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Organization of technical service of machines

  • Added: 02.06.2016
  • Size: 286 KB
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A course project for the organization of technical service of machines, where they are calculated: production programs for the repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery; time funds, labor intensity. Number of production workers and other personnel.

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icon Alshanskiy.docx
icon retsenzia.doc
icon soderzhanie.docx
icon titulnik.docx
icon TsRM.cdw

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1 Calculation of production programs for maintenance and repair of machinery

1.1 Calculation of annual number of repair and maintenance works for tractors

1.2 Calculation of the annual number of maintenance works for cars

1.3 Calculation of annual number of repair and maintenance works for combines

2 Calculation of labor intensity of repair and maintenance effects

2.1 Peculiarities of calculation of annual volume of repair and maintenance works on tractors

2.2 Peculiarities of calculation of annual volume of repair and maintenance works on combines

2.3 Peculiarities of calculation of annual volume of repair and maintenance works for cars

3 Calculation of labor intensity of additional types of works, total labor intensity of workshop works

4 Repair plant operation mode and time funds

5 Calculation of the number of production workers and other personnel

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icon TsRM.cdw


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