The project of the steel casting shop with a capacity of 12 thousand tons

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The proposed project of the workshop allows to obtain high-quality castings and payback period of 1.8 years.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Introduction
1. Development of workshop design
1.1 Justification of general project decisions
1.2 Smelting compartment
1.3 Molding compartment
1.4 Rod compartment
1.5 Description of the foundry
2. Development of manufacturing process of "gear" casting
2.1Preparing Design Processability Analysis
2.2 Justification and selection of casting method
2.3 Selection of connector line, metal supply point, determination of rods
2.4 Allowance for machining. Moulding slopes
2.5 Runner System Calculation
2.6. Selection of materials and methods for production of rod and moulding mixtures
2.6.1.Making of moulding mixture
2.6.2 Production of rod mixture
2.6.3. Control of molding and rod materials and mixtures
2.6.4 Tooling, installation and manufacturing process of the model kit
2.6.5 Molding, Mold Manufacturing Operations
2.7 Filling operations and other criteria and
2.7.1 Chemical composition of St35, its properties, melting and pouring temperature
2.7.2. Cooling time of mold castings
2.8 Finishing operations. Knocking out and removal of rods, cleaning and grinding
3. Design of roller conveyor assemblies
3.1 Flow line
3.2.Making line
3.3 Automatic High Performance Molding
3.4 Automatic molding lines
3.5 Rolgangs
3.5.1Rolgang straight
3.6 Design features and advantages of roller conveyor and roller table operation
3.7 Scope of application
3.8 Roller Conveyors
3.9Compute the power of the roller conveyor drive
4. Occupational safety
4.1 General provision
4.2 Analysis of hazardous and harmful production steels in a foundry with a capacity of 15000 t/year under the conditions of the plant of Parkhomenko
4.3 Calculation of artificial lighting of the workshop
4.4 Measures to reduce hazardous and harmful industrial factors
4.5 Fire Safety
5. Industrial ecology
5.1 General provisions
5.2 Air pollution
5.3 Calculation of foundry emissions, capacity 15000 t/year
6. Project Feasibility Study
6.1 Design of a steel casting workshop with a capacity of 15 thousand tons per year in the conditions of KMZ im Parkhomenko LLP
6.2 Selection of foundry equipment
6.2.1 Smelting compartment
6.2.2 Molding equipment
6.2.3 Rod compartment
6.2.4 Mixing compartment
6.2.5 Heat tube compartment
6.3 Capital investments in workshop equipment
6.4 Capital investments in tooling, production tools and equipment
6.5 Calculation of capital investments in the production building of the designed workshop
6.6 Calculation of the number of workers
6.6.1 Calculation of the number of production workers by workplaces on the basis of maintenance standards by units
6.6.2 ETS and calculation of weighted average tariff factor for foundry workers
6.6.3 Number of auxiliary workers
6.6.4 Determination of the number and composition of employees (organizational structure of the workshop management)
6.7 Calculation of the wage fund
6.7.1 Calculation of the wage fund for industrial workers
6.7.2 Calculation of social, individual income tax deductions and pension deductions
6.7.3 Calculation of the wage fund for auxiliary workers
6.7.4 Calculation of social, individual income deductions
taxes and pension contributions
6.8 Calculation of energy costs for non-technological purposes
6.8.1 Energy consumption for non-technological purposes
6.8.2 Calculation of the cost of casting production
6.8.3 Calculation of the cost of liquid steel
6.9 Calculation of cost-effectiveness of capital investments
List of sources used
The importance of foundry for the national economy and primarily for mechanical engineering is extremely great. Foundry is the main procurement base that determines the possibilities for further development of the engineering industries. The method of producing shaped blanks by pouring metal into molds is still the simplest and most accessible.
Castings have significant advantages over other types of billets. The choice of the type of workpieces for machine-building parts is mainly due to different technical requirements for their quality.
When designing foundries and plants, special attention should be paid to improving the quality of castings. As a result of automation of cutting processing, the requirements for geometric accuracy of cast blanks increased. The evaluation of the design of machines by specific weight per unit of power determined the tendency to obtain thin-walled castings and a decrease in the specific weight of cast parts from the total weight of the equipment.
With an improvement in the appearance, and therefore with an increase in the competitiveness of products, the requirements for surface quality and appearance of castings increased.
There was an orientation towards the use of various charge materials in smelting departments. The use of preheating of the charge is widespread. Reduction in gas content can be achieved by smelting steel in new smelters such as induction vacuum furnaces.
The trend of improving the system of planning and reporting on foundry production was determined, aimed at increasing the production of castings in pieces, and not in tons. To reduce the metal consumption of products, there has been an increase in the production of HF molds, pipes, tubing and castings in the automotive industry. The production of castings from aluminum alloys will be increased.
The most important modern problem of foundry is the automation of mold pouring. This task is already being solved for both cast iron and steel castings, this will increase the possibility of using automatic molding lines. The use of wet cleaning in mixing and cleaning rooms, as well as the use of dust collection vacuum systems, is expanding. All waste should be separated. Granulation of slags for subsequent separation is provided. The requirements for working conditions have increased, to improve the protection of the surrounding atmosphere and adjacent water basins.
