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Stationary repair part of power units of KamAZ-5320 cars

  • Added: 12.06.2015
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Course project on "Design of stationary and movable repair parts" on the topic - Stationary repair part of power units of KamAZ-5320 cars In the archive there is a plan of the main building, a plan of the galvanic section, a process map for restoring the water pump shaft made in COMPAS 3D v 13 and an explanatory note to the course project

Project's Content

icon Тех карта.cdw
icon Стационарная ремонтная часть силовых агрегатов автомобилей КамАЗ-5320.docx
icon ген план корпуса.cdw
icon гальванич.cdw

Additional information


The constant lack of spare parts for motor vehicles is a serious factor in the decline in the technical readiness of the vehicle fleet. The expansion of the production of new spare parts is associated with an increase in material and labor costs. Therefore, an appropriate alternative to expanding the production of spare parts is the re-use of worn parts restored during the repair of cars and its units

From the point of view of material-intensive reproduction of machines, the economic feasibility of repair is due to the possibility of reusing most parts both suitable and extremely worn out after restoration. This makes it possible to carry out repairs in a shorter time with lower costs of metal and other materials, compared to the costs of manufacturing new machines.

The restoration of automotive parts has become one of the most important indicators of the economic activity of large repair and small specialized enterprises.

For a number of the most important metal-intensive and expensive parts, the secondary consumption of restored parts is significantly more than the consumption of new spare parts

The cost of recovery for most recoverable parts does not exceed 75% of the cost of new parts, and the cost of materials is 15-20 times lower than for their production. The high economic efficiency of enterprises specializing in the restoration of automotive parts ensures their competitiveness in a market economy.

The purpose of this course project is to design a stationary repair part of the power units of KamAZ5320 cars, which will meet the needs for repair of the region with 25,800 fleet of cars.


As a result of the development of the course project, an ARCH for the repair of power units of KamAZ5320 cars was designed, providing for 1,900 overhauls per year. The total area of the production building is 2160 m2. The number of workers of the main production is 103 people, workers of the auxiliary production - 19 people. The work is organized in 2 shifts.

A galvanic area with a total area of ​ ​ 92 m2 has been developed in detail.

The process of water pump shaft recovery has been developed. The total piece recovery time is 88 minutes.

The graphic part shows the layout solutions of the main production housing, the galvanic section, a map of the process of restoring the water pump shaft.

List of sources used

Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus of September 29, 2004 No. 36 "On Standards of Operating Time (Terms of Operation) before the Repair and Write-Off of Automobile Equipment and Property in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus."

Savich A.S., Kazatsky A.V., Yaroshevich V.K. Design of car repair enterprises. Course and degree design - Mn.: "Adukatsiya i Vykhavanne," 2002.

Bolbas M.M. Design of road transport enterprises: a textbook for students/Edited by M.M. Bolbas - Mn.: "Adukatsiya i Vykhavanne," 2004.

Yaroshevich V.K., Savich A.S., Ivanov V.P. Car production and repair technology: training manual - Mn.: "Adukatsiya i Vykhavanne," 2008.

Vehicle repair equipment. Handbook/Edited by M.M. Shahnes - M.: Transport, 1978.

Kharazov A.M. and others. Technological equipment for car maintenance and repair: reference books - M.: "Transport," 1988.

Rudenko P.A. Design of technological processes in mechanical engineering - K., 1985.

Volovik E.L. Handbook on the restoration of parts - M., 1981.

Yaroshevich V.K. Design of diploma projects: educational and methodological manual for students - Mn.: BNTU, 2006.

Drawings content

icon Тех карта.cdw

Тех карта.cdw

icon ген план корпуса.cdw

ген план корпуса.cdw

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