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Technical Service Organization

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Course project for the organization of technical service with the development of the organization of the production process of repair of the D-242 engine

Project's Content

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1. Organization Philosophy and Manufacturing Process Parameters

1.1. Operating modes and annual funds of the enterprise time

1.2. Principles of rational organization of the production process

1.3. Calculation of production process parameters

2. Production Process Structure

3. Repair Plant Production Structure

4. Workplace Organization

4.1. Justification of means of technical and organizational equipment of the workplace

4.2. Workplace Layout Development

4.3. Development of workplace passport


List of sources used


At the present stage of development, the main goal of the agrarian policy of the state is the formation of an effective competitive agro-industrial sector of the economy that provides food security for the country and integration into world agricultural production and food markets.

The priority is occupied by the machine-technological system of the agro-industrial complex, which includes machine technologies for the production of agricultural products, engineering and technical service infrastructure, as well as industries providing the agro-industrial complex with equipment and energy resources.

The engineering and service infrastructure plays an important role in ensuring the reliable operation of the machine-technological system. Currently, the amount of work in value terms carried out by various organizations of the AIC service infrastructure is no more than 25% of the value of products produced by the industry, while in foreign countries it exceeds 40% or more. [2]

The cost of these works includes:

services, to perform technological operations in the production of agricultural products;

technical service of machines, including maintenance and repair (including during the warranty period of operation);

energy supply of fuel and lubricants and electricity to agricultural consumers;

transport support for agricultural producers;

special services, including those related to the use of technology (reclamation works, agrochemical services, provision of seeds, etc.);

formation of the second-hand equipment market (secondary market);

professional development services for agricultural enterprises (information and consulting service, targeted training of personnel in information services, technological design of production, etc.).

In the field of agricultural production, a large number of machines and equipment are employed, the operation of which is accompanied by processes of natural wear and tear and deterioration of technical and economic indicators. The effective use of the machine and tractor fleet largely depends on the level of organization of technical service. The harmonious development of all components of the technical service creates favorable conditions for the production activities of all its participants: machine manufacturers, their consumers and intermediaries.

The creation of a network of technical service enterprises developed and well organized in the technological and technical aspects is an indispensable condition for the successful operation of the agricultural sector of the economy.

One of the promising directions for the development of technical service is the involvement of machine and equipment manufacturers in the system of sale, repair and maintenance of their products in the warranty and post-warranty periods, including disposal. Manufacturers of agricultural machinery must provide products with regulatory and technical documentation, spare parts, and participate in training of personnel.

Since technical service enterprises are complex technical systems, it is quite difficult to make a transition to the market concept of management in a short period of time. In this regard, the problem of organizing and managing the sustainable work of the enterprise is oriented towards a long-term strategy, since those of them that do not have time to adapt to the needs of consumers for high-quality services will be supplanted from the market by competitors .

A special place for technical service enterprises is occupied by technological preparation of production, which can quickly respond to a change in the range of technical service services. The system of technological preparation of production, in addition to organizing and controlling the process of technical service of machines, provides for the widespread use of progressive knowledge-intensive resource-saving technologies.

The purpose of the course work is to master the method of calculating the basic parameters of the organization of production processes at specialized repair enterprises, to develop a project for organizing the labor process at the workplace in a particular department.

Principles of Production Process Organization

The main principles of the organization of the production process include specialization, straightforward, proportionality, parallelism, continuity, rhythmicity, mechanization and automation [1,2,5]. Their rational combination is the basis for the construction of production processes during the repair of machines and their components.

The specialization of repair production is a restriction on the activities of repair enterprises by repairing individual objects, performing certain work or performing certain maintenance functions.

Specialization of repair enterprises (or their subdivisions) in the agro-industrial complex can be subject, detailed, technological, functional.

Subject - such a specialization in which repair enterprises specialize in the repair of certain machines.

Detailed - a specialization in which repair enterprises specialize in the repair of individual elements of finished products (units, parts).

Technological - a specialization in which repair enterprises specialize in the performance of certain technological processes or works (welding, surfacing, galvanic, wallpaper, etc.).

Functional - such a specialization in which repair enterprises specialize in performing certain maintenance tasks (machine maintenance, diagnostics of technical condition, etc.).

The principle of straightforwardness requires compliance with the shortest way of movement of labor items from the receipt of the repair fund to the release and shipment of finished products to consumers.

The principle of proportionality requires compliance with the equality of production capabilities of mutually connected operational sections of the production line or individual production lines of the scope of work for a given production program.