Development of workshop design
1.1 Justification of general project decisions
In accordance with the task, the design of a steel casting workshop with a capacity of 15,000 tons per year in the conditions of KMZ im Parkhomenko LLP should be designed.
The production building of the designed workshop is located in a building with an area of 5184 m2 and a height of 9.6 m.
The main activity of the enterprise is the production of steel casting.
The mode of operation is two-shift for 8 hours/shift, 254 days per year. The planned maximum capacity of 15,000 tons of suitable casting per year. The manufacturing process consists of the following stages:
- reception, storage and preparation of charge materials;
- preparation of moulding and rod compositions;
- manufacture of molds and rods;
- steel melting;
- casting, cooling and knocking out of castings;
- cleaning of casting;
- thermal treatment of casting;
- acceptance of finished products and correction of casting defects;
- processing of waste of own production (return of own production, scrap).
1.2 Smelting compartment
Currently, in the engineering industry for steel smelting, the following melting units are used:
1. side blast converters with acidic and main lining;
2. electric arc furnaces with acid and main lining;
3. induction furnaces and crucible miners.
Electric arc furnaces with acidic and main lining are attached to the project.
Steel is an alloy of iron with carbon, the content of which practically does not exceed 1.7 sound2%. Steels containing only conventional or permanent impurities (up to 2.0% C, up to 0.8% Si, up to 1.0% Mn, up to 0.1% S, up to 0.1% P) are called carbonaceous.
Steels containing up to 0.25% C are called low carbon, or soft; containing from 0.25 to 0.6% - medium-carbon, more than 0.6 to 2% - high-carbon. Steels containing these impurities in large quantities or other impurities (chromium, nickel, titanium, molybdenum) are called alloyed or special steels. If the total content of alloying constituents (carbon is not taken into account) in steels does not exceed 2.5%, then they are called low-alloyed. If the content of alloying components is from 2.5 to 10.0%, then the steels are called middle alloyed, over 10% - high alloyed.
Liquid steel shall have the following properties:
1. sufficient fluid flow to well fill the working cavity of the mold and give it good prints;
2. meet the requirements of GOST or technical specifications for acceptance of castings according to their chemical composition; contain a minimum of harmful impurities (phosphorus and sulfur) and dissolved gases (oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen).
3. be free of solid and liquid non-metallic inclusions. Inclusions caught in the metal should have the ability to float to the surface easily and quickly or be removed from the metal.
4. give a clean surface of castings without captivity and burning.
5. metal structure of castings should be dense, free from irregularities of different types and origin.
The fluid flow of steel depends on the chemical composition and temperature, as well as on the viscosity and surface tension. In addition, fluid flow depends on the purity of the metal, on gas and non-metal inclusions, and on the rate of heat removal by the mold.
The higher the temperature of the steel, the lower its viscosity, the greater the fluid flow. If the temperature corresponds to points above the liquidus line, the flow rate of the steel rapidly decreases, and as soon as a solid skeleton is formed, the flow rate becomes zero (zero flow rate).
The more fluid flow, the more metal overheating, the more heat is generated by the steel during crystallization, and the less heat is removed by the channel walls and mold cavities during filling.
The determination of the mass of the alloy to be smelted in the workshop is the main one when designing the smelting compartment. The calculation is based on the workshop program, divided into separate group (by mass) or process flows of casting production. In each group or process flow, castings are divided depending on the requirements for their physical and mechanical properties according to individual classes of charges. These data are recorded in Table 1.1 and serve as a basis for the choice of smelting method and type of smelting unit. The information on the nature of casting production given in the workshop program and the selected method of melting make it possible to determine the percentage and mass of runners, scrap, carbon monoxide, irretrievable losses, and, therefore, the total mass of liquid alloy and metal silo.
For different processes, the same grade of charge is used.
Development of manufacturing process of "gear" casting
2.1Analysis of processability of casting design.
The foundry technician receives a drawing of the part to be cast (in the form of a finished product or blank). The development of the technological process of casting production begins with the analysis of the processability of the part design. [6]
The casting properties of steels differ significantly from the properties of gray cast iron. Steels have a large casting shrinkage (22.5%), worse fluid flow, a greater tendency to liquefaction. In order to obtain high-quality castings, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the casting properties of steel at the stage of designing the cast part or evaluating the processability when disassembling the technology of its manufacture.
The "pinion" casting is a technological casting, uniform wall thickness, which greatly simplifies the technological process of its production. The casting is made of St 35. High-quality structural carbon steel. It is used for parts of low strength, experiencing low stresses: axles, cylinders, crankshafts, connecting rods, sprockets, rods, rims, crossarms, shafts, shrouds, disks and other parts.
