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Swimming pool with bowling

  • Added: 11.01.2015
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This project of heating and ventilation of the swimming pool with bowling was developed on the basis of architectural and construction drawings developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "Mospromproekt-2" named after M.V. Posokhin, workshop 7

The following rules and regulations are used in the development of the project:

  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of SNiP 2.04.05-91 *;

  • Construction climatology of SNiP 23-01-99 *;

  • Reference Manual for SNiP 2.08.02-89 "Basin Design"

Project's Content

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Additional information


General data. Contents of sheet 1. List of working drawings of the main set of equipment grade

List of referenced and attached documents

General Indications (Start)

General Indications (Ending)

Characteristics of heating and ventilation equipment

Characteristics of heating and ventilation equipment

Characteristics of heating and ventilation equipment

Room heat balances for cold season

Room heat balances for cold season

Air room balances

Air room balances

General instructions for tag drawings.

This project of heating and ventilation of the swimming pool with bowling was developed on the basis of architectural and construction drawings developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "Mospromproekt2 ."

The following rules and regulations are used in the development of the project:

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of SNiP 2.04.05-91 *;

Working area air GOST 12.1.005-88;

Construction heat engineering. Design standards of SNiP II33-79 *;

Construction climatology of SNiP 23-01-99 *;

Residential buildings MGSN 3.01-96

Public buildings and structures SNiP 2.08.02-89

Reference Manual for SNiP 2.08.02-89 "Basin Design"

Anti-load norms SNiP 2.01.02-85

Noise protection SNiP II33-79 *

Climatology of the construction area

Design winter temperature for heating and ventilation design

-28 ° С

Design summer temperature for ventilation design

+ 22.3 ° С

Design summer temperature for air conditioning design

+ 28.5 ° С

Average heating temperature

-3.1 ° С

Estimated wind speed for cold period

4 m/s

Duration of heating period

214 days

Barometric pressure

990 GPA

Climatic construction zone


Climate of premises


Heat supply sources and heat carriers

The heat supply of the building is carried out from its own boiler room .

The heat carrier for heating and ventilation systems is water with the wasps parameters 95-70

The heat carrier for a heating system of half of the pool is the water with the wasps parameters 55-40 prepared in a control unit

The hydraulic resistance of the heat supply system is ___ kPA .

The hydraulic resistance of the heating system is ___ kPA .

The hydraulic resistance of the floor heating system is ___ kPA .


In the premises of the swimming pool building with bowling, water heating is designed with local heating devices: in the pool - YAGA radiators LowH2O type "MINI CANAL" of the company "JAGA"; in the remaining rooms - radiators YAGA LowH2O type "Tempo" of the company "JAGA." Tempo devices are used with lower and lateral connections to the mains and are equipped with a built-in temperature controller, MINI CANAL devices are equipped with control and shut-off valves. Double-tube dead end floor heating system with installation of balancing valves on separate branches of the system. The pipelines from the main pipeline to the heating devices in the pool are made of COES metal plastic pipes supplied by Thermoros. All other pipelines are made of steel water and gas pipes as per GOST 3262-75 * and are coated with BT577 varnish in 2 times.

In the bowling room, air heating is designed, combined with plenum ventilation. P3 systems.

Floor heating

In the pool and shower room in axes 8 -: - 9, D -: - E at el. 0.000 in addition to heating with appliances, comfortable heating of the floor by separate circuits from K1 -: - K8 headers is provided. Control in the floor heating system is carried out by manual control valves installed on headers. Balancing valves are installed in front of shut-off manifolds for hydraulic linkage of pipelines. To remove air and drain water from the circuits, the manifolds have units with air outlets and a plug .

The floor heating system pipelines are made of COES metal plastic pipes supplied by Thermoros. Pipelines are laid in the floor taking into account thermal extensions. Before concreting, it is mandatory to pressurize with at least 4 atm for 24 hours.


Plenum and exhaust ventilation with mechanical and natural motive is provided in the rooms of the designed building.

Air exchange in the premises is designed to create a climate in the premises that meets sanitary standards.

In the swimming pool room, air mobility does not exceed 0.2 m/s, air exchange is calculated based on the condition of outdoor air supply in the amount of 80 m3/person. Supply air is supplied from process units T1 and T2 to the lower zone through heating devices YAGA installed in the floor LowH2O type "MINI CANAL" in the volume of 65% and to the upper zone in the volume of 35%. Air is removed by the same units T1 and T2 from the upper zone in the volume of 100%. To prevent the formation of stagnant zones, a B11 system is provided to dominate the draw over the inflow of at least 0.5 crats of volume. Process units T1 and T2 of DELTA company are located in technical rooms at elev. -4,650 and -5,650.

Ventilation of the remaining rooms of the building is designed in the form of independent systems for each group of rooms, taking into account heat emissions from equipment, lighting, people; taking into account the external air supply of at least 60 m3/person. Supply air is supplied by air distributors and ventilation grids to the upper area of the rooms and with air directing to the working area. Removes air from the upper zone.

All plenum plants of VTS CLIMA company are equipped with a filter, air heater and noise absorber, and installations P1, P3, P5, P6 are also equipped with an air cooler .

Exhaust fans were accepted by OSTBERG and MOVEN OJSC.

Outside air intake is performed at elev. not less than 2 m from ground level.

Air is released 1 m above the roof skate.

Smoke ventilation

In order to avoid smoke during a fire from the bowling alley and billiard room, slot machines provide smoke ventilation systems VPD1 and VPD2 with the installation of smoke valves of the company "MPF FAER" with electric drive "BELIMO" Fans of these systems of OJSC "MOVEN" installed on the street.

In the vestibule of the stairwell in the axes 9 -: - 10; E -: - For smoke protection in case of fire, external air supply is provided with installation of "MPF FAER" smoke valve with "BELIMO" electric drive

Automation of ventilation systems

The project provides for:

Protection of calorifers from freezing ;

2) Control of coolant flow rate in plenum units by temperature of the serviced room;

3) Alarm on operation of all systems;

Monitoring and regulation of design parameters of air and coolant;

JAGA JAGA thermostats are installed in heating system on heating devices

Disconnection of all systems in case of fire .

Automatic actuation of smoke ventilation systems VPD1, VPD2, PPD1 from smoke sensors.

Design Solutions

Air ducts of VPD1, VPD2 and PPD1 systems are made of carbon steel 1.4 mm thick dense on welding.

Air ducts of systems T1, T2, P1, P3, P5 and P6 are made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 1.0 mm

Air ducts of systems P2, P4, P7 and B1 -: - B11 are made of galvanized steel with thickness according to SNiP 2.04.05-91

The P3 air ducts supplied to the air distributors are made with flexible sound absorbing "SONODEC25" from DEC

Transit air ducts of systems T1, T2, P3, P5, P6, air ducts of systems VPD1, VPD2 are isolated by mineral wool piercings in a metal mesh lining according to GOST 21880-76 with a thickness of 70 mm followed by insulation coating with galvanized steel 0.8 mm thick.

Heat supply system pipelines are made of steel water and gas pipes as per GOST 3262-75 * and coated with BT577 varnish in 2 times.

The control unit pipelines are made of electric welded pipes as per GOST 19904-90 and coated with BT577 varnish in 2 times.

All main pipelines of heating, floor heating system, heat supply system pipelines and control unit are covered with insulation of type Kaimanflex EC b = 9 mm by Isoterma.

Installation of all heating and ventilation systems shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers ,

Special attention shall be paid to compensation of thermal expansion of metal plastic pipes and their fixation .

Drawings content

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