The principle of parallelism requires parallel (simultaneous) execution of individual parts of the production process, when at each moment several copies of this product are processed on the production line, which are in different operations of the production process. This is necessary in order to reduce the duration of the process cycle.

The principle of continuity is characterized by no interruptions in the production process. In in-line production conditions, continuity is due to the continuous movement of products through process operations and the performance of individual operations during repairs by workers and equipment without downtime.

The principle of rhythmicity is characterized by the implementation of the same volumes of work corresponding to a given program by interconnected production departments over the same working time intervals.

The principle of mechanization requires the replacement of manual labor by the use of machines and mechanisms driven by engines.

The principle of automation requires the release of a person from the control of individual parts of the production process and the process as a whole.

Workplace Organization

A workplace is a spatial area equipped with the necessary tools and objects of work, in which the labor activity of an employee or a group of workers who jointly perform production tasks for the maintenance and repair of a machine park, equipment of livestock farms and other facilities is performed [6, 8].

The work center is the primary cell of the production and technical structure of the repair and maintenance enterprise, designed to perform part of the technological process for repair and maintenance of the machine fleet.

The organization of the workplace means a set of measures aimed at creating the necessary conditions for high-performance work on it with full use of the technical capabilities of the equipment, increasing the content of work and saving the health of workers.

The methodological prerequisites for organizing jobs are formed by ergonomics - the science of the laws of interaction of the human-machine-environment complex as a single system.

Ergonomics studies the functional capabilities of a person in labor processes in order to create optimal working conditions for him, which are ensured by the correspondence of equipment, technological process and equipment with the physiological, psychophysiological and psychological abilities of a person.

At the same time, optimality is determined by the creation of such conditions that, making work high-performance, at the same time ensure the stable working capacity of a person and preserve his strength and health.

4.1 Justification of means of technological and organizational equipment of the workplace

The workplace includes: main and auxiliary production equipment (machines, mechanisms, units, protective devices, power plants, communications, etc.), production furniture, technological and organizational equipment, devices and tools.

Workplaces are placed in accordance with the diagram of the technological process and ensuring its straightforwardness. Work centers for performing the same operations (surfacing, turning, etc.) are concentrated in one place.

Each workplace is supplied with a task containing the name of the operations performed, the labor intensity of these operations, the timing of their performance and the salary for the work performed. Jobs should be loaded rhythmically, accounting for the work performed should be carried out monthly. Downtime for organizational reasons disrupts the normal working rhythm, creates an environment of nervousness, reduces production.

As it is specified in the leading technical material [6], the test station (boxing) has to be equipped with the following the equipment and devices: obkatochnotormozny the stand, KI24029 devices (for diesels of small and medium power) or KI24003 (for diesels of average and big power) providing cooling of the diesel and maintenance of the thermal mode in the set limits; a device for measuring fuel consumption; instruments for determining the pressure, humidity and temperature of the ambient air; the device for measurement of noise of VShV003 or IVSh1 (it is necessary for carrying out periodic short-term tests of diesels).

4.3 Development of workplace passport

The passport of the workplace is its main document and contains the information of all previous calculations:

Cost estimates for physical effort costs

assessment of the rate of work in manual operations;

assessment of monotonicity of operation;

basic requirements to working conditions and safety at workplaces;

recommended color decorations of premises and equipment;

workplace layout;

name and brand of the workplace equipment of the working and measuring tools, production furniture, materials and equipment.

The developed workplace passport is presented in the graphic part of the project on the A2 sheet. Information on working conditions and workplace equipment is presented.


In this course work, annual funds for the time of workers and equipment were calculated. The nominal working time fund amounted to 2034 hours, the actual - 1787 hours. The working time fund amounted to 4064 hours. The nominal equipment time fund is 2034 hours, and the actual equipment time fund is 1973 hours.

The parameters of the production process are calculated: for the program of the engine repair enterprise D242 Nf.p = 4250 physical repairs; repair cycle amounted to tf = 8.134 h; production cycle duration tp = 22.3; repair front - 14

The course design has developed the structure of the production process for a specialized enterprise for the repair of the D242 engine, which consists of acceptance for repair, external cleaning, disassembly into units, washing and diagnostics, disassembly of units into parts, defective parts; restoring worn parts, replacing parts with new ones; configuration, assembly, running-in of repaired D242 engine and monitoring.

The organizational bases for the locksmith's workplace have been developed, the workplace equipment has been designed, the requirements for the working conditions of the worker and their permissible and limit indicators have been given.

The graphic material contains the work center design and the locksmith's work center passport.

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