2.2 Justification and selection of casting method.
When selecting the casting method, first of all, the results of the preliminary analysis of the order and processability of the part are taken into account. At the same time, as a rule, the determining factor is the seriousness of production less often - the technical requirements for the product, which affects the cost of form and model equipment.
In single, small-scale and mass production, castings are usually made by casting into sandy raw, dried, chemically hardening and dry forms. Since the production of the workshop is serial, the method of making castings in raw forms is the most economical, since in this case no area is required for installing drying units and storing molds before drying and additional fuel consumption. In the manufacture of molds by this method, compared to dry moulding, casting workshops are significantly reduced, and its cost is reduced. Therefore, in this case, it is most advisable to use the raw molding method. When determining casting in form, you need to be guided by several rules, confirmed by many years of practice. For castings having internal cavities formed by rods, the selected position should provide the possibility of checking the dimensions of the mold cavity during assembly, as well as reliable attachment of rods. [4]
2.3 Selection of connector line, metal supply point, determination of rods.
Selecting a shape parting surface is subordinate to selecting the fill position of the shape. When defining the parting surface of a mold, the following positions must be followed: the mold and model should, if possible, have one parting surface, preferably a flat horizontal, convenient for manufacturing and assembling the mold; The model must be freely extracted from the form; when moulding in paired supports, ensure that the overall height of the mold is minimal. In machine molding, the selection of the mold parting surface also depends on the type of molding machine. Based on the configuration, the selection of the parting line shown in the drawing (sheet 3) is due to the fact that most of the casting must be in the lower mould. In this case, the entire casting, with the exception of the profits, is in the lower half-mold, thereby ensuring convenient assembly and free removal from the mold. The choice of metal supply was selected, taking into account the casting material, and
also the thickness of the casting wall. [3]
Determine whether holes can be made during the casting process and parts of the casting that cannot be made with model power. Number of rods used to design cavities of casting, its separate elements and elements of sprue system is determined taking into account serial output of castings. In single and small-scale production, it is advisable to obtain castings using a minimum number of rods or without them at all, existing protruding parts are formed using detachable parts, and small holes, slots and recesses are obtained during subsequent machining. [3]
Forming slopes on sign parts are assigned according to GOST 3606 - 80 [4] depending on the height of the sign and its location in the shape (bottom or top relative to the connector). Gaps between sign surfaces of shapes and rods are assigned in accordance with GOST 3606-80 depending on height of sign and type of model set [4].
2.4 Allowance for machining. Moulding slopes.
Machining allowances are given on all machined casting surfaces. The amount of allowance depends on the position of the surface during casting, the method of forming and the cleanliness of the surface treatment, as well as on the amount of casting and the surface being treated. [3]
In machine molding, due to the higher accuracy of casting, processing allowances are given less than in manual molding. The largest allowances are provided for surfaces that face upwards when poured, since they are most clogged by non-metallic inclusions.
Requirements for casting accuracy for all alloys are regulated according to GOST 2664585.
Molding slopes are slopes that are given to the working surfaces of casting models to ensure that they are freely removed from the molds or that the core boxes are released from the rods without destruction if the design of the part does not provide for structural slopes. The amount of slope depends on the height of the wall, the material of the model, and the forming method.
2.6.3. Control of molding and rod materials and mixtures.
Control of the properties of the initial moulding materials, moulding and rod mixtures, auxiliary compositions is one of the elements of the product quality management system. In order to ensure the necessary quality of moulding and rod mixtures, input control of initial moulding materials supplied to the plant is carried out.
Incoming control of forming sands includes determination of grain composition of sand, module of its fineness, content of clay component, humidity, refractoriness, and incoming control of synthetic resins - basic characteristics in accordance with specifications or GOST. This control is performed by the incoming control group of the workshop forming materials laboratory. Frequency of control is established depending on purpose and stability of quality of incoming materials. Upon receipt of new materials, replacement of one material with another or change of supplier, their incoming inspection is carried out and at positive results (compliance with specifications or GOSTU) the material is put into production. Poor quality material cannot be used.
Control of moulding and rod mixtures consists of express control and complete control. Express - control of single lining and filling mixtures includes determination of compressive strength in wet state, humidity, gas permeability; dried rod mixtures - determination of compression strength in wet state, humidity, tensile strength in dry state, gas permeability; mixtures hardened in tooling - tensile strength of hardened samples, survivability, compressive strength for chemically hardening mixtures after exposure of samples to air, gas permeability.
Complete control of moulding and rod mixes includes determination of properties established by process instructions of this enterprise.
Frequency of sampling for rapid analysis of single moulding mixtures at consumption of more than 100 m3/h in mass production - at least twice per hour, at consumption of less than 100 m3/h - at least once per hour, at consumption of less than 50 m3/h in small-scale production - at least twice per hour.
Samples of lining mixtures are taken from each kneading in the middle of their outlet from the mixer, and filler mixtures are controlled 2-3 times a shift, taking a sample from work places. Samples of rod mixtures are taken at least twice a shift, in the middle of the outlet from the mixer, and when using continuous mixers 1 time every 2 hours.
