 50 Hz + 22%.

2.2. In the storey distribution board for commercial accounting of electricity, an active energy meter of the type is installed: LEMZ TsE2727 designed for current from 5A to 50A, and a protective automatic circuit breaker, from which the indoor switchboard is supplied installed in the apartment for power supply to internal consumers .

2.3. The supply cable is laid in the entrance wall of the residential building in the PVC pipe. Circuit breakers and RCD are provided as protection devices on outgoing group lines in RDCS panel.

2.4. The design power of electric receivers is 18 kW (coseta= 0.93 ).

2.5. Group networks are performed by NYM cable hidden in PVC pipes that do not support combustion and have fire safety certificate according to NPB 24697

- in the strokes under the layer of plaster on the walls,

- on ceilings behind a set ceiling made of non-combustible materials.

2.6. Power supply lines are made by three and five-wire cables with zero and grounding cores. The sections of the designed lines are selected based on the design capacity of consumers according to the long-term permissible current load. The results of the calculations are recorded on the schematic diagrams.

2.5. All sockets shall have a third grounding contact and a protective device that automatically closes the sockets of the socket when the plug is removed.

2.6. Wiring shall allow easy recognition along the entire length of conductors by colors:

- blue color - to indicate zero working or middle conductor of electrical network;

- a two-color combination of green-yellow color - to indicate a protective or well-left protective conductor;

- a two-color combination of green-yellow color along the entire length with blue marks at the ends of the line, which are applied during installation to indicate a combined zero working and zero protective conductor;

- black, brown, red, purple, white, orange, turquoise - to indicate a phase conductor.

3. earthing and protective safety measures

To protect people from electric shock in case of insulation violation, the following protective measures are used: suspension, additional potential equalization, protective power cut-off, ultrasound.

3.1. To protect against electric shock in case of insulation damage, the protective ground TN - S is made as part of the supply cable.

3.2. Metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment, which may be energized due to insulation damage, are connected to the zero protective conductor of the wiring. At the same time, zero working and zero protective conductors should be connected to different contact terminals.

3.3. In order to ensure operation safety, perform potential equalization by connecting all metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment to a zero protective wire (PE). All open conductive parts of stationary electrical installations, external conductive parts and zero protective conductors of all electrical equipment, as well as metal grids, warm electric floors, must be connected to the additional potential equalization system.

4. Electrical Installation Instructions

4.1. Installation of electrical equipment and electrical lighting shall be performed in accordance with PUE and SNiP 3.05.0686 in compliance with safety measures according to SNiP III480. 4.2. Electrical equipment, lighting fixtures and electrical installation products are installed according to the design design.

4.2. Electrical equipment, lighting fixtures and electrical installation products are installed at the height from the level of clean floor:

- distribution panels - 1.2..... 1.5 m;

- lighting switches - 1 m;

- lighting fixtures as indicated in the drawings.

- light fixtures in the bathrooms shall be installed at a height of not less than 2.25 m from the floor (in order to lower the height of installation of the light fixtures, it is necessary to increase their degree of protection not lower than IP44) and not closer than 60 cm from the edge of the shower tray.

- install sockets in the bathrooms not closer than 60 cm from the edge of the sink of the washbasins, or doors to the shower.

- do not install the switches inside the bathrooms if they are not operated by a cord and do not comply with GOST R 51324.1-99

4.3. Installation of networks of electrical equipment, lighting and low-current devices is carried out in interconnection with each other on the basis of drawings made on the house.


During electrical installation works, the electrical equipment specified in this project can be replaced with the same one, provided that it meets the technical characteristics specified in the project.

Drawings content

icon Однолинейная спецификация и СУП.dwg

Однолинейная спецификация и СУП.dwg

icon планы освещения и розеток.dwg

планы освещения и розеток.dwg