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Technology of erection of two-storey administrative building in Sochi

  • Added: 21.10.2020
  • Size: 849 KB
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The project presents:

  1. Input for Development
  2. Foundation depth calculated
  3. Zero Cycle Design
  4. Selection of installation crane and calculation of its characteristics
  5. Design of the above-ground cycle with lists of scope of work: Prefabricated elements, brickwork, windows and doors, roofing,
  6. Finishing cycle execution: flooring list, painting, wall plaster, wallpaper coating
  7. Prefabricated Scope List
  8. Calculation of labor costs
  9. Job Instruction for Linoleum Device


  • Calculation of labor costs
  • Elevation, 1st floor plan, section, foundation plan

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка технология возведения здания.docx
icon Ветлечебница.dwg
icon Календарный план.dwg

Additional information




1.1 Basic terms

1.2 Engineering Equipment


2.1 Foundation laying depth

2.2 Zero cycle design of the building


3.1 Hook lifting height

3.2 Crane lifting capacity

3.3 Boom departure


4.1 Schedule of Scope of Work





1 source data

Building name: Administrative 2-storey

Construction area: Sochi

Foundation Type: Tape Assembly

Technical map: linoleum device

1.1 Basic terms

Foundations - underground structures that perceive and transfer loads from the building to the ground.

External walls are enclosing structures, the main purpose of which is to protect rooms from adverse environmental factors. External walls can be 510 mm thick.

Internal walls and partitions are internal vertical structures in buildings. Internal walls have a thickness of 380 mm, and partitions - 120 mm.

Slabs - Horizontal Structural and Enclosing Structures

1.2 Engineering Equipment

Water supply - combined, economically 0 drinking, fire fighting from the external network. Source of water supply: city water supply.

Sewerage - household in the external network.

Heating - centralized, from the external heating network.

Hot water supply - from external heating networks.

Power supply - from external low-voltage networks with voltage of 380/220V.


Prior to the commencement of work on the construction of PVC linoleum floors on the heat-insulating substrate, the following shall be performed:

- all civil, sanitary-technical and electrical works with the exception of installation of sanitary-technical devices and electrical fittings;

- embedded with cement sand mortar and well dried holes in floors, gaps between them and places of abutment between the floor and panels of walls and partitions;

- plaster works and all operations on painting with water and oil compositions, excluding the last oil painting of carpentry and wall panels in kitchens;

- flooring made of ceramic tiles in bathrooms and on staircases

In the premises intended for linoleum laying, all hidden plumbing, electrical and low-current wiring must be laid, as well as installation and testing of sanitary and technical systems, sewage flushing, inspection of ventilation systems must be carried out and completed.

The bases under floors have to be strong, rigid, without cracks, equal, smooth, dry and clean.

The relative humidity of the air in the rooms during the construction of linoleum floors, as well as in the subsequent period, should not exceed 60%. In this case, the air temperature in the room at the floor level should not be lower than + 15 ° С. Such a temperature and humidity regime should be provided around the clock before putting the object into operation.

Weight humidity of reinforced concrete slabs of inter-floor slabs before the device of coatings on them must be not more than 5%. Drying of the bases before the coating sticker must be carried out within 2-6 weeks.

Linoleum flooring technology.

Roll materials are laid on a concrete surface, which should have an even surface without tubers and depressions.

Bracing - base from cement-sand mortar is arranged along lighthouse racks fixed at the same level in the whole room. The height of the beacon racks shall correspond to the thickness of the brace. Bracing device is driven by sections between beacon racks from edges of room to middle. After placing the solution between the two racks, the brace is leveled and compacted with a vibration rack. After a day, the beacon racks are removed, and the slots are filled with solution.

Cusps on the surface of concrete are ground with carborundum; falling irregularities, cracks and potholes are covered with mortar prepared on cement-sand mixture of grade 150. The cover shall be dried in the places of sealing.

Surface of underlying layer is provided with (vacuum cleaners, hair brushes) without water wetting.

Before the keying, the horizontal of the brace is checked again, then it is cleaned of dust and garbage and keyed. It is allowed to use a grinding machine to align the small cusps before the stuffing.

Before gluing linoleum must be kept for not less than 2 days in the room at ambient temperature of not less than 15 ° С. With insufficient pre-laying, "waves" are formed on the surface of the linoleum already pasted. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-cut the linoleum only along the length, taking into account its shortening, spread it even and press it with a load. Linoleum is glued to the base with water-resistant coumaronairitic adhesives.

The floor base at the time of glue application shall have a moisture content of not more than 5%, shall be even - the gaps between the rack 2 m long and the base shall not exceed 2 mm; have no shells or pores.

2 hours before the application of the adhesive, the base was raked with an adhesive diluted with a mixture of ethyl acetate and gasoline (ethyl acetate to gasoline ratio 1:1). During preparation of primer glue in ratio 2:1 is added to diluent. The glue is applied to the base with a wooden or plastic spatula "on the ladder" with a continuous layer with a thickness of not more than 0.5 mm. After application to the base, the glue is kept until drying, the duration of which at a temperature of 18... 20 ° C is about 2h, and at a temperature of 10... 15 ° C - about 4 h. Then, a uniform layer of glue up to 0.5 mm thick is applied to the rear side of the linoleum and held "until the tile" 15... 20 min. To facilitate the cutting of joints, the strips are left unmoiled with glue width 6... 8 cm at the edge. So glue linoleum throughout the floor area.

Drawings content

icon Ветлечебница.dwg


icon Календарный план.dwg

Календарный план.dwg