Moulding and rod mixtures hardened in the tooling are controlled at least twice a shift, in the middle of the outlet from the mixing unit.
Samples of the mixture usually have a mass of at least 0.5 kg and must be stored in closed sealed containers. Sampling and preparation methods are established by GOST 23408 - 78. The inspection results shall be clearly recorded in the technical documentation. Processing the results allows you to establish the influence of the properties of mixtures on the quality of castings, to determine the causes of scrap of castings .
Express control includes 5 main operations:
1. Determination of clay components in sand
2. Determination of grain composition of sand
3. Determination of gas permeability of moulding materials and mixtures
4. Determination of moisture content of the mixture
5. Determination of the strength of the mixture
2.6.4 Tooling, installation and manufacturing process of the model kit
The main types of tooling used in the manufacture of molds from sand-clay mixtures are models and rod boxes, which are classified according to the following features: the type of material is the method of manufacturing molds and rods for the layout of elements - detachable and non-detachable models; detachable, shaking and detachable rod boxes; complexities - simple, medium complexity and complex; model dimensions: for manual molding, for machine molding. Design - volumetric, hollow, skeletal models and templates; manufacturing accuracy - models of I, II and III accuracy classes; strength - models 1,2 and 3 accuracy classes. [9]
For the manufacture of castings, a large number of different devices are used, which are called casting equipment. The part of the tooling, which includes all the accessories, is necessary to obtain in the form of an imprint of a casting model, is called a model kit.
Rod boxes intended for making rods on sand blowing machines have a number of features. Box housing halves are centered by bushings and pins. To reduce wear, ensure tight contact of the box halves and prevent the mixture from leaving the connector, a steel sheet (armor) is attached to the box with screws. The armor of the box is ground. The box is equipped with a special inflatable device. To escape air in the walls of the rod box, vents are made, which are covered with special plugs - veins.
The model set consists of runner system element casting models; rod boxes; model plates for installation and attachment of casting models and sprue system, devices for adjustment and control of shapes and rods. When forming, in addition to the model set, supports and various devices are used - filling frames, plates, pins, etc. [9]
Model kits are made by workers - fashion designers, as a rule, of high qualification.
The model set must meet the following main requirements: provide the obtained castings of a certain geometric shape and size; have high strength and durability; be technological in manufacturing; have a minimum cost, taking into account the cost of repair; Maintain dimension accuracy strength during a certain period of operation.
Since production according to the project is serial, it is advisable to use metal models and rod boxes. They are used for mechanical molding and, therefore, the design of models and rod boxes is associated with the design of molding and rod machines.
The main elements of the metal model set are a model plate and rod boxes.
The metal model plate is made composite, i.e. the model is manufactured separately and then mounted on the plate. On the plate, together with the casting model, models of runner system elements are fixed - feeders, slag catchers, bulkheads, which eliminates manual operations during molding .
The initial document for designing the metal model set is the casting process drawing made in accordance with GOST 2.42380. According to this drawing, top and bottom models and a rod box are developed. The model plate is selected according to MN 129780. Since for 4 castings 500 × 400 × 150 poles are needed, for these sizes you need to choose a model plate, the so-called submodel insert for automated molding lines.
When developing the drawings of the model set, the dimensions of the part are recalculated taking into account the shrinkage of the alloy and dimensions that already take into account shrinkage are placed on the working drawings of the models of the rod boxes. This is done because parts of metal models are processed on metal cutting machines, and the use of a shrinkage meter in this case makes it difficult for the designer to work.
Metal model sets are made of aluminium alloys AL3, AL24, AL25, AL25, AL27. Metal models, rod boxes, model plates are recommended to be made thin-walled, reinforcing them with stiffness ribs. The wall thickness of the models is assigned to MN 352082. The thickness of the stiffness edges is 0.70.8 wall thicknesses of the model, the thickness of the sides is 1.251.3 wall thicknesses.
The accuracy of dimensions and surface roughness of metal models and rod boxes are regulated according to GOST 278980.
To determine the design dimensions of the model kits, first of all, it is necessary to install machining allowances, shrinkage allowances and forming slopes.
Mechanical machining allowances are assigned according to GOST 2664585. This gost applies to castings made of black and non-ferrous metals and alloys and regulates tolerances for dimensions, weight and allowances for mechanical treatment. The cutting allowance is applied to the drawing and parts with solid thin red lines and hatched only in the cut plane. Above the processing signs, the numbers indicate the amount of allowance for cutting treatment for castings of gray cast iron according to GOST 185585. in mass and mass production of grey cast iron castings, holes of sizes (diameter) > 20 mm are obtained by casting .
2.6.5Making and mold manufacturing operations.
The most important operation is to fill the support with a molding mixture and seal the latter. The seal shall be uniform throughout the clamp. Insufficient or uneven compaction most often leads to the formation of defects (blisters, plains, dinners, etc.), so it is very important to regularly control the hardness of the surface of the forms. [1]
With the help of molding machines, it is possible to mechanize time-consuming work on the manufacture of moulds, compacting the moulding mixture and removing the model from the mold.
