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Thermal calculation of KVTS-20 boiler


Explanatory note with calculations and boiler drawing

Project's Content

icon Тепловая схема.Общий вид котла КВ-ТС-20-150.dwg
icon Задание.doc
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Additional information




Source Data

Description of KV-TS type hot water boiler

Heat calculation of boiler unit

Calculation of volumes and enthalpy of combustion products

Heat content of combustion products

Heat balance of boiler unit, determination of boiler efficiency and fuel consumption

Furnace chamber calculation

Calculation of boiler convective bundles

Preparation of the check heat balance


List of sources used


Industrial enterprises and the housing and communal sector consume a huge amount of heat for technological needs, ventilation, heating and hot water supply. Thermal energy in the form of steam and hot water is generated by thermal power plants, production and district heating boilers.

The transfer of enterprises to full economic calculation and self-financing, the planned increase in fuel prices and the transition of many enterprises to two- and three-shift work require a serious restructuring in the design and operation of production and heating boilers.

The ways and prospects of energy development are defined by the Energy Program, one of the priority tasks of which is the radical improvement of the energy economy based on energy economy: this is the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies, the use of secondary energy resources, fuel and energy savings for their own needs.

Production and heating boiler houses should provide uninterrupted and high-quality heat supply to enterprises and consumers of the housing and communal sector. Improving the reliability and cost-effectiveness of heat supply largely depends on the quality of operation of boilers and the rationally designed heat scheme of the boiler room. Created during the years of Soviet power, the boiler industry, which employs research institutes and specialized boiler plants, provides the production of modern boiler units necessary for the Russian Federation and their export abroad. Leading design institutes have developed and are improving rational thermal schemes and typical projects of production and heating boilers.


In the course design, the calculation of a water heating boiler of the KVTS20150 type was carried out. A thermal calculation of the boiler was carried out, which included: calculating the volumes and enthalpy of combustion products, determining the heat content of combustion products, compiling the thermal balance of the boiler unit, determining the efficiency of the boiler and fuel consumption. A furnace chamber was also designed. Calculation of the convective bundle of the boiler was carried out .

According to the results of the verification thermal balance, it turned out that the parameters we calculated satisfy the condition. Accordingly, the heat balance is calculated correctly.

Drawings content

icon Тепловая схема.Общий вид котла КВ-ТС-20-150.dwg