Technology of residential building erection
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ТВЗ Юля пояснительная запиская.doc
ТВЗ ЕЮИ 5 курсdwg_recover.dwg
Additional information
Main period of construction of large panel building
Explanatory note to the course project
in the discipline "Technology of erection of buildings and structures"
SUSU - 270102.2009.232 PP KP
The course project consists of calculation and explanatory and graphic parts.
In the calculation and explanatory part, on the basis of the compiled statement of scope of work, the calculation of labor costs and machine time is calculated. Detailed description of the procedure for the installation of the building. The main machines and mechanisms are selected. A schedule for the work was developed and a schedule for the movement of labor was built. Issues of quality control of installation works were also resolved and safety measures for each type of work were developed. Technical and economic indicators are given.
The graphic part of the project consists of 2 sheets of A1 format and contains a diagram of work performance, diagrams of individual operations, a schedule of work performance, a crane lifting capacity schedule, technical and economic indicators and brief instructions for installation work.
The purpose of this course project is to consolidate and expand the theoretical knowledge of the installation work of the main construction period and develop skills in the design of work production technologies with the choice of effective options.
To achieve this goal, the construction site selected a large-panel residential building in the city of Chelyabinsk with a composition of apartments on the typical floor of the 1-1-2-2-2-3. The work is carried out in winter. The characteristics of the building under construction are shown in Table 1.
The erected building is characterized by bearing transverse and longitudinal walls with a step of transverse walls of 2.5 and 5 m. The floor panels rest on the walls along the contour and on three sides. General data of the building elements are given in Table 2.
Calculation of the scope of work
1.1 Specification of mounting elements
ТВЗ ЕЮИ 5 курсdwg_recover.dwg
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