The molding compartment in the foundry can be considered the main compartment. Molds are molded, assembled and melted.
In the manufacture of single sand molds, the most time-consuming operation is the compaction of the molding mixture. The method of compaction of the molding mixture depends on the nature of production and its seriousness.
Depending on weight and the amount of castings, their configurations, sorts of alloy, the nature of production (serial, mass) for receiving forms use various forming machines and automatic transfer lines.
Design of roller conveyor assemblies
3.1.Flow line
A flow line, a collection of processing machines or workplaces located along the process of manufacturing parts or assembling products. One or more operations are assigned to each machine or work center. The production line in metalworking shops is 1 row (or 2 rows) of processing machines (machines) connected by transport devices for transferring parts from one operation to another. The flow line in the assembly sections is a number of work positions (workplaces) equipped with equipment, devices, tools, a transport device for moving the assembled product (machine) from position to position and continuously provided with parts and assemblies for assembling the product. On the basis of the Flow line, automatic lines are created by equipping them with mechanisms for loading and unloading parts, inter-station transport, control system, etc. [4]
There are: individual - for processing one part; paired - for simultaneous processing of 2 parts; group - for simultaneous processing of several parts or for their manufacture in a certain sequence. During in-line assembly of large objects, individual units and parts are supplied in the established sequence, and installation is carried out by specialized teams moving from one object to another. Fixation to each machine and workplace The flow line of certain operations makes it necessary to adapt the equipment and equipment for the continuous performance of these operations by the worker, which ensures high productivity and high quality of work. The Streaming Line gives the maximum effect with large product production programs. However, in-line methods of operation are also used in serial, small-scale and even in single production for the production of parts required per 1 product in large quantities. [1]
3.2.Making line
Depending on weight and the amount of castings, their configurations, sorts of alloy, the nature of production (serial, mass) use various forming machines and automatic forming transfer lines. [5]
In large-scale and mass-production foundries, where moulding is carried out on high-performance automatic lines, separate mixing plants are designed only for moulding mixtures for each moulding line. In these cases, the mixing compartment is often included in an automatic molding line. Such a solution ensures the full use of its recycled mixture as the most suitable raw material for the production of a high quality molding mixture. In order to ensure easy change of formula of mixture on automatic forming line in these cases do not put silos-settling tanks for finished mixture with capacity for more than 30 min of consumption, and all stock of recycled mixture in prepared form is concentrated in silos above or before runners. The capacity of these silos shall be equal to the volume of the entire mixture in the system.
In parallel operation of the shop in the foundry of mass and large-scale production, the work of the compartments is combined into a single production stream carried out on a foundry conveyor or on an automatic molding line.
However, the vast majority of plants of reinforced concrete products refuse such a rational organization of the technological process due to a possible violation in the delivery of the necessary semi-finished products, especially since it is impossible to create a reserve of concrete mixture for more than 1 5-2 hours of molding lines - the concrete mixture will begin to harden.
The basis of the transition of the foundries of automobile plants to complex automation, the introduction of high-performance equipment and special methods for the manufacture of castings is the deepening of specialization and an increase in the concentration of production, providing at the same time a sharp improvement in the technical and economic indicators of foundry production. In the automotive industry, automatic casting lines for smelted models have already been created and are successfully operating, automatic press molding lines, automatic production lines of shell moulds for crankshaft castings of trucks and cars. [5]
The control system is performed on the basis of a micro-computing complex using a computer, which allows, in addition to equipment control, to quickly solve the tasks of organization of work. The aggregation of molding lines allows you to automate the labor-intensive processes of making molds and create flexible production using robots and manipulators based on standard equipment.
Preparation of moulding and rod mixtures begins with preparation (drying, grinding and sieving) of initial materials. In modern foundries, molding lines work in a single complex with automated mixing systems. Figure 16.5 shows a single integrated system controlled from a central console connected to a serviced molding line. The whole system consists of the following areas :/- a section for processing and preparing a mixture that was used ;//- a section for preparing a mixture and introducing fresh additives (sand, bentonite, coal, water) ;///- a forming section.
The main area of increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of castings manufactured in single volume molds is the use of automatic lines. To reduce the payback period of molding lines, they should be used intensively; trains shall have the necessary technical and technological reliability and repairability
3.3Automatic high-performance molding
Automatic high-performance molding lines require the use of automated devices for pouring metal into molds. When pouring large molds, automated systems for weighing and dosing liquid metal are used. At the same time, high-sensitivity sensors are installed on bridge cranes, which measure the mass of metal in the ladle. The signal from the sensors is transmitted via the communication line to the secondary devices in the cockpit of the crane operator controlling the process. For synchronous operation of casting section and moulding machines, intermediate channel induction furnace is installed on conveyor of small moulds for direct pouring of metal into moulds from it. [5]
Automatic high-performance molding lines require the use of automatic devices for pouring metal into molds. For automatic casting of cast molds with iron, a tilting ladle with a capacity of 1-4 tons is used with induction heating of the melt and maintaining a constant temperature.
Most molding lines for the manufacture of large and medium castings are built with a hydraulic drive.
All product forming operations are performed on the flow-unit molding line, from the feeding of the mold to the delivery of the product to the warehouse and the return of the mold for a new cycle of work .
In molding lines consisting of a number of interdependent units, delays in the operation of the subsequent operation can be caused by reasons related to the operation of the unit itself or other units of the line. So, for example, in lines built according to the RK principle, the first operations of the next cycle do not begin until the unit with the longest cycle at the moment is finished, although there is no time loss during the execution of the cycle in each unit.
On automatic molding lines with stationary casting of metal from buckets with a capacity of up to 30 tons, it is allowed to take samples before the casting begins.
On modern automatic molding lines, three methods of filling are used: manual, remote or automatic. Manual fill is the same as on mechanized lines. At remote pouring the ladle is installed on the trolley, which at pouring engages with the conveyor trolley. The operator from the console controls the rate of metal supply and instructs to stop the filling. The panel can be located both on the trolley and outside it.
The actual performance of molding lines is largely determined by their reliability and uninterrupted maintenance by melting, mixing and rod compartments. Losses of time (downtime) in the operation of the line are divided into cycle and off-cycle.
3.4 Automatic molding lines
Designed for castings of black and non-ferrous metals weighing from 10 to 1000 kg. Lines are created on the basis of moulding plants of various types: vibration press, shaking, press, shaking press, pulse seal. The lines use supports with dimensions in the light from 500x400 to 1600x1200 mm. [5]
In the lines, in automatic mode, operations are performed: extrusion of the coma with a burnt mixture with casting from the mold, cleaning of the supports, separation of the castings from the burnt mixture on inertial transporting grids; disassembly of supports and their successive transfer to molding machine; production of semi-molds by one of the above forming methods, assembly of molds; transportation of molds to filling and cooling zone .
As a transport for transporting molds in the filling and cooling zone, the following can be used: drive rollers, a horizontally closed pulsating casting conveyor, trolleys with molds installed on them, moved by hydraulic pushers or a combination of the listed methods of transferring molds.
3.5 Rolgangs
Rollers are used for movement horizontally or at a small angle of inclination of piece weights (supports, ingots, plates, supports, shaped rolled stock, pipes, boards, pallets, containers, boxes, etc.), which can roll over rollers, have a flat support surface or straight longitudinal support ribs, cylindrical shape, etc. During transportation on the conveyor, the weights roll on stationary rollers, the axes of which are fixed on the conveyor frame. [13]
According to the method of action, the rollers are divided into drive and non-drive. On drive rollers rollers are driven by engine and transmit movement to loads lying on them. On non-driven conveyors, the weights move under the influence of a driving force directly applied to them and, rolling onto the rollers, drive them into rotation.
Most often, irreducible rolangs are installed with a slight inclination towards movement; the force driving the weights is the longitudinal component of their gravity. Such conveyors, called gravitational conveyors, represent a substantially inclined plane on which the solid flooring is replaced by rollers to reduce the resistance to movement and the angle of inclination. To move loads on a non-driven conveyor horizontally or upwardly, an external force is applied to the loads, transmitted, for example, by a chain grip, pushing rod, etc. In the simplest cases, non-heavy loads are moved by hand for a small length.
The distance between the axes of the rollers shall be such that the load always lies on at least two rollers; practically, in order to achieve a calm movement of the load, this distance is taken not more than 1/3 of the length of the load, and with long loads that can bend in the spans between the rollers, even less.
By the type of rollers, roller tables with cylindrical and disc rollers are distinguished.
3.5.1 Non-Water Roller Tables
Types and structures of the roller table are divided into stationary and mobile. Conveyor is assembled from sections consisting of frame resting on posts and rollers fixed on it. For adjustment of conveyor inclination the struts are made extensible. [13]
The rollers are generally cylindrical in shape and rotate on ball bearings on fixed axes. When transporting cylindrical weights, such as pipes, round steel, etc., conoidal or paired inclined rollers are used. Paired rollers are also installed when the weights are driven by a chain with grips; chain is arranged along conveyor in clearance between rollers. Roller shells are typically made of steel pipe. Under non-heavy operating conditions, rollers made of synthetic materials are used. They have a lower mass, increased acid resistance and corrosion resistance, have some elasticity and are silent when moving weights along them.
In many cases, disc rollers mounted on special ball bearings on fixed axes are used instead of cylindrical ones. Such rollers are of different design, for example with external and internal rings made of plastic, with a single or two-row bearing, steel hub and embedded rings. Disc rollers have advantages over cylindrical rollers; for example, on conveyors curved in plan, when goods pass, discs on radially located axes rotate at different angular speed (speed from the outside is higher than from the inside), and there is practically no sliding of weights along them. For loads of small dimensions, axes of disc rollers arranged in staggered order can be installed closer to each other, which ensures calmer movement of loads. [9]
Non-driven roller conveyors allow intersections and branches on which special transition sections can be rearranged like an arrow of rail tracks. At intersections, a special section of the conveyor is mounted on a turning wheel and can be located along the longitudinal axis along the length of one or other conveyor.
3.5.2Rolgang straight
Disc rollers mounted on swivel heads and self-aligning in the course of loads are also used, and ball supports allowing movement of loads in any direction. Two separate rollers on each axis or conical rollers are installed on curvilinear sections with cylindrical rollers to reduce sliding resistance.
Rolgangs straight in combination with swivel
When goods pass through one of the mating conveyors, a stop is extended on the second one with the help of switches. Parameters of cylindrical rollers of non-driven roller conveyors manufactured with shells from steel seamless or electric welded pipes are normalized according to GOST 8324-71. It sets the diameters of the roller and the end of its axis, the length of the roller, the design load on it and the mass. In addition, the runout of the outer working surface of the rollers is normalized, which for treated rollers can be 0.2-0.5 mm depending on the diameter, and the limit deviation from the plane, which should not exceed 0.4-1.2 mm depending on the diameter of the roller. Length of cylindrical rollers is taken from dimension series of numbers 160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 650, 800, 1000, 1200 mm, pitch of rollers from dimension series 50, 60, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630 mm. [9]
In drive roller conveyors, rotation is transferred from the motor to all working rollers. These types of conveyors are widely used in rolling shops for transporting metal to rolling mills, to shears, saws, melting and cooling devices, as well as to the finished product warehouse. Drive roller conveyors are widely used in factories that cut and cut sheet and profile metal at sawmills and woodworking enterprises when transferring logs and boards from the machine to the machine, etc.
Roller conveyors of rolling shops are divided into working (shunting) and transport. The former are installed directly at the rolling mills and serve to supply and remove metal from them, the latter - for transportation in the workshop.
According to the method of transmitting the driving force to the conveyor rollers, roller conveyors with a group and individual drive are distinguished. In case of group drive moving force is transmitted to rollers by longitudinal shaft, drive chains, wedge belt or belt.
Figure "a" on the left shows the drive diagram using a longitudinal shaft and conical gears installed on the cantilever ends of the roller shafts. Shafts rotate in external bearings. Conveyors of this type, adapted for difficult working conditions, are often made reversible. Reverse is carried out by switching the engine or transmission mechanism.
3.6 Design features and advantages of roller conveyor and roller table operation.
The principle of operation of the drive and non-drive model of the roller table is quite simple. Operation of the equipment is related to rotation of bearings installed in the roller structure. Rollers in turn are fixed on frame axes. The installation process and the principle of operation of the non-powered roller table are directly borrowed from roller conveyors. The difference between the samples is due to the force driving the rollers. For driving rollers, the roller moves due to the operation of the engine, and in non-driving models the load moves due to its own gravity. In addition, like the standard roller conveyor, the non-driving roller table has corresponding functional elements: a transfer mechanism for redistributing the torque, a tension and a drive station.
One of the chief producers of driving live rolls is today the Uralkonveyer company which offers the clients a series of the chain driving live rolls and direct not driving samples intended for improvement and acceleration of process of movement of large-format cargoes, such as container, boxes, boxes and pallet. [13]
Currently, the following roller table models are on sale.
Direct non-water rollers, which perform the role of cargo storage in production. These models are often equipped with a hinged section, with the help of which it is possible at any time to organize free passage at the place of movement of cargo along the roller table.
The drive roller (roller conveyor) can be used in production both to move the selected load in a horizontal plane and at a small angle. By adjusting the angle of inclination of the drive roller table, it is possible to ensure and adjust the speed of movement of loads convenient for workers.
A direct drive passion roller, the operation of which is based on the movement of rollers using a series of passiques - a special type of rubber belts attached to the roller, and driven by the movement of the driven shaft. Used to transport loads that exceed the width of the roller table.
Sliding or telescopic roller tables are a type of drive and non-drive samples that serve to move a piece load. The main advantages are high mobility, compactness of the sample in a folded form and the ability to independently adjust the path of the load by changing the length of the roller table and the angle of rotation.
The diameter of the rollers manufactured by our company: 32, 40, 50, 57, 76, 89, 108, 127, 133, 159, 219. It is possible to manufacture rollers with other diameters at the request of the customer. The advantages of drive and non-drive roller tables and roller conveyors include ease of control and adjustment of the structure, modular installation of the entire structure and its unlimited length, economy and reliability of the roller table, the possibility of one-time movement of heavy loads. Treats shortcomings low indicators of speed of movement of cargo, limitation of width of live rolls driving roller length.
3.7 Scope of application
Rolgangs are used as between workshop, in-house transport, as well as for loading unloading and warehousing. During transportation on the conveyor, the weights roll on stationary rollers, the axes of which are fixed on the conveyor frame.
Rollers are used to move horizontally or at a small angle of inclination of piece weights (ingots, plates, supports, profile rolled stock, pipes, boards, pallets, containers, boxes, etc.) that can roll over rollers, have a flat support surface or straight longitudinal support ribs, cylindrical in shape.
Rolgangs are widely used in brick, metallurgical plants, paper and pulp mills, sawmills and timber processing complexes, and are also used in furniture factories, construction sites and many other enterprises.
Rolgangs are widely used in the process line at the reception and delivery of piece cargoes in combination with other lifting and transportation machines and various technological equipment. According to the method of action, the rollers are divided into drive and non-drive. On drive rollers rollers are driven by engine and transmit movement to loads lying on them. On non-driven conveyors, the weights move under the influence of a driving force directly applied to them and, rolling onto the rollers, drive them into rotation.
Most often, irreducible rolangs are installed with a slight inclination towards movement; the force driving the weights is the longitudinal component of their gravity. Such conveyors, called gravitational conveyors, represent a substantially inclined plane on which the solid flooring is replaced by rollers to reduce the resistance to movement and the angle of inclination. The distance between the axes of the rollers shall be such that the load always lies on at least two rollers; practically, in order to achieve a calm movement of the load, this distance is taken not more than 1/3 of the length of the load, and with long loads that can bend in the spans between the rollers, even less.
Types and structures of the roller table are divided into stationary and mobile. Conveyor is assembled from sections consisting of frame resting on posts and rollers fixed on it. Posts are made extensible for adjustment of conveyor inclination angle.
The rollers are generally cylindrical in shape and rotate on ball bearings on fixed axes. When transporting cylindrical weights, such as pipes, round steel, etc., conoidal or paired inclined rollers are used. Paired rollers are also installed when the weights are driven by a chain with grips; chain is arranged along conveyor in clearance between rollers. Roller shells are typically made of steel pipe. Under non-heavy operating conditions, rollers made of synthetic materials are used. They have a lower mass, increased acid resistance and corrosion resistance, have some elasticity and are silent when moving weights along them.
3.8 Roller Conveyors
Roller conveyors - transporting devices for piece loads, supports, profile rolled stock, boxes, boards, loads on pallets, in boxes, etc. Weights on conveyors are moved along stationary rotating rollers (discs).
In drive roller conveyors, individual rollers are driven by chain or belt transmissions. At chain drive chain sprockets with chain pressed by sprockets are installed on cantilever end of shaft of each roller. One of end rollers is driven by electric motor through chain drive. At drive from belt gear under rollers light belt conveyor is installed with motor drive through reduction gear and chain gear. The upper branch of the belt presses against the rollers and rotates them when moving. A necessary condition for transportation is the presence of a flat reference plane, rectilinear ribs or generatrices in the cargo. Roller conveyors are divided into non-drive and drive conveyors. In non-driven conveyors, the load moves self-propelled under a slope (gravitational conveyors) or under the influence of an applied external force, in driving clutch forces from forcibly rotating rollers.
When using non-driven conveyors, it is possible to create mobile storage warehouses. Drive roller conveyors in individual rolling areas are considered the only possible vehicle. In order to improve the design and calculation methods, comprehensive studies are needed taking into account the compliance of the axis and roller, the accuracy of manufacturing, installation and use of modern materials. [9]
Roller conveyors are easy to use, economical and easy to connect to other vehicles and process equipment. Their disadvantages are low productivity, unstable speed, the possibility of stopping and spontaneous dropping of goods, the need to restore the height lost on an inclined track. The design can be stationary, mobile, wheeled, with constant and variable pitch of rollers and light portable. For large heavy loads, double conveyors can be used. Cylindrical weights (large forgings, rolls of strip steel) are advisable to be transported on rollers with inclined axes.
Along with conventional roller conveyors, roller chain conveyors have become widespread in factories of a number of industries, in which the roller track has a section in the front part, and the movement of the unit load is carried out by a traction chain moving under the rollers with grips. In this case, it is easy to automatically address the weights to the transverse or angled conveyors, as well as directly to the workplaces.
An industrial roller disc conveyor is of interest, along the axis of which a narrow endless belt is mounted, occupying 20-30% of its width. Disc rollers are installed on both sides of the tape flush with its bearing surface.
The transported load rests simultaneously on the belt and on the rollers. The load is engaged with the belt by friction force and moved by it on rollers or is braked when moving under the slope. The frame on which the belt is mounted is lifted relative to the frame of the roller conveyor, so that the pressure of the load on the belt can be increased or reduced and the force of its engagement with the belt can be changed. The pressure is controlled automatically depending on the traction force developed by the belt or is generated by springs.
Conveyor consists of several sections conjugated with drive chain. Tape is made flat on top and has longitudinal wedge-like projection on lower surface. Projection engages with side walls of wedge-shaped annular recess in middle part of cylindrical surface of drum. Instead of disc rollers, support guides of antifriction material may be installed on both sides of the belt. The frame can be controlled by electromagnets.
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